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    Tucci Boi

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  1. Dear 343, If you're thinking of making HALO 6 and not thinking about incorporating a SKILL BASED RANKING SYSTEM then don't bother. I've been a life long Halo fan (from the first day halo 1 was released....no joke) and I don't wanna see this franchise go down the tubes because they're more focused on making the game fun for EVERYONE as a pose to making it fun for the people who will actually play it. Bungie had it right in Halo 3 - ranked playlists (for competitive people 1 - 50) none of these short term weekly rankings (like who cares) - social playlists for people who don't necessarily want to compete competitively (I don't know why anyone would want to play social????) This way people actually felt like they achieved something by earning a Level 50 (a feeling thats missing from every 1st person shooter on the market) I never played COD because i never liked their XP based ranking system (even people that love cod hate the ranking system). Getting to 10th prestige just means you play a lot and everyone knows it. Now my favourite game has a similar ranking system to the game i've always hated. I don't understand what the issue is with the Halo 3 ranking system. If its because people were selling 50s........ GET OVER IT. If it's because the ranked playlists intimidated people THEY NEED TO GET OVER IT. If you guys ever find yourselves wondering why the game isn't doing as well, it's because of this issue. And i'm sure everyone who doesn't play Halo anymore would agree that the best Halos are behind us.......Shame! If you wanna play social fine.....go ahead.....it doesn't bother me. But people shouldn't be bothered by a skill based ranking system. NO GAMES TODAY HAVE SKILL BASED RANKING SYSTEMS. THAT MEANS THERE'S A GAP THAT YOU COULD FILL. WAKE THE **** UP!!!!! sincerely, A former Halo fan
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