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Everything posted by 343industries

  1. Hmm I'm actually missing the last two you mentioned. But I kind of gave up on Reach. Is the Premium playlist still on? If yes, you can find plenty of 1-Flag there, about the infection, I suggest you make a party of 7-10 people that all have Defiant and go on the Living Dead playlist, so that it will come up with the required maps. I'm not suggesting to boost it, only to gather the right crowd in order to play the map.
  2. Definately bass. Indie or rock ? (music)
  3. Oranges, love making fresh orange juice. Day or night?
  4. Ha that may be true, but green apples have less sugar My choice would be pears. Grapes or raspberries ?
  5. I feel thats a trick question. I'll say Justin Bieber, cause after a while we could punch it out. Plus I think he would make for better conversation than Ms Friday. WYR green or red apples ?
  6. Xbox, cause a purse might be more important to someone. WYR take a trip knowing the destination or not?
  7. Not much of a writer, but I'd like to give it a shot. WYR feel guilty about something you did when having a choice to do otherwise or when you had no alternatives?
  8. Start a band for sure. Hmm name of the band would be DubStuff. But I wouldn't say no if Coldplay asked me to join ahaha. WYR chase someone or be chased ?
  9. Never with tequila, always pick the next drink haha. @Director Human of course. WYR write a song or sing one?
  10. Emile's all the way babeh. WYR get wasted on gin or tequila?
  11. Tough one, I have to say NY again haha. Though I'd like to visit Japan one day. @The Director, North is always good. WYR do a good deed or have one happen to you by someone else?
  12. I'd prefer NY, but from those two I'd say Washington. WYR travel to Europe or Australia? ps Good tea is divine.
  13. Family at some point for sure. WYR have coffee or tea?
  14. Combination of BF3, Skyrim and tea.

    1. SuperIntendant
    2. Spectral Jester
    3. 343industries


      Good to be back, though finals are gonna stress me good for the next 3 weeks.

  15. Combination of BF3, Skyrim and tea.

  16. Perfect team mate right there. As for me, after I stopped drinking like an Irish and reduced coffee all I can think of is that I'm a procrastinator and I bite my own damn lips for no reason. Oh, I also like gambling.
  17. Well I think its obvious what inspired my username. As for my GT, close friends and me started the trend of the "aka" going among the group and the second word being a psychological state, like maniac, paranoiac, lunatic or hysteriac.
  18. You will be missed man, you were a part of the original gang here. I hope the best to you and with everything that you will do from now on.
  19. Is attending Jesus Christ's birthday party.

  20. Thing is, the TU Beta playlist wasn't doing that well. So they shouldn't implement the changes into any of the other playlists, unless its a try out again. The only community that desperately wanted the changes and got em was the MLG one, and kudos to 343 for doing so.
  21. You can set it up here. I'm sure Absolute will be of great help, in both forging the map and organizing the event.
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