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Halo Articles
Everything posted by Turok117
Would ~HALØ 2 REBØRN* BE A SMART POSSIBILITY After the release of infinite BEFORE HALØ ØPEN WØRLDS starts to come around inevitably one day they have to give the people what they want
To: 343 Industries/Microsoft Game Studios Urgently, Seriously- Written On April 8th/2020 From: Turok117- You guys should bring back the one hit kill beatdown method/technique with the rocket launcher from Halo 2 on all rocket launcher type weapons in "Halo-Infinite" or atleast in "Halo-Open Worlds" from the halo rings to the one and only earth to the alien planets beyond the stars to spaceships that shaped the universe here we are to finally open, what could never be opened before, something 117 always had in his heart 2do welcome to open worlds the 1st step forward to a new beginning even a new Halo series alot of games have many different versions so why not everyone is doing it anyway limitless possibilities but we can bring back the simple of Halo by simply making it as fun as Halo 2 was its the little things that count the smallest details make the biggest differences when it comes to actually playing 4players with your friends and family or playing online or simply just on campaign mode from small maps to big maps to *open world maps* golden 4types of play O.G./custom Maps, Open World maps, Campaign mode and online mode. When I first started playing Halo it was on Halo 2 on the map Lockout 4directions one battle square in the middle and 2 towers and it was that very moment that inevitably ultimately made me quit play station for xbox and slowly but surely play station died off within me and i completely converted and switched over to xbox because of halo 2 because it was like a euphoria like an ecstasy like a drug like an addiction i couldn't live without and i just couldnt get enough in those days i had mountains of music downloaded to my xbox and i would turn on the music and begin playing 4player slayer mode on lockout but the scenario goes like this someone had a sword and i jumped into mid-air thinking i was already dead thought it was over but i wanted to fight i wanted to survive i had faith in the impossible that i could win against a sword with an empty rocket launcher in my spartan hands with my 117 will and they came zooming at me with energy sword lock and i accidentally timed it just right and countered with a monumental blow to the head with my rocket launcher one hit to the head and i instantly killed my opponent i was like holy **** that was cool awesome this game is like the best the funnest game i have ever played in my life what a rush i thought to myself and nothing still till this day ever replaced or came close to that feeling and that gaming experience i felt when i was playing lockout on Halo 2 with a rocket launcher in the middle of it all at the center of the war on the frontlines sword shotgun and sniper vs empty rocket launcher play your bets of you bet on an empty rocket launcher you would've made alot of money on Halo 2 lockout back in the day i one shotted many triple kills with a rocket launcher back in those days the heart stopping heart pumping intensifying exhilarating adrenaline rush i was once invincible in one on one hand to hand combat on halo 2 as i used to call it lol but hands down it was the best Halo time of my life back to the scenario and the other person was like wth impossible how did you do that i felt like a god with a rocket launcher after that even without ammunition i became a specialist in close up combat and head on collision combat i fell into a new realm of one hit wonders leaving people endlessly responding with a wth just happened i had a sword u should be the one responding but not today buddy i would say today you have experienced a true spartan and we fear no swords empty rocket launcher no ammunition required lol i ran into swords and basically any weapon after that without hesitation or any doubt in my mind i was just one hit away from being victorious and feeling that rush that brought me back to life after i accidentally found out what the rocket launchers capabilities were when i ran out of ammo and i had to stand my ground against all odds and do the impossible living on an empty prayer or in this case an empty rocket launcher lol i prevailed Turok117 and i was reborn with an empty rocket launcher as my chosen weapon against a sword any day and when Halo 3 was 1st released i was greatly disappointed i will never forget when i 1st bought Halo 3 i was so excited and when i came home and set up 4player mode and went on guardian and the 1st thing i tried to do was one shot my opponent in the head with an empty rocket launcher and it didn't work i just thought i was doing it wrong so i kept trying it over and over and finally sadly i came to terms with what i once lived to play Halo for was gone and tbh i didn't even wana play it anymore it honestly felt like i just lost my power