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Everything posted by Aschur

  1. Snake Pit Download Link GT: I am Aschur Players: 2-4 Gametypes: Slayer, Neutral Flag, Oddball Weapons: Sniper Rifle x2 120s 0clip, Plasma Pistol 60s 30%charge, SMG x 2 1clip, BR x2 1clip, 2 Stickies, 2 Frags Powerups: Level 2 Overshield 180s Snake Pit is a rotationally symmetrical 2v2 map that fosters very fast paced engagements. Even though the map is symmetrical, it often times plays asymmetrically with a majority of the action taking place on one of the two sides near OS spawn. Though the map is very vertical, and you can see that in the central shaft - the levels are separated enough that the high ground doesn't have a clear advantage over the other spaces in most firefights. The map takes inspiration from Rats Nest and the Crows Nest campaign level from Halo 3, and I would love to add more details to the map, but I can't right now without inducing framerate drops in the corners of the map. (I will revisit the map and add them if that issue ever gets resolved in a future update.) The map supports Slayer, Oddball and Neutral Flag CTF, but I suggest either Oddball or Slayer - I added Neutral Flag after the fact, and didn't really design the map around it, so it doesn't play it as well as I would like.
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