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Everything posted by Lolmenade

  1. You can only play the remade versions in Halo: Reach.
  2. Can't wait for the Community Playdate :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lolmenade
    3. Lolmenade


      Um, I think 7 since I'm in the east.

    4. Flly


      early bird! k i'll try and get on early lol

  3. Welcome bro! Hope you have a good time here!
  4. Why is buying clothes online hard for me? Jesus I sound like a woman.

    1. SuperIntendant


      No I want it just like the one in the picture, what do you mean that color is out of stock? The rest of the colors look disgusting and aren't even real colors... SO MANY OPTIONS *head asplodes*

    2. Lolmenade


      Not even that, they don't have the bullhead jeans I want in my size -.-

  5. Welcome dude. Remember to always quote me and laugh at my jokes.
  6. If you take the time to pick the appropriate forum to post a topic and you are nice towards other members, you'll be ahead of the game.
  7. New iOS app for all you iPod and iPhone users out there. I bring you, iSlap!
  8. Check this out if you haven't already! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nhH-oel6OA&list=FL9hrsn4kSmKnj9vrrumvIzA&index=1&feature=plpp_video
  9. Wouldn't this go in the Halo: Reach forum?
  10. Press the Xbox guide button, scroll to the last tab on the right, go to account management, then license transfer. Should work after that. Make sure you're on your own Xbox though
  11. If you take the time to pick the appropriate forum to post a topic and you are nice towards other members, you'll be ahead of the game.
  12. That's pretty interesting. Can't wait for more new releases. It's sad that their main focus in multiplayer. I'm more interested in the story.
  13. The problem with this is that situation awareness is greatly reduced due to the limited view. I think it should stay 3rd person.
  14. Yes, yes he was. Him and Gunnery Sergeant Stacker.
  15. Yeah when blue flames and the Bungie nameplate were limited to iOS users a couple of friends and me would go around saying we were game testers for Bungie.
  16. If you want to play competitively for Halo: Reach you could register your clan in the ladder matches here and rank your clan up. http://gamebattles.majorleaguegaming.com/xbox360/halo-reach/
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