i thought i would never get it back so i was forced to keep my style alive and i found myself beginning to camp and sniper people like most people did it just became instantly that much more boring and less fun for me simply because i had lost my signature kill/move what i lived to play halo for no longer existed my reason to wana play just disappeared into thin air like it was never there what i gave up play station for totally got thrown out the window and scraped honestly I just felt like my heart got ripped outta my chest that day i lost apart of my halo spirit tht day a piece of me died along with Halo 2 i was so mad and angry at the creators because its the little things that count you know now i had to find another way to keep my tomahwak alive so i would wound my enemy damage their shields take them down like you would with any other weapon then strike them in the head with my signature rocket strike but still was greatly less effective then halo 2 one weapon could no longer do it all for me anymore my rocket launcher could no longer get the job done i could no longer take on a sword hammer etc. like i once did before i could no longer one hitter quitter someone with a rocket launcher rocketless anymore as if it was a tomahawk or something deadly and deathly an all else fails method when you run out of ammunition and someone is coming for you atleast you can still protect/defend yourself from a sword hammer shotgun etc. or anything at close range for that matter it was my last line of defense on small maps it was a useful technique i mastered it quickly became my signature kill i was better @ hitting spartans lights out/one shotting people in the head with a rocket launcher then then i was with a sword going on a sword spree i called it the no ammo rocket launcher spree and when u locked on with a rocket before you smash them in the head it kinda gave you a jolt towards your opponent sorta like when you lock on someone with a sword u can feel the lock and u can feel the kill better sorta when u shoot into someone then the impact when u hit them that feeling was priceless to me something money couldn't buy it had to be felt its was the definition of legendary like Halo 2&3 was when u kill someone you can actually feel the kill n the hit when u hit someone you can actually feel the strike in your bones like your living it and you could feel the shot when u hit the target gave you that sense of fulfillment and accomplishment made u feel whole and right on the money But as a Halo player and Halo fan & #HaloDay1Gecko Those are my #HaloDEMANDS and what I want and i feel the people want and changes and improvements/modifications/minor adjustments i would like to see happen in the near future to make the experience of game play more fun again like the good old days that we all miss we all just wana have fun like the way we used to back when everything was so much more simple and we did this for the people for the gamers & not just a $dollar ~ The #SOULØFHALO lives where 4player/split screen was 1st *Sparked/orginated/1st conceptualized/1st sketched at the drawing board, #HALØ2 ~ This is where Halo lives in our hearts.....This is where we are all trying to get back too....This is the time we all wish we could live over again, THIS IS TRULY ALL THE PEOPLE WANT AND TBH I DON'T THINK ITS TO MUCH TO ASK REMASTER HALO 2 AND INCORPORATE IT INTO INFINITE OR OPEN WORLDS OR THE NEXT AND BRING LOCKOUT O.G. MAP ALONG FOR THE RIDE TOO MAYBE ONE BEING CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE ISN'T THAT THE WHOLE POINT OF HALO 2DO THE IMPOSSIBLE WHAT CAN'T BE DONE WE ALL BELIEVE IN MASTER CHIEF 117 NOW ITS TIME FOR HIM TO BELIEVE IN US AND BRING HALO BACK TO THE PEOPLE WE ARE HERE WAITING WATCHING WE ALWAYS HAVE BEEN BUT WE CAN'T WAIT FOREVER SOONER OR LATER THE PEOPLE FIND A HERO A LEADER TO BELIEVE IN & FOLLOW MOST FOLLOW THE GAMING CROWDS THEY GO WHERE EVERYONE IS BECAUSE PEOPLE WOULD RATHER NOT PLAY HALO ALONE BUT MY CHIPS AND MY MONEY IS ON THE CHIEF I KNOW HE WILL OBLITERATE ALL THE SKEPTICISMS AND SPECULATION THAT SURROUNDS THIS TOPIC ONE DAY BECAUSE THERE IS NO ONE MORE UNFORGETTABLE IN THE GAMING INDUSTRY THAN THE IMAGE/SYMBOLISM OF SPARTAN 117 MASTER CHIEF AND THERE MAY BE SOME THAT DARE TO COME CLOSE BUT NOBODY WILL EVER TRULY MEASURE UP TO THE MASTER CHIEF 117 OR TOP HIM HE IS LIKE ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER IN THE TERMINATOR PEOPLE CAN TRY BUT YOU CAN'T COMPARE TO TERMINATOR 2 JUDGEMENT DAY JUST LIKE YOU CAN'T COMPARE TO HALO 2 BUT YOU CAN TRY BUT NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO ITS JUST NOT THE SAME BUT LUCKILY FOR THE GAMERS OF THE WORLD HALO IS A GAME SO THE MASTER CHIEF CAN REMAIN IMMORTAL AND CAN CONTINUE TO BE AN INFINITE SYMBOL OF GREATNESS FOR ALL TIME UNTIL THE END OF GAMING AND THE LAST MATCH HAS ENDED AND THE LAST ROCKET HAS BEEN FIRED AND THE SYSTEM SHUTS DOWN AND WE ALL MEET OUR MAKER Because simply put this is exactly what #keepsgamingalive.
