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Zed The Evil Taco

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Everything posted by Zed The Evil Taco

  1. The Wabbajack: A staff that shoots people and turns them into a random creature for 1 minute. Oblivion Hardcore fans no what i'm talking about.
  2. Okay, up to you. Just thought you should consider it, since it will allow for more reviews. besides that, like I said, you could just continue to post the links here. But if your mind is set, I can't change that.
  3. It is pretty cool. you have to help these villagers get to the tunnel to get out. eventually you have to help them survive a tsunami. you don't see a whole lot of 3d physics games, but they pulled this one off perfectly.
  4. Welcome. This is actually a fan forum though, not the actual forums. But don't let that stop you from coming here. people here rule.
  5. It's pretty dang awesome. you get to absorb and dispel elements, such as sand or water.
  6. Every night before you go to sleep, you spend 3 hours on this website. Not that I... you know... do that...
  7. I just downloaded a demo earlier. It's called "From Dust". If you haven't tried it yet, you really should. It's awesome.
  8. Solar flare? Interesting theory. I just thought that maybe the aliens decided they liked humans deep fired, but, in hind sight, yours seems more plausible.
  9. Grif: Why the hell doesn't the sun set around here? Shouldn't we be discussing that first?
  10. I have no idea what that is in farenheit. ima say its gotta be like, at least 90, probably higher. Its hot here, too. Today, we probably hit 98.
  11. So I notice that a lot of the topics begin to turn into conversations, so I figure, why not start out with one, and see where it takes us? Just follow the rules of the website, and we should be good. So, hows the weather?
  12. no, Rockmelt. excellent web browser. http://www.rockmelt.com
  13. Hate on activision. that seems fair to me. People only hate bungie because of activision.
  14. Up at the top of the new topic is a tab named "Insert Image", if your like me, and using google, this is what you do: 1.Find your image. In this case, I'll fix yours, so I'll go to the address you put above me, conveniently. It'll open the google page. 2.Right click the image in the middle of the screen, (only on windows, if you use mac, idk how to help), and then click the option that says open image in new tab. It'll bring up a black screen with the desired image. 3.Copy the web address at the top. In this case, it's "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-6IOe_QREczo/TbobL3HFJeI/AAAAAAAAD50/nLZupPOArlg/s1600/26.png" . 4.Click the "Insert Image" tab. paste the address there, and hit Insert Image. 5. (Preview to be sure) and voila!
  15. I don't understand, so Ima continue the post above you... her fluffy pink chihuahua named
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