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Squanch NN Here

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Everything posted by Squanch NN Here

  1. Dear 343 Industries, I am going to extensive lengths to reach you. This is getting ridiculous. My issue has gone unnoticed and unheard by YOU. As a gamer who invested very real money into Halo: The Master Chief Collection, I expect to be able to play it. I also would expect that a corporation such as yourself would have a way for concerned players to contact you with issues they may be experiencing. You have NOT provided that. The link at the bottom of your page that states simply, “Contact Us” is a dead link that does not provide helpful information. The only resources you provide is for me to post my concern in the FORUMS. I have done this, yet my issue has NOT been addressed. What kind of business are you running??? Every single time me and my best friend get on halo matchmaking we get a warning saying that we are quitting early out of matchmaking. NO SUCH THING IS HAPPENING. Then, after another game, we get banned. This is happening EVERYTIME. Why are we getting banned when nothing is happening???? I only want to play the game, if you cannot make that happen I will gladly take a refund, since you are making it unplayable. I should not be getting banned for something that simply is not happening. You have a glitch in your system, and it needs to be addressed. My Issue needs to be resolved. Someone better contact me soon. I have been chasing after help here, clearly I am frustrated...
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