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Everything posted by Lolmenade

  1. New information was released today by machinima. It was an interview.
  2. You're thinking of War Z. Day Z is the Arma II mod.
  3. You did. You got whatever else came with your LE bundle that isn't digital content.
  4. All we know is what the developers have told us. They hope to shoot for a release later in 2013, there will most likely not be a console port, and that's about it. Also Day Z is still in the Alpha stage.
  5. The campaign/spartan ops netcode isn't the greatest, so if the host (or you) has anything less than great internet, or there's a good distance between the players and you, you'll experience lag. Most of the time when you're host the connection will be good for you, but not for others. It has been like this since Halo 3.
  6. Is your console obstructed by any objects that could have an affect on the connectivity between the console and controllers? You said you've tried multiple times to re-sync them, so that won't help. If it's happening with all your controllers, try giving Xbox support a call. It might be a defect with the wireless transmitter in your console. The Xbox support number is 1-800-4MY-XBOX (1-800-469-9269)
  7. Lolmenade


    Welcome to the forums wildfire!
  8. When you are in the main menu, press start, go up one, and press A over the tab that says specializations. Check to see if all the specializations are there.
  9. Welcome to the forums Jason. Hope you have a good time and make many new friends.
  10. Welcome to the forums Jade. Cake is pretty stale, so I wouldn't stray near it if I were you.
  11. Probably the opening cut scene with Dr. Halsey.
  12. Welcome to the forums. Cake is pretty stale, so I wouldn't stray near it if I were you.
  13. Lolmenade


    Welcome. Hope you have a great stay. I'd stay away from the cake though.
  14. Welcome. I'd stay away from the cake.
  15. Welcome. I'd stay away from the cake.
  16. There's no point in complaining about the complainers. It's like telling a bunch of monkeys to stop flinging poo. Are they gonna stop? No, they're just gonna throw it all in your face and continue to do exactly what they were doing.
  17. Pull trigger gun go bang. Front towards enemy.
  18. 343 stated before H4's release that they would be banning people who used too much vulgar language, racial slurs, etc. I'm assuming the mute feature is how they determine if someone gets a ban for it.
  19. Lolmenade


    The only thing I don't like is the way the warthog sounds. Sounds like a dirt bike.
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