It has been a while since the kids connected the xbox to the internet,
one of their friends told them of updates to Master Chief Collection and Halo5, so they connected on Saturday (30 Jan 2016),
therein followed a 20 hour epic update cycle, with updates to the xbox itself and then many of the games they own, 1 by 1,
after the 20 hour epic Haol5 refused to move past the moving ships graphic - the menu failed to appear, Master Chief was still updating when they found that so they had to wait until all updates were complete.
After some reading we uninstalled Halo5, shut the xbox down cold, turned it all back on and reinstalled Halo5,
the next problem was kids profiles hiccupped - they were having trouble with both Halo5 and Master Chief collection not remembering their progress,
so they didn't actively play either game, instead they again shut down the xbox (cold),
restarted and logged into a couple of games that had not updated - their progress in those games was recognised,
so they logged into Halo5 and then Master Chief with both games now recognising their progress.
They have since had to reboot a couple of times, with Halo5 not loading on occasion,
I will update this as they play other games.
Rampant Frog