To: 343 Industries/Microsoft Game Studios Urgently, Seriously- Written On April 8th/2020 From: Turok117- You guys should bring back the one hit kill beatdown method/technique with the rocket launcher from Halo 2 on all rocket launcher type weapons in "Halo-Infinite" or atleast in "Halo-Open Worlds" from the halo rings to the one and only earth to the alien planets beyond the stars to spaceships that shaped the universe here we are to finally open, what could never be opened before, something 117 always had in his heart 2do welcome to open worlds the 1st step forward to a new beginning even a new Halo series alot of games have many different versions so why not everyone is doing it anyway limitless possibilities but we can bring back the simple of Halo by simply making it as fun as Halo 2 was its the little things that count the smallest details make the biggest differences when it comes to actually playing 4players with your friends and family or playing online or simply just on campaign mode from small maps to big maps to *open world maps* golden 4types of play O.G./custom Maps, Open World maps, Campaign mode and online mode. When I first started playing Halo it was on Halo 2 on the map Lockout 4directions one battle square in the middle and 2 towers and it was that very moment that inevitably ultimately made me quit play station for xbox and slowly but surely play station died off within me and i completely converted and switched over to xbox because of halo 2 because it was like a euphoria like an ecstasy like a drug like an addiction i couldn't live without and i just couldnt get enough in those days i had mountains of music downloaded to my xbox and i would turn on the music and begin playing 4player slayer mode on lockout but the scenario goes like this someone had a sword and i jumped into mid-air thinking i was already dead thought it was over but i wanted to fight i wanted to survive i had faith in the impossible that i could win against a sword with an empty rocket launcher in my spartan hands with my 117 will and they came zooming at me with energy sword lock and i accidentally timed it just right and countered with a monumental blow to the head with my rocket launcher one hit to the head and i instantly killed my opponent i was like holy **** that was cool awesome this game is like the best the funnest game i have ever played in my life what a rush i thought to myself and nothing still till this day ever replaced or came close to that feeling and that gaming experience i felt when i was playing lockout on Halo 2 with a rocket launcher in the middle of it all at the center of the war on the frontlines sword shotgun and sniper vs empty rocket launcher play your bets of you bet on an empty rocket launcher you would've made alot of money on Halo 2 lockout back in the day i one shotted many triple kills with a rocket launcher back in those days the heart stopping heart pumping intensifying exhilarating adrenaline rush i was once invincible in one on one hand to hand combat on halo 2 as i used to call it lol but hands down it was the best Halo time of my life back to the scenario and the other person was like wth impossible how did you do that i felt like a god with a rocket launcher after that even without ammunition i became a specialist in close up combat and head on collision combat i fell into a new realm of one hit wonders leaving people endlessly responding with a wth just happened i had a sword u should be the one responding but not today buddy i would say today you have experienced a true spartan and we fear no swords empty rocket launcher no ammunition required lol i ran into swords and basically any weapon after that without hesitation or any doubt in my mind i was just one hit away from being victorious and feeling that rush that brought me back to life after i accidentally found out what the rocket launchers capabilities were when i ran out of ammo and i had to stand my ground against all odds and do the impossible living on an empty prayer or in this case an empty rocket launcher lol i prevailed Turok117 and i was reborn with an empty rocket launcher as my chosen weapon against a sword any day and when Halo 3 was 1st released i was greatly disappointed i will never forget when i 1st bought Halo 3 i was so excited and when i came home and set up 4player mode and went on guardian and the 1st thing i tried to do was one shot my opponent in the head with an empty rocket launcher and it didn't work i just thought i was doing it wrong so i kept trying it over and over and finally sadly i came to terms with what i once lived to play Halo for was gone and tbh i didn't even wana play it anymore it honestly felt like i just lost my power i thought i would never get it back so i was forced to keep my style alive and i found myself beginning to camp and sniper people like most