So, last year, me and my friends, and the few people I was able to tell about it, celebrated something that will forever be known as "International Tea-Bag Week" . And its coming up on the next one. So this is what it is.
International Tea-Bag Week is a week long event my friends and I did last year to celebrate/remember the last Bungie Halo Title; Halo: Reach. This does not mean it is Halo exclusive. You can do this on any game you want. The celebration is simple. Tea-Bag any and all dead bodies you can including your own, unless it interferes with your life span. So, you see a dead body, make sure you violate its personal space. At the end of the week, you get on a game, and just Tea-Bag. Don't get any kills, don't stray from the spot you spawned in, just Tea-Bag. Maybe do little circles and stuff. This lasts for one game, so I suggest you try action sack or Living Dead on Reach. Any other things you want to do to celebrate are up to you. You can even post below how your going to celebrate.
Tea-Bag week starts September 7th and runs to the 14th. Have fun. Tea-Bag. Celebrate. Remember.