My opinion:
1) Some of the best strategies in war/combat have, and always will, require patience and a good sense of timing, and the Bullet Spread in Reach replicates this rather well.
2) Faster gameplay doesn't necessitate low Bullet Spread. What does? Gunning solo.
In Rumble Pit, the spread is a bit much.
In Teams, if you aren't with a partner you should find one.
3) Halo: Reach has been called by many people who hate its Bloom/Bullet Spead a "stand alone title", not to be associated with the other Halo games.
So I feel that it's wrong to say "There was no Bloom in the other Halos" or "Bullet Spread wasn't as bad in the other Halos" because, apparently, Reach isn't Halo.
4) These topics on Bloom/Bullet Spread (not to mention AA's) need to come to an end. Halo 4 will be out before we know it, and 343i will have learned from Reach.
If anyone complains about anything in Halo 4, I swear to God I'm gonna flip balls and pwn every single one of them in as many ways possible.
And that's the bottom line, 'cause Father Bullet said so.