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PHIL0S0PHY last won the day on March 27 2018

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    kik: Fallout3.geck

    I enjoy reading and learning.
    I try to be calm, logical, and factual.

    Favorite Halo: Halo 3

    Favorite games(no order): Halo, Mass Effect, Fallout, Fable, Kotor, Dragon Age, Cod 2, 4, and WoW.

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    KSI Change 7
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    Iam PHIL0S0PHY

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  1. Because the servers mess up a lot, and Halo 5 is said to be buggy on the PC, but I wish more people did.
  2. I am someone who dislikes the reqs system, so I will try to explain why. Let me say that this is my opinion, I do not see this as fact. Whether or not the req system is good is subjective. I also understand and respect that people will disagree, which is fine because it doesn't make you less or more of a person. Here's why I dislike it. The reqs system is a microtransactions system that is essentially a random number generator, or you can call it a slot machine. You recieve these reqs by putting in money or playing multiplayer. These reqs are used in Warzone, and the amount money you put in or the amount of time you just play multiplayer will determine your chances of winning. You do not earn your reqs by performing certain tasks in multiplayer, rather you just get reqs by playing. Skill is irrelevent in determining if you get reqs, it is just random. Warzone games are essentially just games where people only use power weapons and vehicles. It is hard for new players to win regardless of skill due to not having power weapons or vehicles, so it isn't that enjoyable. I dislike microtransactions and random numbers in all games, I don't like that your options of getting reqs are either using money or playing. I would prefer if you had to complete challenges or tasks that are not arbitrary in multiplayer to get reqs. These challenges could could be get 5 heads in a slayer match, kill 10 infected in infection, score 3 times in grifball, win 3 games of CTF, and so on. To make Warzone games more balanced and fun you could make it where certain items can't be used until a certain time in the game. a little while no reqs, than allow weapon variants for normal weapons, than weaker vehicles, tha power weapons, than power vehicles. This could make a more balanced game for new and old players, and seems fun. Those were why I dislike the reqs system, and a small alternative to the way to get them and use I understand Halo 5 isn't the only game that has a system like this, and I don't like it in any game. What I am disappointed by is how some of the community act in response to criticism of the reqs system. Many act like if you don't like it you are just bad at the game, or you're not an adult, or your opinion doesn't matter. I feel this is because of 343i because of the animated video defending the reqs. This video communicates that only kids don't like the reqs system, and if you complain. your opinion doesn't matter and you should shut up. Yes the video is meant be funny, but that is what it communicates, so it influences the community. and yes people are immature on both sides, and it's wrong for both. anyway this has been my opinion, and if you disagree that is fine.
  3. If you don't like the reqs system you're just bad at the game, and you're not an adult.-sarcasm
  4. Banned because you said Kakashi is the worst name and character ever
  5. I dare you say in the chat box that Kakashi is the worst name ever, and he is the worst character ever in the chatbox, remember to screenshot it.
  6. You would have to go to halowaypoint.com, for we are not the official site of 343 industries. If your Xbox is banned, than there is probably nothing that can be done, but contacting Xbox and or 343i is the best thing
  7. Partying with my friends throughout the year, and partying with my friends at the end of the year in New Orleans, Louisiana.
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