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Everything posted by Steveglansberg5

  1. Yeah it's ridiculous. Although we should have expected this after the MCC i guess.
  2. I've been in the same situation for the past couple hours. I'm trying to get a matchmaking error resolved and they have no customer service number so all i can do is post here or at the waypoint and that doesn't even work.
  3. As of yesterday i haven't been able to get into any matches. I'm stuck on "searching for Spartans" for about 10 minutes until i get an "Unable to match" message. This happens for all playlists in arena and warzone and it's never happened to me before. Anyone else experiencing this? I also tried to post on halowaypoint but I'm getting an error every time I try to post.. It seems like there's something wrong with my profile, I don't know what's going on
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