people did it just became instantly that much more boring and less fun for me simply because i had lost my signature kill/move what i lived to play halo for no longer existed my reason to wana play just disappeared into thin air like it was never there what i gave up play station for totally got thrown out the window and scraped honestly I just felt like my heart got ripped outta my chest that day i lost apart of my halo spirit tht day a piece of me died along with Halo 2 i was so mad and angry at the creators because its the little things that count you know now i had to find another way to keep my tomahwak alive so i would wound my enemy damage their shields take them down like you would with any other weapon then strike them in the head with my signature rocket strike but still was greatly less effective then halo 2 one weapon could no longer do it all for me anymore my rocket launcher could no longer get the job done i could no longer take on a sword hammer etc. like i once did before i could no longer one hitter quitter someone with a rocket launcher rocketless anymore as if it was a tomahawk or something deadly and deathly an all else fails method when you run out of ammunition and someone is coming for you atleast you can still protect/defend yourself from a sword hammer shotgun etc. or anything at close range for that matter it was my last line of defense on small maps it was a useful technique i mastered it quickly became my signature kill i was better @ hitting spartans lights out/one shotting people in the head with a rocket launcher then then i was with a sword going on a sword spree i called it the no ammo rocket launcher spree and when u locked on with a rocket before you smash them in the head it kinda gave you a jolt towards your opponent sorta like when you lock on someone with a sword u can feel the lock and u can feel the kill better sorta when u shoot into someone then the impact when u hit them that feeling was priceless to me something money couldn't buy it had to be felt its was the definition of legendary like Halo 2&3 was when u kill someone you can actually feel the kill n the hit when u hit someone you can actually feel the strike in your bones like your living it and you could feel the shot when u hit the target gave you that sense of fulfillment and accomplishment made u feel whole and right on the money But as a Halo player and Halo fan & #HaloDay1Gecko Those are my #HaloDEMANDS and what I want and i feel the people want and changes and improvements/modifications/minor adjustments i would like to see happen in the near future to make the experience of game play more fun again like the good old days that we all miss we all just wana have fun like the way we used to back when everything was so much more simple and we did this for the people for the gamers & not just a $dollar ~ The #SOULØFHALO lives where 4player/split screen was 1st *Sparked/orginated/1st conceptualized/1st sketched at the drawing board, #HALØ2 ~ This is where Halo lives in our hearts.....This is where we are all trying to get back too....This is the time we all wish we could live over again, THIS IS TRULY ALL THE PEOPLE WANT AND TBH I DON'T THINK ITS TO MUCH TO ASK REMASTER HALO 2 AND INCORPORATE IT INTO INFINITE OR OPEN WORLDS OR THE NEXT AND BRING LOCKOUT O.G. MAP ALONG FOR THE RIDE TOO MAYBE ONE BEING CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE ISN'T THAT THE WHOLE POINT OF HALO 2DO THE IMPOSSIBLE WHAT CAN'T BE DONE WE ALL BELIEVE IN MASTER CHIEF 117 NOW ITS TIME FOR HIM TO BELIEVE IN US AND BRING HALO BACK TO THE PEOPLE WE ARE HERE WAITING WATCHING WE ALWAYS HAVE BEEN BUT WE CAN'T WAIT FOREVER SOONER OR LATER THE PEOPLE FIND A HERO A LEADER TO BELIEVE IN & FOLLOW MOST FOLLOW THE GAMING CROWDS THEY GO WHERE EVERYONE IS BECAUSE PEOPLE WOULD RATHER NOT PLAY HALO ALONE BUT MY CHIPS AND MY MONEY IS ON THE CHIEF I KNOW HE WILL OBLITERATE ALL THE SKEPTICISMS AND SPECULATION THAT SURROUNDS THIS TOPIC ONE DAY BECAUSE THERE IS NO ONE MORE UNFORGETTABLE IN THE GAMING INDUSTRY THAN THE IMAGE/SYMBOLISM OF SPARTAN 117 MASTER CHIEF AND THERE MAY BE SOME THAT DARE TO COME CLOSE BUT NOBODY WILL EVER TRULY MEASURE UP TO THE MASTER CHIEF 117 OR TOP HIM HE IS LIKE ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER IN THE TERMINATOR PEOPLE CAN TRY BUT YOU CAN'T COMPARE TO TERMINATOR 2 JUDGEMENT DAY JUST LIKE YOU CAN'T COMPARE TO HALO 2 BUT YOU CAN TRY BUT NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO ITS JUST NOT THE SAME BUT LUCKILY FOR THE GAMERS OF THE WORLD HALO IS A GAME SO THE MASTER CHIEF CAN REMAIN IMMORTAL AND CAN CONTINUE TO BE AN INFINITE SYMBOL OF GREATNESS FOR ALL TIME UNTIL THE END OF GAMING AND THE LAST MATCH HAS ENDED AND THE LAST ROCKET HAS BEEN FIRED AND THE SYSTEM SHUTS DOWN AND WE ALL MEET OUR MAKER Because simply put this is exactly what #keepsgamingalive.
