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Everything posted by snozzler29

  1. feel your pain loose boosts and get a ban because 343 cant provide stable servers for customers after all the trouble iv had with this game i doubt i will ever touch one of their products again its now febuary and still they cant get their servers functioning propperly
  2. hi sory if this isnt the right place for this and i am aware there is a thread about connectivity but this i feel is a bit different evey night this past week after 3am i simply cant play in warzone it hangs and fails to find other spartans and matches to play and does the same in arena as well the game plays fine up until 3am onwards this isnt a problem on my end all my other games work fine and i have done all the things suggested with my settings but even so if the game works at 1 am it should work at 3am tweaking settings shouldnt matter when i finish my shift i like to umwind with halo but lately it dosnt seem my connection is welcome after 3am any ideas why the servers go to poop after 3am in the uk im not the only person noticing this my friends int he uk get the same issue and were all with different providers yet usa friends are ok
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