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Everything posted by 343industries

  1. The TU is fine, like okay playing with zero bloom is fun, its nice to see all my shots landing. I still think DMR is better with bloom. If it should become a change on a bigger level, it should only be put into the MLG playlist. The rest are golden as they are. But the new playlist itself is a mistake, ZB rarely comes up, there have been times that it didn't even come up on either of the 2 voting rounds. And thats messed up, cause you can't expect players to go from game to game into different bloom settings. Yeah I know the TU offered more changes than just the reduce of bloom, but really, ZB should pop up more often. I can't stand people who go on the Beta playlist and vote for DMR Slayer on Countdown, camp with shotgun and swords. Go play Team Slayer already, jesus.
  2. Too true and too bad, cause all are good maps for Snipers. Somehow the map packs in Reach died fast..
  3. +1. Why would we pay to play when it should be free?
  4. Half asleep mistake, corrected
  5. The game feels great, maybe it doesn't look that great (graphics, textures, etc) but its just a Beta, its only 1.3 GB big, while the PC version is 4 GB. I expect improvement on that area. It has alot of bugs though (the one with the sound disappearing is the worst) and the constant disconnections/errors can get in your head after a while. I think EA should have released a better Beta, I don't think (and hope) that the final product will have anything to do with this.
  6. I like the idea, hopefully something will happen soon. I'd like to see Sword Base, Asylum and Zealot on Snipers. Miss bumping into Tempest or Breakpoint as well. It could use a wind of refresh for sure.
  7. I agree, Hockey is far more interesting, fun to play. Plus its hard to get kills, unlike Host Ball.
  8. Youtube took the sound off for some reason, sucks. Anyway apart from that, I like it, if there were more variety, something more than 12mins of hog runs and jumps it would have been better.
  9. If he had hit the cR cap, he wouldn't receive any credits at all, it would be just "Game Complete: +0". Either its a glitch, or if you've done (or has happened) this before you got banned most likely. If its your first time, its a 2 week ban. But I think you get a notice when that happens.
  10. Its a good, fun and clever gametype, great for customs. But I don't think it could attract people to have its own playlist, at least I wouldn't even try it. If I wanna play chess I'll call my mate and arrange it over coffee.
  11. Its true, though I think Bungie fixed it or gave out a solution that could work everything out..
  12. I'm pretty sure they'll have that figured out and that everyone will be able to play the original version.
  13. I didn't get the chance to play Halo 3 online alot, so I wouldn't know. But yeah Reach has a more competitive feeling when playing in the game, there are times when we're having just plain fun but most of it is just taking control of the map and doing everything right in order to win.
  14. A friend messaged me with one. If I find something else I'll let you know. Or post it here.
  15. It happens from time to time, at least I've seen it and experienced it as well. Don't know why or how to fix it though. Make sure your NAT settings are good, etc etc.
  16. Funny, you go minus in most of your games, thats why I asked.
  17. Good teamwork handles the sword, I agree its a b*tch but it can be dealt with. Theres also the use of shotgun and the combination of plasma pistol and dmr/pistol.
  18. [#10136] You do not have permission to report the item you are attempting to report. Don't know why its showing up.
  19. All I see are some bad no scopes, not even sick ones, some even in custom games. If you got banned it was not for these videos, I don't know what you're trying to pull here. If you were host bridging, then yes, bye bye.
  20. I don't write that much, plus Halo has too much info I'm missing from not reading the books it would be pointless to write something. But, I know someone here who is already on to something
  21. Sorry, but these are all fake, fan made. Its obvious, or so I thought. But he sure did a great job in making them.. Kudos man, congrats!
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