To: 343 Industries/Microsoft Game Studios Urgently, Seriously- Written On April 8th/2020 From: Turok117- You guys should bring back the one hit kill beatdown method/technique with the rocket launcher from Halo 2 on all rocket launcher type weapons in "Halo-Infinite" or atleast in "Halo-Open Worlds" from the halo rings to the one and only earth to the alien planets beyond the stars to spaceships that shaped the universe here we are to finally open, what could never be opened before, something 117 always had in his heart 2do welcome to open worlds the 1st step forward to a new beginning even a new Halo series alot of games have many different versions so why not everyone is doing it anyway limitless possibilities but we can bring back the simple of Halo by simply making it as fun as Halo 2 was its the little things that count the smallest details make the biggest differences when it comes to actually playing 4players with your friends and family or playing online or simply just on campaign mode from small maps to big maps to *open world maps* golden 4types of play O.G./custom Maps, Open World maps, Campaign mode and online mode. When I first started playing Halo it was on Halo 2 on the map Lockout 4directions one battle square in the middle and 2 towers and it was that very moment that inevitably ultimately made me quit play station for xbox and slowly but surely play station died off within me and i completely converted and switched over to xbox because of halo 2 because it was like a euphoria like an ecstasy like a drug like an addiction i couldn't live without and i just couldnt get enough in those days i had mountains of music downloaded to my xbox and i would turn on the music and begin playing 4player slayer mode on lockout but the scenario goes like this someone had a sword and i jumped into mid-air thinking i was already dead thought it was over but i wanted to fight i wanted to survive i had faith in the impossible that i could win against a sword with an empty rocket launcher in my spartan hands with my 117 will and they came zooming at me with energy sword lock and i accidentally timed it just right and countered with a monumental blow to the head with my rocket launcher one hit to the head and i instantly killed my opponent i was like holy **** that was cool awesome this game is like the best the funnest game i have ever played in my life what a rush i thought to myself and nothing still till this day ever replaced or came close to that feeling and that gaming experience i felt when i was playing lockout on Halo 2 with a rocket launcher in the middle of it all at the center of the war on the frontlines sword shotgun and sniper vs empty rocket launcher play your bets of you bet on an empty rocket launcher you would've made alot of money on Halo 2 lockout back in the day i one shotted many triple kills with a rocket launcher back in those days the heart stopping heart pumping intensifying exhilarating adrenaline rush i was once invincible in one on one hand to hand combat on halo 2 as i used to call it lol but hands down it was the best Halo time of my life back to the scenario and the other person was like wth impossible how did you do that i felt like a god with a rocket launcher after that even without ammunition i became a specialist in close up combat and head on collision combat i fell into a new realm of one hit wonders leaving people endlessly responding with a wth just happened i had a sword u should be the one responding but not today buddy i would say today you have experienced a true spartan and we fear no swords empty rocket launcher no ammunition required lol i ran into swords and basically any weapon after that without hesitation or any doubt in my mind i was just one hit away from being victorious and feeling that rush that brought me back to life after i accidentally found out what the rocket launchers capabilities were when i ran out of ammo and i had to stand my ground against all odds and do the impossible living on an empty prayer or in this case an empty rocket launcher lol i prevailed Turok117 and i was reborn with an empty rocket launcher as my chosen weapon against a sword any day and when Halo 3 was 1st released i was greatly disappointed i will never forget when i 1st bought Halo 3 i was so excited and when i came home and set up 4player mode and went on guardian and the 1st thing i tried to do was one shot my opponent in the head with an empty rocket launcher and it didn't work i just thought i was doing it wrong so i kept trying it over and over and finally sadly i came to terms with what i once lived to play Halo for was gone and tbh i didn't even wana play it anymore it honestly felt like i just lost my power i thought i would never get it back so i was forced to keep my style alive and i found myself beginning to camp and sniper people like most people did it just became instantly