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Everything posted by HozerDude
Sysopisafk 73! I go back when the release if Tribes Starseige and then release of Halo Combat Evolved. Also check out Ultimate Badass's Classic CTF maps ONLY! for Halo Infinite. Seach browser. Every Nite different Classic Halo Map. Time: 6pm PT.
I was wondering if I could upload them to this Halo Infinite forum. I run the Ultimate Badass's Server. I run the following classic CTF maps only every nite at 6pm PT. maps: Bloodgulch, Sidewinder, Zanzibar, Danger Canyon, High Ground. Ice Fields and Valhalla. Thanks
Need to be able to kick people "IN GAME"
HozerDude replied to HozerDude's topic in General Discussion
That may well be but if Halo 6 for the PC comes out and you cannot kick or ban user's ":IN GAME" and has no auto team balancing as a PC ONLY user there will be no way in hell I would buy this game as some other PC users and I have expressed to each other. I have no issues kicking and banning a-holes off my Battlefield 1 server. Just wish 343I had these options in Halo 5 Forge did like Halo Combat Evolved, Halo 2 and Halo 3 did. I can always host my Eldewrito Halo Online server if I need a good halo fix and kick a-holes off the server. O'well there is not that many people playing the game that much anymore anyways and that sucks! -
Need to be able to kick people "IN GAME"
HozerDude replied to HozerDude's topic in General Discussion
hehehe your funny. I have been hosting PC game since 1998. Halo 5 Forge "DOES NOT" have a dedicated server. It's a wanna be P2P system. You cannot kick or ban people, Can't rotate maps, No auto team balancing, no RCON software, No map voting, no voting to kick people and No welcome screen just to name a few things. And yes I have a server just for Halo 5 Forge for PC only with a static IP. To quote"I wouldn't be too comfortable giving complete control or access to banning or kicking to a raging millenium." Your kidding me right? You don't want to be able to kick or ban people "IN GAME" that say racists remarks to people and also create hate and discontent?. "REALLY?" I have never hosted a game server in all the years that did not have rcon and or admin console commands in my servers EVER! LOL. ( except for Halo Forge 5 PC ) I would never buy a game or rent a game server that did not have any admin console commands in the game. I will not tolerate people that speak racists remarks to people and also create hate and discontent on my server's and never will period! Nobody should have to put up with that crap. You might but I sure in the hell I won't. End Of Discussion. Have a nice day bud -
Need to be able to kick people "IN GAME"
HozerDude replied to HozerDude's topic in General Discussion
Are you on DRUGS???? I'm Running a custom game of BloodGulch right now on my Halo 5 Forge For PC server Right Now! Obviously you don't know what the sam hell your talking about!! ROFLMFAO!!!! I love it when people post stuff they no nothing about. Just shows how ignorant some people are. -
With all the years since 1998 of hosting PC games I have only kicked people that have created hate and discontent and for racists remarks. The only time I have banned people is for racists remarks and or continually creating hate and discontent on my servers. I will not tolerate racists remarks or creating hate and discontent on my servers period!. Kicking people off my servers is just a warning! If they do it again I ban their arse off my server's and never get unbaned. People should not have to deal with that crap at all PERIOD! They can go say racists remarks and create hate and discontent on somebody's else's server but not on my server's. If people don't like the way I run my server's they can go someplace to play the game. I won't put up with on my server's! I wonder who the genius at 343I thought is was a good Idea to kick people in the lobby only and not "IN GAME?" ( must of been a person with "NO" PC game hosting experience roflmao )
I would be surprised if 343I would post anything on that website considering they do "NOT" reply to support questions.
Are there going to be updates to Halo Forge For PC? If so I would like to know what 343I is going to fix. If not I see no reason to continue to support this game with so many issues. Not that many people are hosting or even playing the game anywayz. Bummer Just curious.
343I has to give people the ability to kick people "IN GAME!!!" you have these morons like "Enigma Force IV" using racists remarks and creating hate and discontent on the server. By the time time you shut the server down "A FULL SERVER" to kick the morons off the server the morons leave before you can kick them off the server. Then after you have restarted the game they come back and start using racists remarks and creating hate and discontent on the server It gets to the point you don't want to host a Halo 5 Forge For PC server. This is ridiculous not to be able to kick user's "IN GAME!!!!"I wonder who the genius was that thought it was a good Idea to shut down a full server just to kick one moron off the server. Unfreakin believable!!!! Side Note: I'd rather "BAN" morons that are using racists remarks and creating hate and discontent on the server!!!
I would not worry about it. 343I does not reply to questions on that site. Don't Believe me? Go to the support section. You won't see any replies from 343I. So what would be the point? Good Luck!
