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Everything posted by Kingdoormat

  1. The Brotherhood of Steel, Halo Reach So my keyboard disappeared and made me hit send. I'm new to this and not sure how to fix it, so I will say what I need to here. The Brotherhood of Steel, Halo Reach chapter, was created back in November 2015, just after the release of Fallout 4. Around the end of December there were complications and almost all the members had to move on from the clan. But I, the founder, have grown tired of Halo 5 and am restarting my clan. We use our own modified version of the BoS rankings from the games, and have 3 branches -Knights -Scribes -Paladins As well as a few miscellaneous ranks. We have a very detailed codex that documents everything about the clan, from principles, to regulations, and conduct our operations in a very organized manner. We have a ruling council that makes all major decisions and a very, very, depthy ranking structure, much different from what you will see in any other clan, a breathe of fresh air from the generic monotony of UNSC and Military clans that rule the community today. After coming back from hiatus, the clan is very small, and lots of the important positions have been left vacant, so we are in need of experienced players to help fill them. We are, however, willing to recruit any and all types of players. The only requirements are a mic, a high maturity level, and english fluidity. If you would like to join send a message to either BOS Members, Door2theMat, or Kayterbl on xbox. Alternatively, you could just leave your tag in below and we will contact you ourselves. Thank you Ad Victoriam!
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