that much more boring and less fun for me simply because i had lost my signature kill/move what i lived to play halo for no longer existed my reason to wana play just disappeared into thin air like it was never there what i gave up play station for totally got thrown out the window and scraped honestly I just felt like my heart got ripped outta my chest that day i lost apart of my halo spirit tht day a piece of me died along with Halo 2 i was so mad and angry at the creators because its the little things that count you know now i had to find another way to keep my tomahwak alive so i would wound my enemy damage their shields take them down like you would with any other weapon then strike them in the head with my signature rocket strike but still was greatly less effective then halo 2 one weapon could no longer do it all for me anymore my rocket launcher could no longer get the job done i could no longer take on a sword hammer etc. like i once did before i could no longer one hitter quitter someone with a rocket launcher rocketless anymore as if it was a tomahawk or something deadly and deathly an all else fails method when you run out of ammunition and someone is coming for you atleast you can still protect/defend yourself from a sword hammer shotgun etc. or anything at close range for that matter it was my last line of defense on small maps it was a useful technique i mastered it quickly became my signature kill i was better @ hitting spartans lights out/one shotting people in the head with a rocket launcher then then i was with a sword going on a sword spree i called it the no ammo rocket launcher spree and when u locked on with a rocket before you smash them in the head it kinda gave you a jolt towards your opponent sorta like when you lock on someone with a sword u can feel the lock and u can feel the kill better sorta when u shoot into someone then the impact when u hit them that feeling was priceless to me something money couldn't buy it had to be felt its was the definition of legendary like Halo 2&3 was when u kill someone you can actually feel the kill n the hit when u hit someone you can actually feel the strike in your bones like your living it and you could feel the shot when u hit the target gave you that sense of fulfillment and accomplishment made u feel whole and right on the money But as a Halo player and Halo fan & #HaloDay1Gecko Those are my #HaloDEMANDS and what I want and i feel the people want and changes and improvements/modifications/minor adjustments i would like to see happen in the near future to make the experience of game play more fun again like the good old days that we all miss we all just wana have fun like the way we used to back when everything was so much more simple and we did this for the people for the gamers & not just a $dollar ~ The #SOULØFHALO lives where 4player/split screen was 1st *Sparked/orginated/1st conceptualized/1st sketched at the drawing board, #HALØ2 ~ This is where Halo lives in our hearts.....This is where we are all trying to get back too....This is the time we all wish we could live over again, THIS IS TRULY ALL THE PEOPLE WANT AND TBH I DON'T THINK ITS TO MUCH TO ASK REMASTER HALO 2 AND INCORPORATE IT INTO INFINITE OR OPEN WORLDS OR THE NEXT AND BRING LOCKOUT O.G. MAP ALONG FOR THE RIDE TOO MAYBE ONE BEING CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE ISN'T THAT THE WHOLE POINT OF HALO 2DO THE IMPOSSIBLE WHAT CAN'T BE DONE WE ALL BELIEVE IN MASTER CHIEF 117 NOW ITS TIME FOR HIM TO BELIEVE IN US AND BRING HALO BACK TO THE PEOPLE WE ARE HERE WAITING WATCHING WE ALWAYS HAVE BEEN BUT WE CAN'T WAIT FOREVER SOONER OR LATER THE PEOPLE FIND A HERO A LEADER TO BELIEVE IN & FOLLOW MOST FOLLOW THE GAMING CROWDS THEY GO WHERE EVERYONE IS BECAUSE PEOPLE WOULD RATHER NOT PLAY HALO ALONE BUT MY CHIPS AND MY MONEY IS ON THE CHIEF I KNOW HE WILL OBLITERATE ALL THE SKEPTICISMS AND SPECULATION THAT SURROUNDS THIS TOPIC ONE DAY BECAUSE THERE IS NO ONE MORE UNFORGETTABLE IN THE GAMING INDUSTRY THAN THE IMAGE/SYMBOLISM OF SPARTAN 117 MASTER CHIEF AND THERE MAY BE SOME THAT DARE TO COME CLOSE BUT NOBODY WILL EVER TRULY MEASURE UP TO THE MASTER CHIEF 117 OR TOP HIM HE IS LIKE ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER IN THE TERMINATOR PEOPLE CAN TRY BUT YOU CAN'T COMPARE TO TERMINATOR 2 JUDGEMENT DAY JUST LIKE YOU CAN'T COMPARE TO HALO 2 BUT YOU CAN TRY BUT NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO ITS JUST NOT THE SAME BUT LUCKILY FOR THE GAMERS OF THE WORLD HALO IS A GAME SO THE MASTER CHIEF CAN REMAIN IMMORTAL AND CAN CONTINUE TO BE AN INFINITE SYMBOL OF GREATNESS FOR ALL TIME UNTIL THE END OF GAMING AND THE LAST MATCH HAS ENDED AND THE LAST ROCKET HAS BEEN FIRED AND THE SYSTEM SHUTS DOWN AND WE ALL MEET OUR MAKER Because simply put this is exactly what #keepsgamingalive.
Sounds pretty good so far
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