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Everything posted by 343industries

  1. Marty O'Donnell. Man is a legend with all the great moments he has given us. WYR visit Paris (France) or Barcelona (Spain) ?
  2. Good stuff, you have a talent at this and I think you should do more. Bravo man!
  3. Same with Director, once I reach 90-95 I delete people who haven't been in much or that I don't seem to play with at all and get it back to 80, which is my basic friend list.
  4. Welcome back man (for the second time today). Stay around longer this time. PS Shouldn't this be in the Introductions/Goodbyes section?
  5. Scenario and character wise, most people only know right now the basics from the first 3 games. Whats about to begin with Halo 4 and continue with 5, 6, has so much depth in it and adds many more variables, that could make for a perfect movie. So I'd prefer it if they waited a bit.
  6. I put in a "no" but I'm not 100% sure, there just wasn't an option for that. Custom made maps for SWAT would have to be carefully designed and forged and tested out well before putting them in. If there were more Forge objects/walls definately a yes. But the same collor/pattern everywhere might ruin the game if the map is not too open.
  7. My friend has an uncle who knows a girl who heard from an insider its coming out November 3rd.
  8. Whole thing goes under voting for Europe on June. Yesterday 22 European countries agreed to it and signed it in Tokyo, Japan. The 5 countries that didn't are Germany, Holland, Cyprus, Slovakia and Estonia. The USA, Australlia, Canada, New Zealand, South Korea, Singapore and Morocco have signed it since October 1st, 2011. This thing needs to be stopped.
  9. Thanks guys, Addendum needs some spawn fixing, I'll try to set it up when I have some free time so we can play it out.
  10. DMR. WYR do a mixtape with Kanye West or Justin Timberlake ?
  11. Mystic covered me, but I have to comment on your number 2. Reach never forced anyone to buy the map packs. And this resulted in us, the people who bought them, to lose our money in a way. We can't enjoy those maps anymore, cause 343 has the Squad DLC playlist up which only features Slayer gametypes. Sadly, the map packs can never be found in the other playlists. Why get out map packs if they won't be played? Reach failed on this one alot in my opinion.
  12. Start of a BTB game, the other team is a big party of 7 playing all together. I go against 2 players and the guy who takes me out teabags me for no apparent reason. After that I go on a 9-0 against him till he rage quits. No vehicles, just 1v1.
  13. At the moment I have 3 maps I'd like to show, starting with Bloody Arrow. Suitable for Slayer and CTF gametypes, 4-12 players. Very open and somewhat symmetrical, with fluid gameplay. Team Snipers on this map is sick. Then we have Middle Finger, a MLG map. Suitable for TS, CTF. 4-8 players. Symmetrical, requires team work to take control of the map. Last (for now) but not least we have Addendum. Again, Slayer gametypes and CTF. 4-16 players. Also symmetrical map at the most part, has lots of levels and ways to dominate here. None of the maps are available for download at the moment, but can be played out in custom games. Any feedback/opinions are much appreciated.
  14. What are you talking about ? People who participated in the Halo Reach beta did just that, no one got any code to download any content.
  15. How does one become a professional Forger ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Director

      The Director

      I would assume by getting paid for it. I'm holding on to my amateur status so that I can compete in the olympics though. ;D

    3. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      I personally have never heard the term "Professional Forger" before.

    4. 343industries


      I'm all about sarcasm.

  16. I love it when they rage. Last night I was playing Team Objective on Reach and it was my mate and me with a useless guy and his guest that couldn't shoot against 3 excellent players together (which we won the day before on SWAT) and another good player. We were the ones doing the killing from our team, making it hard for them. After a while they started t-bagging which only made us laugh. They never took us out 1v1 and we were playing off host. Needless to say we stayed with them for more games till they quit.
  17. Angel angel..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 343industries


      I had a different song in my mind but I'll do anything for a cookie!

    3. 343industries


      I cheated (ended up using Google) but I enjoy Breaking Benjamin. Do I get a cookie?

    4. CandiBunni


      No...but you get a piece of broccoli. -gives broccoli-

  18. I'm also in man, I really like your map and want to see how the gameplay will be. Shoot me an invite and let me know when we're doing this. Even for a 1v1.
  19. Swim 1. Swimming is pretty essential to me WYR dance 15 mins to anything or 4 mins to something you'd want to?
  20. 6/10 If I knew the song it would have been higher.
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