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Everything posted by phoreman

  1. its just your bad luck, i assure you. i prefer swatnums and it seems i always get BR swat. i don't think BR swat should be reduced in the rotation. it should not be removed either, your post title is remove swatnums from swat. removing it entirely would be a mistake. swatnums gives swat some much needed variety. would DMR swat be interesting to anyone? i think it'd be fun if they had all 3 in swat personally.
  2. I've played halo since CE. Ive played every campaign except Reach and to me the "lore" of halo provides no incentive to play the game. I personally enjoy halo 5 and can't say its completely a "joke". there are things i feel were ridiculous from 343. for example. the campaign was a joke. didn't play it on legendary i guess so that was probably why it went so fast, but seriously. 15 missions and 3 of them (or more?) are just running around talking to people for 5 minutes. the other missions are just killing warden over and over (7 -9 times i believe?). not a fun or rewarding campaign in my opinion, and it was way too short. that being said id not play halo for the campaign, and the MM is balanced well. the lack of split screen is a joke, especially given the way they announced the decision (shortly before launch after countless had pre-ordered, many had no idea until they got the game). the lack of variety in permanent playlists is a joke. weekend playlists were a joke. the removal of doubles for over 2 months to "tweak" thing like gun spawns and such is just a joke. the lack of quality maps at launch was a joke. the way they have made all forged maps for BTB and still only have a handful of good maps is also a joke. its also hilarious they keep doing things and not saying anything about it. for example; release halo ce pistol. say its only available on forge, customs games, and warzone. then place the gun on a BTB map and wait for people to react? I love the halo ce pistol so I'm not really complaining about this particular case but giving an example. that seems like a good joke on their part, but i could see them removing it. (recurve if anyone hasn't played it since the update, at the lookouts with one clip)
  3. i don't think it is. i guess i agree that it shouldn't be its own playlist. but i feel the same way about playlists like grifball (or even infection) personally. i did mention i don't think it should be top priority, id much rather see a permanent team doubles playlists for instance that (i think) would have a good population. it would make more sense to have fiesta be part of action sack, i guess i kinda forgot about that. as long as its available in MM at some point. thanks for the opinions.
  4. I've been teamed up with many people from across the world in halo 5. i met a friend from england in a random team arena match that i still do play with. I've played with a few people from australia, and even mexico. so Azaxx how does it work if you say I'm shouldn't be getting teamed up with people across the world if there are dedicated servers? from what I've heard they don't have dedicated servers so some people in these countries have a lot of problems playing halo 5. just my two cents. halo 5 balancing is good. the spartan charge is one of the few things that seems unbalanced, but not used enough to really change the game.. lag does play the biggest part next to teamwork. its hard to do well in halo 5 (or any halo ) when you're playing ranked matches and running "lone wolf".
  5. I was under the impression fiesta would be showcased and permanent like grifball. it might not be the top priority for many people including myself, but this game greatly lacks variety. i for one do not have enough friends to consistently play 8 man custom games, so fiesta is pretty much unplayable for me. I'm aware they will most likely feature it next week as the weekly social playlist but i think that it would be much better if fiesta was permanent (at least for a month or so?) Does anyone agree? As a side note i applaud 343 for replacing weekend playlists with an ongoing social playlist that is replaced every week. as i mentioned this game is severely lacking variety, which is causing many to move on to other games. Weekend playlists were a waste of everyones time, and made no sense. this game needs more permanent playlists, not playlists that are only available for a short period of time. doubles comes to mind.. I'm sure there are other posts about this but just speaking my mind. i was pretty bummed when i found there to be no fiesta in matchmaking.
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