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Everything posted by 343industries

  1. It just hasn't been decided yet. The way of entering into the competition that is.
  2. Me: Come on, everybody get on that Falcon, don't be shy.. Thats right. After the Triple: I'M THE VEHICLE DESTROYER!
  3. I really like the new MLG Pit, map is great and playable.
  4. Agreed, the Spambots are doing a great job flooding the forums. Thats why I think we shouldn't spam ourselves, when its not needed. Going a page back to find our thread isn't such a terrible deal, right?
  5. So post on it, don't edit it and don't make a new thread. Its too much just to say a one liner.
  6. And if you post there it will move back to the first page?
  7. The Beta is going to be open for everyone, the people who got MoH are just getting an early start. I didn't get it either, but I managed to get my hands on a code.
  8. Agreed. My idea is that someone should be able to start new threads only till he reaches 20 posts or something. To prove he is an active member and earn the right. On the same subject, EE, I don't understand why you keep opening new threads about the Haloween tournament instead of updating the main one.
  9. Hey, why do you keep opening new threads about the same subject instead of just updating the original one?
  10. I think my iPod is broken or something, some of the songs I recently added just randomly cut off and stop playing. Corrupted files maybe?
  11. Am I the only one that prefers Firefight Limited to Arcade? I just find Arcade is too boring, it can't keep my interest up..
  12. ^^ This. I think Reach and DMR make more sense with bloom. It still takes skill to finish of someone, you have to aim and pace your shots.
  13. I did, and there are some screenshots of me that are pretty sick, I downloaded them. Thanks for the idea Jester, never would have done it myself
  14. Theres speculation the UNSC have already been there (maybe trapped), inside the shield world. We'll have to wait and see.
  15. Maybe I'll see you in BF3, I'm pretty sure you'll have a reason to be raging there as well. "me and my followers" ahahaha
  16. Whoever gets to play with them, post it here and brag about it. You have the right to.
  17. Fun to watch, I love playing against people like you.
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