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  1. Sorry kidos, chief died at 3, the rest of these games are just 343 milking the corpse, desecrating it. It literally shows that 343 doesnt understand what The Master Chief really is, they show their inabillity to understand chief by showing his face at the end of halo 5. Master chief is no man he is a symbol, he is us the player, which is why we never see his face. I refuse to support this cash grab from 343, ironically named after the guilty spark. Halo reach was literally the best first person shooter i have ever played in my life, that game i literally played for a year straight with only few games between. 4 on the other hand barely lasted a week, the first days you want to believe "this is halo, this is halo" but after finishing the campaign you know, halo is dead. Bungie went and became one of activison and was wipped into becoming just as corrupt as them, they literally tried to not only unlawfully fire the composer for destiny but tried to sell his work to other people. For all us Quote on Quote "Oldies", Halo died, everything that was and is halo, ended at 3, where we finished the fight. Now halo is left to the "Generation as a companiy trys to make halo into a "E game" so it could more popular and gain more money. I bet you in the future Halo will forsake the one reason it was truly unique, the story. In its place will be multiplayer that im sure will be amazing. After all money is the only 343 cares about, and they cant tell a story let alone take the time to play and understand Halo for themselves. I'm sure one day someone will be playing halo X and wonder where did it originate? and then they will have to see the disgusting, depressing Fall Of Halo. Woopdie doo, my childhood game is literally dead, maybe one day ill get my hands on the halo franchise and whip it into the piece of art it once was, Until then enjoy this very pretty corpse, it looks alive, but its rotting like every other corpse does.
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