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Everything posted by Arkanagos

  1. They're no mods on Halo 5. Actually they're no mods on the Xbox One as its not possible to mod at all on the Xbox One. If someone has a scorpion tank early on in a Warzone match it will most likely be from a random vehicle req or they killed most of the AI and bosses at the start and got a decent amount of kills.
  2. The Pokedex is a Pokemon. Mind blown!
    1. Cyan Cardigan

      Cyan Cardigan

      Get out of town.


  3. This one wont be worth getting as there is also meant to be a more powerfull Xbox in the works aswell and meant to be released 2017/2018.
  4. So i've just finished watching X-Men: Apocalypse and its actually good. Personally Days of Future Past was much better but this movie is still worth watching.

    1. Zandril


      Quicksilver scenes <3

    2. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      Looks like I should see it now. :)

  5. Is it Tuesday yet? Why isn't it Tuesday? Ok i'm going to close my eyes and when i open them back up it will be tues... and its still not Tuesday! Where is Overwatch!

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      You cannot Underwatch the Overwatch.

    2. Arkanagos



      Replace the Dragonballs with Overwatch and thats been me every time i wake up for the past week. I feel sorry for everone in my area.

  6. Doesn't matter if i'm using an Xbox One controller or a keyboard and mouse. I will still have no clue on how to use Halo 5's forge.

    1. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      It's an acquired taste. Just keep at it.

    2. Fishy


      Just push Alt+F4 and it'll change the controls to the way they used to be. (Put Reach in the disc tray and launch it after you do that.)

    3. ShadowFiend216


      I completely understand. Even now I still find myself trying to use the old control scheme. I think keyboard and mouse would be a better alternative for folks such as yourself.

  7. Next drop of Pokemon Sun and Moon information is June 2nd with CoroCoro most likely releasing more information not long after. Roll on the hype train!

  8. Ran out of milk for a cup of tea, GAAAAAH!! #BritishProblems

  9. If theres something strange in your neighbourhood, who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! When this song is stuck in my head, this is a call for help GHOSTBUSTERS! NA NA NA NA NA NA NANANA. ... help me!

    1. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      Please report yourself to the nearest Ordo Hereticus agent.

    2. Sikslik7


      Write down the lyrics, it helps.

    3. Arkanagos


      This is what happens when you accidently run into the new Ghostbusters trailer and hear the piano at the start.

