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Everything posted by PHIL0S0PHY

  1. I have been using Bumper Jumper for years
  2. I would prefer ranks, like from Halo i.e. 1-50, but would be fine with sr for social
  3. I think it was a good concept, but they weren't implemented well. Mostly because the Ai is bad, and they are not fun to fight.
  4. This is unique compared to the "BR vs DMR" topics lol. I only use AR if I don't have a midrange weapon, so DMR

    BR or DMR?

    Ooh another one loll. BR is more useful in mid to close range, and DMR is more useful for mid- to slightly long rang
  6. This maybe the only time I choose something H4 over halo 3, but the mantis, only because it is more fun, but it is way over powered.
  7. If you're accurate, than it is good, if not, than it isn't
  8. The only change I liked was the deep story, the others were either fine, or were not good.
  9. Both are fun, but I'm better with precision
  10. No, it isn't good at all, lower shields maybe, but not disabled
  11. I guess this is a very popular topic haha, BR
  12. The promethean weapons are overpowered, so prometheans
  13. There are people who have said it very well, better than I ever can. I'll say that there are good ones and bad ones, but none of the changes are exactly better than what was there before. The only one that might be better is that Halo 4 had a deep story which is good, but than they didn't dope it again in Halo 5. If there was a hybrid of the sound designs, that would be great
  14. I think Reach did it right having campaign matchmaking
  15. I think it be ok if snipers can damage vehicles, but normal weapons should not be able to, but should be able to hit drivers
  16. Another one lol, people really want to know what people prefer lol. Against I prefer BR
  17. I think it's good to compare these two games, but Halo should also be compared to other FPSs as well, like Doom, Battlefiefl, and so on. I don't think it should be like a war or anything, we are all gamers, lets just enjoy games. There are good and bad COD games There are good and bad Halo games Some people play both, some play one or the other
  18. When I first played it, I was so biased against 343i I convinced myself I hated it, but now in retrospect I enjoy it.
  19. Hunter of course, it would destroy the night
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