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Calvin Null

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Posts posted by Calvin Null

  1. So I did some research and found out that except for the energy shield, we can totally build a working Mark VI armor. There is something called nitinol (nickel and titanium alloy) that can act as a structural and mobility assist (its a shape memory alloy). There is also the smart window by (I think its Samsung) that is a computer one way, but a normal window the other way, airsoft pellet resistant/proof plastic, and a robotic hand that works just like a normal hand, but with a battery. I have a muscle condition, so I need something that can make me faster in the field and can help me hold a heavier airsoft gun. Oh, and I think that there is Cortana like AI out there! The cost would be crazy for today, but I was thinking of getting it printed, then having it wired by a company that can wire it properly. There are so many things out there that can make this work today except for the energy shields.


    you guys know how cool it would be to have an airlift team of spartans?


    ps I originally posted this on the XBOX Forums, but realized that they don't make Halo!  :hrhr:


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