Okay, so I was playing Big Team Battle and I was doing well. I had sniper and was perched up high with a great view. Could not get better. I see sniper was going to spawn soon so I rush over to it and wait the last remaining seconds for the ammo. Well, my teammate kills me for it and gets away with the sniper and my spree. Throughout the game we face off as enemys until I boot him for repeated betrayal. After the match my game closes and boots me to my dashboard. I open Halo 5 only to find out im banned from ALL matchmaking. Arena, Warzone, Forge, Custom Games, and even CO-OP was restricted. Only the words "At least one member in your fireteam is not permitted to play multiplayer games" are available when I load Halo 5. I DO NOT quit, betray, or do any other unjust actions while playing Halo 5. I play fair and have played fair since Halo CE. Halo is the greatest game ever and I play with some of the greatest players ever (FaZe lKampy) Please respond and tell me how I could possibly get my account UNBANNED!!!! Thank you!