Hello everyone. I've noticed that some people on this site have some trouble understanding BBCode aka bulletin board code. Below is a tutorial on some simple BBCode. I will try to break it down as simple as I can. Once you think you've got it figured out, feel free to use this topic as a
test area.
For different colored text you will use:
[color=blue]your text goes here[/color]
*Replace "blue" with any color that you want your text to be.
For colored background behind your text you will use:
[background=blue]your text goes here[/background]
*Replace "blue" with any color that you want.
For bigger text use:
[size=4]your text goes here[/size]
*Replace "4" with the desired number according to the size that you want.
For bold text use:
[b]your text goes here[/b]
For italic text use:
[i]your text goes here[/i]
For underlined text use:
[u]your text goes here[/u]
For strike through text use:
[s]your text goes here[/s]
You can also use any of these in combination.
For example, if you want blue text with a red background that is
bold and italic use:
[background=red][color=blue][b][i]your text goes here[/i][/b][/color][/background]
See, its easy as pie.
I will also go over images and links just for kicks.
For images:
Find the desired picture somewhere online> right click> copy image URL>
click on the little picture at the top right while posting a new post> paste your
copied URL into the "Image URL" box> click "Insert Image".
For a named link:
Find the page somewhere online> right click your search bar and copy> click the little
thing that looks like two chain lengths at the top left while posting a new post> paste
your link into the "URL" box> in the "Link Box", type in whatever you want your link to
be callled> click "Insert Link".
*If you can't figure out which one is which, just hover over the little boxes and it will
pop up and tell you.
But wait, there's more!
For rainbow text... CLICK HERE!
This site also has a list of BBCodes... CLICK HERE
Well, That's about as simple as I can break it down for you.
Hopefully now that you have seen some of the basics, you can move
on and learn more advanced BBCode for yourself. If you still have questions,
post below asking for the community for help.
and here's something just to brighten your day...