You may think when you read this "Zed working on another Machinima? This'll go nowhere." Normally I may agree with you. However recently I bought myself all the equipment required to do this. I have any games that I'll need, however you may present your own, (and you get to film on those yourself).
So, what I propose is a reboot of the 343i Machinima. But instead of just trying it, we actually write it out first.
This thread is for anyone who has the desire to help write the show. If you have an idea, post it in here. If you want to collaborate with others in here to write the show, post in here. Have any question/comments/concerns? Post them here!
Absolute Dog
Mr. 007
Vaulting(how'd he get the heart here?)Frog
Anyone else!
You name it!
This is for an actual project though, so while it will be funny, it should have drama too. Action. Stuff like that.
We can use some ideas floating around the forums, talk about things going on (events), and other things like that. For instance, if there is a playdate coming up on Halo 4, we mention a battle going on in (insert map here). If someone gets added to the staff (congrats Spades and Lil Dog), then we mention how HQ has some new personnel going through, so we might see some changes.
But then we also do one of things.
We do a sitcom. This means (almost) anything goes for one episode of say... 10 minutes. Anything that happens is Null and Void by the end of the episode. Except little things that we decide we like. We film it all pretty much at once, adding things here and there, then release them weekly. If something happens we feel is worth mentioning we update an episode.
We do a drama/action. This means significantly less goes for a episodes of say... 10 minutes a piece. Everything that happens is basically Null and Void by the end of the episode. Except little things that we decide we like. We film it all pretty much at once, adding things here and there, then release them weekly. If something happens we feel is worth mentioning we update an episode.
We do a serial sitcom. This means that (almost) anything goes for a season of say... 18 episodes at... 5 minutes a piece. Everything that happens MUST be carried through to the next episode. We film them month by month, and release them week by week.
We do a serial drama/action. So on and so forth.
We do a weekly update. This means pretty much any ideas are Null and Void, but we update the community on everything we thought was worthy of mentioning in the past week, and tell them upcoming events and so forth. Episodes last maybe 3 minutes... We film WEEKLY. We post WEEKLY. We write WEEKLY. But it takes less prep time.
We do a serial weekly update. This means that we continue a series of events hinting at what happened in the week by vaguely mentioning it (i.e. someone added to staff = someone added to HQ). Anything that happens is continued to be worked with for the rest of the show. We film and post weekly, but write... DAILY. In a show such as this, we would be required to pay significantly more attention to it, in order to work out all the details. However, this does give you something to do.