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Status Updates posted by 343industries

  1. What do people think about Halo 4 so far?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dog


      Need forge world

    3. Christian.


      It's really good.

    4. CaptainMarty


      It sucks. Terrible. It needs dominion bc im trying to get this commando shoulder and cant get it bc you guys took dominion off

  2. What do people think about Halo 4 so far?

    1. CaptainMarty


      Its a rip off in some games, like flood is the most bs ever! Message me

  3. Halo 4 info dropping in a few days

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BananaPoweredSpaceElevator
    3. BananaPoweredSpaceElevator
    4. 343industries


      You will believe, and when its over, you will remember. And no, Skys isn't my source.

  4. Playing Mass Effect 3 at the moment.

  5. I need a "Meet her parents" guide.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spectral Jester

      Spectral Jester

      What ever you do dont say whats up with your daughter when she squeals like a pig? lol

    3. 343industries


      Ahaha that would make for an epic dining conversation SJ !

    4. Kurt S-501

      Kurt S-501

      LMAO Jester! I would have no advice for you but good luck!

  6. Finally came clean.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 343industries


      Some lies and some secrets that made my past few weeks a hell. Catharsis!

    3. Adam91


      so thats what the wyr comment was relating to lol, it'll feel good that you sorted it out dude

    4. 343industries
  7. Pokerstars is after me

    1. Ash


      Lucky you? =P


    2. SuperIntendant
    3. 343industries


      Lucky me indeed haha. And I did nothing, but then again I can't talk about it till the matter is resolved.

  8. Its finally snowing.

    1. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      i wish it would snow over here in southern california

    2. 343industries
    3. SuperIntendant


      It's 70 degrees out and I'm wearing shorts and a T-shirt :P

  9. How does one become a professional Forger ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Director

      The Director

      I would assume by getting paid for it. I'm holding on to my amateur status so that I can compete in the olympics though. ;D

    3. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      I personally have never heard the term "Professional Forger" before.

    4. 343industries


      I'm all about sarcasm.

  10. Angel angel..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 343industries


      I had a different song in my mind but I'll do anything for a cookie!

    3. 343industries


      I cheated (ended up using Google) but I enjoy Breaking Benjamin. Do I get a cookie?

    4. CandiBunni


      No...but you get a piece of broccoli. -gives broccoli-

  11. I wanna have a drink with you

  12. Combination of BF3, Skyrim and tea.

    1. SuperIntendant
    2. Spectral Jester
    3. 343industries


      Good to be back, though finals are gonna stress me good for the next 3 weeks.

  13. Combination of BF3, Skyrim and tea.

  14. Is attending Jesus Christ's birthday party.

  15. Christmas shopping. I need inspiration though.

  16. Christmas shopping. I need inspiration though.

  17. Annoyed, but don't mind if I do.

  18. Skill > Host

    1. Hero


      not when the host have yellow bar

    2. 343industries


      You should see the lines I play with mate

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