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Mr Muffins 7

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Everything posted by Mr Muffins 7

  1. could help alot while playing or it can really make it difficult
  2. i agree with everything except your reference to gears 2 and 3, gears 2 did not have dedicated servers and it got ridiculous at times with the host being so much stronger then everyone else, the leg for me in halo is not that big of a deal because it never really happens for me
  3. halo is by far my favorite but i do enjoy playing gears and i cant wait for it to come out, i played the beta and it was amazing
  4. i hated that achievement, i dont know why but when i went to get the target locater one it took for ever, the guys in the tank would die but it wouldn't explode
  5. Anyone want to do some achievement hunting

  6. I feel that Infection games are so much better when they were custom, i dont like how there is a dedicated playlist for it, zombies should stay in action sack. Most people who play infection are noobs and they get easy kills, i don think stats should count when it comes to infection
  7. halo 3 duck hunt and all of the infection games were the best, great times lived while playin halo 3 customs
  8. i just want things to go back to the glory days of halo 3 and 2, no perks, no bloom
  9. I know what im going to be playing till combat anniversary, anyone else in the same boat?
  10. Im really curious how other people feel about this so please answer
  11. Anyone wanting to get the 200,000 points achievements on the firefight maps just send me a message at Mr muffins 7
  12. im down for something like that, im ok with the firefight we have now, we just need more maps like crater from odst
  13. If it has taken them 6 years to make i cant to play it
  14. any one wanting to go out and get some achievements for reach or halo 3, im needing some achievements for reach if anyone wants to help, my gamer tag is Mr Muffins 7
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