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  1. I can understand your point of view, which is why in my last post I mentioned the option of individual weapon priority pick up. That way those who want it can have it, but also personalize what weapon they want to prioritize and those who don't want it can just ignore the option. I think its a neat idea!
  2. Hehe yeah you will probably die trying Also I remember rushing to overshield and I beat the enemy team to its location...however as I tried to pick it up I picked up an assault rifle instead and died... I cried that day. Oh really? I felt like bungie Halo's had pick up priority. I do hope 343 at least considers the idea! I was also thinking perhaps they could even put in an option to individually choose which weapons to prioritize picking up over others...but that might be a bit much.
  3. Hi been playing Halo series since forever...Over the past few weeks I've noticed something off about picking up weapons/powerups in Halo 5 and was wondering if anyone knows anything concerning picking up weapons/power ups in Halo 5. For example, when going to pick up a power weapon that is next to maybe an assault rifle or battle rifle...I feel like I am more likely to pick up the common weapons rather than the power weapon. This has also happened with overshield and camo pick up as well. I feel like there is no actual weapon pick up priority, but I am assuming based off my experiences. Any one with solid info please let me know. And if there is no pick up priority, I honestly feel like this would be a great idea to implement in Halo 5 as I feel like previous Halos (from bungie) had this as part of the game.
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