Twin, I love you. You're the best and I'm proud to call you a friend.
Point of concern:
Members of the original Halo community and fandom seem to me to have become the minority.
The majority consists of the Youth demographic. Of that demographic alone, the majority consists of those less mature individuals (not necessarily kids) who just don't have the time to really be part of the community. The only involvement of these individuals in the community seems to be on the fringe where the extent of their involvement is to boast about how awesome they are, and to complain about the details that they have a problem with. They really don't want to work together with anyone, or even go about expressing themselves in a decent and civilized manner.
I don't know how to explain it with my mind as haywire as it is (my Thought prioritization and organization charts out like the storyboard of a Tarantino flick), but I'll give it a shot: The rifts between "cliques" or "sub-communities" are like cracks in the clay ball of our world of Halo. But if you follow those cracks down toward the core of the world, I'm sure you'll find that they don't all run as deep as one. One crack (no jokes, please) runs all the way through the world, and it divides those of us who genuinely care for Halo from those individuals who really don't.
I adore those of you here in this particular site who take the time to really think, who bear a deeper understanding of the state of affairs, and who offer services and aid to those who want to be better in-game, who want to create in Forge or Theater mode, or who just want an awesome sig for the forums. I think it's incredible how many of you there are, and that alone gives me a nice, warm feeling inside.
Despite this, working together to try and guide 343 Industries in future iterations of what has always been our game will be a push - a big push - because we'll be competing with an aimless, immature and sometimes malign anti-community of gamers whose selfish mind-state would unintentionally see Halo continue to lower itself to the standards of unintelligible, no-skill-required FPS's whose titles shall not be named here by me but that offer a truly false sense of superiority when someone's a higher Level than you (for example).
A push. Like childbirth. It'll be long. It'll be painful. And it'll be messy. But in the end, if and when we're successful, our baby will be the most beautiful, the smartest, the fastest and the strongest baby in the world.
I'll push with you, Twin. I'll push with you until the bloody end.
Oh, also, those individuals - the Fringers I was talking about - are the types who aren't at all likely to read posts that are as long as these, and those that would read them aren't likely to w00t! *fistpump* and jump on board with us.
That said, I was wondering if maybe it would be a good idea to create a video - a Machinima - with this message of unifying the Halo community under one banner (so to speak), and people could show their support for it just by hitting "Like" and maybe dropping a comment. In this way, the message might go further and resonate with more intensity in the minds of those who might be disinclined to read long spiels. Not to mention that it would cross borders with more ease.
This is assuming, of course, that there isn't somebody already running rampant across the vast wilderness of the Internet spreading the word by hand on every Halo community forum they can find, and doing so with flashy posts that are short, sweet and to the point, or maybe using .gifs to portray the message with clarity and pointed humor.
Hey, that's another idea...