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Everything posted by Lolmenade

  1. Welcome to 343i.org Robbie! Congratulations to you and Eriyka! If you take the time to pick the appropriate forum to post a topic and you are nice towards other members, you'll be ahead of the game.
  2. I'm not even going to argue with your post about how ridiculous you sound. It's still your opinion though, so I respect you for that BUT Bungie DID NOT copy other games by adding abilities. I'm pretty sure CoD was not the first game to implement sprint, nor was Gears of War the first game to implement evade.
  3. Just the Helmet permutation.
  4. It looks very photoshopped. Like this one. http://attackofthefanboy.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/halonemesisleaked-1.jpg
  5. Pelicans are pretty much useless for multiplayer.
  6. Swimming, because I LOVE swimming Would you rather eat 30 pounds of cheese in one sitting or a bucket of peanut butter (without water)?
  7. Playful WYR go into a coma and wake up 5 years later after a nuclear fallout... OR witness the nuclear fallout and die in the blast.
  8. Very, very good advice to follow. Also, if you take the time to pick the appropriate forum to post a topic and you are nice towards other members, you'll be ahead of the game.
  9. I have 1,094 Headshot medals and 1,694 kills in total. Not including custom games or campaign and my percentage is 62%.
  10. I feel dumb. It's a 2 hour delay and I went outside to wait for my bus.

  11. People piss me off

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Quantum


      We have cookies... JAYKAY!! We have muffins :D


    3. bwdwtw


      HEY HEY! The light side has cookies, the dark side has cupcakes! Get it right! My science teacher said that in middle school

    4. Quantum


      That's why I said JK (JAYKAY?)

  12. As long as I have the Recon Helmet DLC I'm fine.
  13. Snowing like crazy! 6 inches! I just had to shovel my car /: cold as hell

    1. SuperIntendant
    2. MCPO Mayh3m

      MCPO Mayh3m

      34-36 here in Germany. (where I am anyways)


    3. Lolmenade
  14. That awkward moment when you shoot a paper ball into the garbage, but it ends up missing. So you go over and try to throw it in from within 2 feet and miss AGAIN!
  15. Lolmenade

    im back

    Welcome back. Hope you get un-banned from the chat box.
  16. But I love pie D: Especially pumpkin pie! The person above me is just jelly. The person below me has cheeto-fingers.
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