  10. Glad to see im not the only one who hates them lol. I was slightly worried that people would just think "oh hes been banned from Waypoint, BAN HIM AT ONCE!". But it turns out i was completely wrong there lol.
  11. While i believe i joined the same day as yourself so i'm pretty much new aswell. Welcome! To what actually looks like a really awesome place to be.
  12. Happily got Pokémon Blue but i was tempted to get Yellow due to being able to get all 3 starters. But Pokémon Blue was my first Pokémon game back when i had a brick of a Gameboy that was pretty much powered by a nuclear reactor. 18 years on and i still enjoy the originals and they've aged better then i thought they would of; now I'm hoping they do the same for G/S/C but i'm not sure if it will happen with there being HG/SS.
  13. I know that feeling, i use to keep getting banned for trying to have a conversation regarding certain decisions 343 have made regarding the game and a certain monitor, you can probably guess who, would just outright ban you if they disagreed with what you said. Got to the point where my next ban will be my permanent ban and that recently took effect. Why? Well because someone funnily enough made a topic complaining about how the mods are ban happy and how its driving people away from Waypoint; so i replied by pretty much saying that posting about monitor decisions is going to get him banned. Next thing i know I'm banned for posting about moderation decisions. To be honest i'm glad it happened. While its slightly annoying that once you're banned you cannot alter your account at all which is annoying when i still use the website for the Spartan Company forums; I'm just glad I'm out of there. The Waypoint forums are pretty much full of: People who moan there head off. People who never read anything posted by 343 then question and, again, complain about changes ...etc The same monthly topic of why they didn't get there reqs when the update is out. When the reqs still haven't been loaded in. The Falcon worshippers. The Falcon moaners. Falcons. Bravo on a rare basis. Finally, ban happy monitors. Best. Community. EVER!
  14. While I don't know the answer regarding the Domain, all I can really say is Brian Reed for you, the Flood is still very much alive. We've encountered the Flood on both Installation 04 and 05 meaning that there's most likely Flood containment sites on most of the installations that were not effected by the rings firing. In terms of even more powerful Flood you never know. The Gravemind at Delta Halo pretty much broke containment years ago and took control of 2401 Penitent Tangent; what's to say there isn't another Gravemind out there thats took control of that Installation's monitor and growing more powerful each day. Heck it might not even be on another Halo ring; Forerunners loved to build there sites all over the place. Finally regarding the Flood since Halo Wars is canon there could be more shield worlds where the surface of said world was completely covered in flood; but thats opening up more issues. In terms of Cortana; to me she died in Halo 4 with her true ending after sacrificing herself to save Chief. I'm going with the theory many people have had where the Cortana in Halo 5 is one of the rampant fragments that assumed full control once it reached the domain. So I'm hoping this version of Cortana dies because Halo 5 made that final cutscene in Halo 4 pointless.
  15. I didn't post this on Reddit, no. But I did post them to my Halo Tumblr blog, link to it below (sneaky advertising, well, sort of). The Reddit poster probably did what i did and took advatage of the lag. But i do love these images.
  16. Ok so i was torn about where to post this as its regarding the Master Chief Collection in a way but at the same time its not regarding gameplay ...etc so if this is in the incorrect section I apologize. Anyway I use to search the internet top to bottom and could never find the awesome backgrounds you see in the MCC for each game and then i got lucky. My game was lagging and the menus were very delayed in loading while the backgrounds were changing instantly which gave me the opportunity to spam screenshots and i will now present them to you. Enjoy! Ps. These make good profile backgrounds.
  17. What Melody said is probably the best solution but there is another one. There are some events in which if your game crashes while you're purchasing a pack it still opens it up and puts the reqs into your collection. This has happened to me a few times with gold packs (yes i bought gold packs with money, i wanted to dress my Spartan up in "Mongeese"). Check your collection, my best guess is to check if you have any of Noble teams armour since there is a high chance of them in those packs.
  18. To be fair, while this update was later then originally planned the Hog Wild update will probably be out on time. Why do i say this? Well the current "agreement" 343 have is to have the last DLC drop in June, meaning the Warzone Firefight update will have to drop in June and cannot release anywhere in July meaning the Hog Wild update will need to be released in May or atleast the first week of June. The only issue here is the Hog Wild update is most likely going to be a small one to allow them to release it in time so don't be expecting anything amazing *cough cough* Falcon *cough cough*. This will also explain the 2 Brute Plasma Rifle variants they occidentally put into the req system at the MoR launch as they will be for Hog Wild and already done to save time.
  19. The issue with the Hayabusa armour and the sword is that Bungie (at the time of Halo 3) and 343 do not own the rights to that armour. The Hayabusa armour was created after an agreement with Team Ninja to promote there game Ninja Gaiden; in return to this agreement Team Ninja then put a Spartan into Dead or Alive. This is the reason why we've never seen the Hayabusa armour return plus the image that was released not long after Halo 4's launch with an updated version of Hayabusa to suit Spartan-IV's was fan made. While i would love to see the armour return, it will become the most overused armour again. Actually i could then wear the Wrath armour and not look like nearly every other Spartan in the game.
  20. Hello! My name is Arkanagos, as you can tell from the account, and i am brand new to the forums. I ran into this site while i was looking for a new Halo community as i've become another victim of those lovely Monitors over at Waypoint abusing there power. Long story short someone makes a topic regarding a monitors decision, i reply telling them that posting about monitor decisions are against the rules and then I'm banned until 2552 for posting about moderation decisions. I've appealed the ban but still no reply. Anyway that's enough of the past. Here's hoping i have a much better time here lol! Thankyou for your time Arkanagos
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