Media Log: UNSC DIVISION 1: UNSC Spartan Gaming: UNSCSG is a UNSC based group with ODSTs, SPARTAN-II, SPARTAN-III, SPARTAN-IV, and the Naval Deployment Branch Agency {NDB Agency}. In order to join the ODSTs, message UpmarketCrowd20. For SII, message Huskymudkipz342. For SIII, message Agent Evan 017. For SIV, message WOLF HUNT3R 109. We also have an Arena team. For the Arena squad, message Agent Evan 017. Below you will find the roster for each of our branches. SII- Huskymudkipz342, Agent Evan 017, Rafa 013 SIII- Agent Evan 017, foxboy135, scorpion4545 SIV- WOLF HUNT3R 109, SPARTAN PRO180 ODST- UpmarketCrowd20, ImpairedCord285, ORBIT Matt 078 Media Log: UNSC DIVISION 1: UNSC Spartan Gaming: There is one Spartan Company director, a LT for every branch {ODST, SII, SIII, SIV}, and a website administrator who commonly edits the website. We do have set emblems for each branch. They are listed below: SII- Spartan Helmet or UNSC SIII- Spartan Helmet or UNSC SIV- Spartan Helmet or UNSC or SPARTAN-IV ODST- ODST or UNSC To check your emblem colors or your armor colors, view the desired branch's leader to verify.
We are UNSC based, do raids, but its not required. So, will you step, or will you jump?