So, this is just for the kickers and gigglies. I want to know what a random weapon you come up with would do. You might be thinking "Homing Sniper Rifle", but thats not quite what I mean. I'll start.
I want a gun that has a bike handle attached to it, and in order to fire, you have to pelvic thrust (just for laughs), and it fires flaming chainsaws that deal poison damage twenty feet from where they hit, and anybody poisoned gets an amish beard. And if it hits somebody, they turn into Jason (As in the chainsaw guy), but have a beard.
So any gun would work under this category. Even one more random than mine.
Have fun.
EDIT: Swords are also allowed.
EDIT2: This, by the way, is for a project I MAY tell you about later. Good ones will be accepted though.