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Everything posted by DatB3A5TF3NR1R

  1. I thought the problem with the whole "ATTENTION there was an issue with the Halo 5:Guardian severs please try again. This happened a few weeks back my service record and everythung in in tact byt it says im rank one have none of my armors this is not funny. I have had no problems this consistent and repetitive with any other halo game, im getting really annoyed i looked forward to this game i bougjt a halo edition xbox one just for this game. And it is screwing me over. Fix it! Other friends in my town have been having the issue one evrn had all his stats reset everything reset. Explain? Fix IT!!!!
  2. Okay i had gotten it to work earlier then i left my house, come back, turned on my xbox one and now its doing it again. But this time it is actually giving me the option to play the online portions but i cant get into the lobby, im still getting the issue with halo 5 gusrdians servers. And all my progress in armor cystomization and my ranking is just gone. If all my progress is gone i am going to be one upset buyer since i got the fotus armor code. So i couldylnt get that back anything new you guys can update me on? Anyone else having this issue?
  3. I am also having issues..it says issues with halo 5 guardian server.. i dont know what to do or how to fix it. What do I do? Any information for me would be great. I cant access anything online with halo 5. My internet connection is fine. Someone, anyone updates please?
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