You are right, You are simply game hoping gamer's who play what ever is the new title. People like you aren't Halo fans. Ive been folloing this game since I was 10. How many of you that like this "game", played halo combat evolved when it came out? or halo 2? read any of the books? Its a universe that has simply been turned upside down. The endings are actual jokes... enraging jokes....halo4 and 5 had some of the worst endings in game history. the number of gapes they leave in the story are unreal. DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE "LOVE STORY" aspect of 4. SHES A COMPUTER PROGRAM CHIEF...what is 343 Insinuating about chief and cortana. 343 is about money, bungie loved their fans. The true halo series ended with halo:3.