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Everything posted by UA MESSYCUB

  1. msg them on xbox there gamertags are the same an dthey will get back to you or reply on this page or msg me my gt is UA MESSYCUB and i will direct you to them and have fub fun i hate my crappy pc keyboard pc i dunno why i typed pc twice but were all exp so have fun in the clan
  2. a newly formed clan underground assembly is recruiting we have maps for many things such as training courses meeting maps and more. When you join you will go through cadet training the when you complete cadt training you will be assigned to a squad such as ranger which is one of the american stealth squads. If you are british or European you will be assigned to the pheonix division if you are american you will go to american division this is to do with timezones nor racism or anything else but we will all work together as a clan thogh. We have regular weekly meetings if you are looking to join you must be active NO KDA REQUIREMENTS we have only 1 requirment and that is you must be active. Who do you need to talk to? British divion aka pheonix leader is Generatedkid500 or the american leader is Master Hunter 80. The co leader Spartan II S219 or the leader Spartan II S216. Also youu can speak to our gen4 UA WOLF. ALL CADETS WHEN GRADUATED ARE REQUIRED TO BE ASSASINATED BY THE LEADER.
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