I've builded a map and played it a lot the last days with some friends. People like fabE Speed, fabE Ace, fabE Coco and other competitive german Halo players. I got a lot of good feedback and I thought this might be a chance to show it more people! So the map is based on Sanctuary and a bit of The Pit and its a symmetrical 4v4 map. The main bases are like in Sanc. Both have a shotgun, DMR, BR and a MP, then there is the rocket field right next to the bases. in the middle there is a house with basement and a top room with a rocket spawning there. The basement has a lift up to the rocket room. In the middle also is a battlefield and right across the middle from the rocket house is a hill with a sniper balcony. In the back of the balcony is a hole where you can walk through. Under the sniper balcony is a room where you'll find a light rifle. The is made for Slayer, Stronghold, CTF and also Breakout. Its a moon base right next to a Halo ring. Thanks for your attention. iMAX VI