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Posts posted by 343industries

  1. First of all, I can't understand the use of caps. You think you're talking to someone less smart than you, or you're just angry for some reason? Second, I call changing basic loadouts(weapons and armor abilities), weapon respawn times and areas of player respawns changes that affect directly how the game plays. Now we can drop the argument and move on.

  2. I know this and have not stated that they did not tweak the playlists or such. I've said in at least two or three other posts that I KNOW they did so. Please stop repeating this over and over.


    All you keep saying is that Bungie never listened to the fans and didn't address any issues concerning gameplay. But in fact they did. Please read your posts more carefully.

  3. However I never noticed them addressing the issues with the gameplay that fans had. Whether or not that's due to me not seeing their posts on the subject or not, I don't know. The least they could have done, if they did not, was let their fans know that they were unable to do anything about said complaints due to the transferring of control of Reach from their hands to those of 343i. (Or for whatever reason that there may have been, if any.) That's it. Nothing more, nothing less.


    But they did address issues that the playlists had when they started off. Tweaked things here and there, things that the fans had problem with. Maybe not something as huge as bloom and nerfing the armor lock, but still. They did what they could to keep the community satisfied.

  4. Jesus, I can't imagine you standing up for anything in your life.


    Too much nerd rage in one post. Keep on quitting if thats how you enjoy playing. I personally think that you will find something in Halo 4 that make you rage quit, even if none of those are there. Cause a rager wlll always be a rager and a quitter will always be a quitter. I do love playing against people like you though.

  5. I know that was supposed to be a joke, but that was incredibly sexist and stereotypical. All AI's drive poorly.

    If you're going to make a joke at least attempt to make it funny.


    I think you are over reacting on this one man. Beast is okay, and not a sexist. Don't assume stuff like that from vague comments that are supposed to be a joke.

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