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  1. i agree, but with the open hand in a 1v1 with another player that has any load out weapon most likely the open hand would win unless he fired first and i miss my first shot cause of how good the homing is on the open hand i can keep thrusting out of the way and shooting him, the homing is incredible! But its much more fun when you play with it in game.
  2. yes mate i have plenty more coming subscribe if you want to be notified or you can stay on here and ill try get some of them on here as soon as possible!
  3. Open Hand | Rare Weapon Showcase | Halo 5: Guardians Right hand of Endurance-of-Will, the Didact's loyal lieutenant. Advanced Boltshot that fires a swarm of tracking bolts with each press of the trigger. Hey guys i just wanted to let you all know that on youtube no one has done a rare weapon showcase for the Open Hand (bolt shot Variant) So i decided to make one my self on my channel as no one has done it yet and its come together really well and my channel btw has just got over 1100 so yeah if you dont want to see what the open hand can do then thats fine! Anyway Thanks heres the link to my video!
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