Hardly anybody is playing Halo 5 For The PC anymore. How Come? Just Curious
Some Suggestions for Halo 5 Forge For PC
HozerDude replied to HozerDude's topic in General Discussion
WANNA BET? I have been hosting PC game server's since 1998 1. Tribes 2. Tribes 2 3. Tribes Vengeance 4, The Unreal Tournament Franchise 5. Halo Combat Evolved 6. The Orange Box 7. Half-Life 2 8. Half-Life 2: Episode Two 9, Team Fortress 2 10 The Battlefield Franchise 11. The Call of Duty Franchise 12. Quake 1 Thru Quake 3 Well that is just a few of them. I can name a hell of a lot more if you wish! I suggest you check your facts! -
Continually getting profile sync errors. This is getting old real quick. I have just rebooted my rig 5 times and I still get that error. I'm not going to keep redoing my settings every time you guys can't keep our profile settings linked together. That would be stupid! Suggestion for fix: 1. Let us have all the configs files on our local machine. 2. When you have a 16 ppl in the lobby it takes too long to boot the maps up off that Azure Cloud Server. So please let us have our custom maps and prefabs on our local machine so we can boot the game up faster! Just my 2 cents!
Why do you guys think why hardly anybody is hosting Halo 5 forge for the PC? just curious
We need to have a "OPTION" In Custom Games Area for Halo 5 Forge for the PC. We need to have a auto team balancing system to help teams to be fair. As it sets right now there is no way to balance teams and have a fair game. You cannot kick people in game to help balance teams. Now some people may frown on this type of system that is why it should be an option for the admin / host. Quite a few games have this system in their games. Here are just two examples: 1. The Unreal Tournament Franchise. 2. The Battlefield Franchise. I setup my server for 25 rounds and 30 mins. per round. Why? because we do not have any map rotation system in this game. Most online game have a map rotation system and I don't have time to babysit this game. Halo Combat Evolved had a map rotation and I am very surprised to see there is not one in Halo 5 Forge for PC. It does not make sense to me at all. Halo Combat Evolved came out in 2001. It's hard to believe that this game does not have a dedicated server at all for last 16 years since it was released. IMHO if the basics of Halo Combat Evolved dedicated server is not iimplemented in this game I really don't think that this version of Halo 5 Forge for the PC or if there is a Halo 6 for the PC will succeed in the PC gaming community. Just my two cents to make a fair game for everyone.
How can Halo be on top of the world again?
HozerDude replied to PHIL0S0PHY's topic in Halo 5: Guardians
Halo 5 For PC needs to be setup like Halo Combat Evolved! PERIOD! Bungie got it right the first time! -
We have that PROFILE SYNC ERROR AGAIN!!!! at the time of this post. This is getting old real quick! Second time in two days. IMHO all the config files and profiles should be save to our local drive to eliminate this issue. just 2 cent cents. Jeezzzzzzz
1. Full Dedicated Server! Kick and Ban users, Map Rotation, Welcome Screen, Auto Team Balancing, Map Voting. Halo Combat Evolved had a dedicated server so why can Halo 5 Forge For PC have a dedicated server? I can always go back to Halo Online for my Halo fix. You can kick people In Halo Online! I really like Halo 5 but if the basic server stuff is not implemented to Halo 6 I'm sorry to say I would have to pass on Halo 6. 2. Undelete and Unmove in Halo 5 Forge. 3. Other than the other fixes need like crashing and other issues that outa do it for now. 4. About the auto balancing. I would like it as a "OPTION" for the admin / host. Well I hope this will be in the next update or in Halo 6. If not I see no reason as a PC user to buy Halo 6. I have 5 other PC players I play with every nite. BF1 and BF4. They too aslo stated they will pass on Halo 6 if the basic dedicated server is not implemented in Halo 6. That would really suck!
1. Need a full Dedicated server. To be able to kick and ban users, auto team balancing, map voting, Welcome Screen just to name a few. Just the basics for now like other PC games. Even Halo Combat Evolved had a dedicated server that you could setup the map rotation, Auto kick user's for being idle and was able to kick and ban people. 2. Need undo delete and undo move commands in forge. 3. Have a switch to select how many team will be in the game. I have issues with CTF because I only have 2 flag in my map. If a user comes on the server with lets as yellow team it locks of the spawn points and nobody can spawn. Here is my fix for now: I made spawns for teams 3 thru 8 outside the map. Put a instant kill barrier out them. Why? I only have 2 teams Red and Blue. If they get on the server other than red or blue they will instantly die. That will forced the user to login onto the server either red or blue. Its a silly way to setup a server but it works! 4. Try to fix the crashing. That's it for now,
I have been a Halo modder since Halo 1 and Halo 2 for the PC. I came for the old sparkedit days of halo 1. Now the issue I have is about 3 weeks ago I downloaded Halo 5 For Windows 10. The grafix are awesome. The game play is great! I have modded most of the classic maps. Now that I have most of the classic maps for a CTF server I cannot access my Bookmarks, Maps not my prefabs for the last 3 weeks. I have reinstalled Halo 5 Forge For Windows 10 three times and still cannot access Bookmarks, Maps not my prefabs at this time. I would hate to think that all the hours spending modding my classic maps would be lost. When I go to my maps all I see is that is that spinning circle is spinning round and round and round and sez retrieving and nothing loads up! Is there a fix for this? Thanks in advance!