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yah bono here

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Everything posted by yah bono here

  1. YES!!!! i remember on construct i would rush the flamethrower and get bulltrues with that thing!!!
  2. i find it doesnt even matter that much anymore now that they took out armor detail.
  3. too bad. at least i dont have flaming a flaming helmet. actually, i think i might... it doesnt show up in the armory preveiw
  4. rock and roll, of course! (sportin the dark side of the moon profile pic btw) Who would win in a fight? Mr T or Srgt Johnsen
  5. dogs pink floyd (probably the best 17-minutes of drug induced music listening in my life)
  6. well, everything from 3 minus the sentinel gun (never quite figured out how to use it effectively) and the halo 2 brute shot. overall the only weapons i didnt like were the sentinel gun, plasma repeater, plasma launcher and the focus rifle.
  7. lol sounds like star wars. should be more like 4: chiefs screwed 5: humanities screwed 6: ends about 2 seconds away knowing if chief and humanity wins.
  8. i always like to give my spartan the edge in any way shape or form, so always camo my spartan up and put the smallest armor on him. her, in reach. your profile shrinks about five percent if you change it to female. the only time i strayed was in halo 3, because i got recon and all white looked awesome.
  9. The Arbiter because he is secretely a disguised moa. Would you rather take up smoking cigarrettes or marijuana?
  10. so.... twin reaper.... if i understand right, even if the servers are shut down does this mean that i can still play coop campaign over live?
  11. anything liquid is definately out. anything sticky is out. anything solid, yeah.
  12. the trick is is to reward individual feats, but also throw wins vs losses in their too. lets say that that you take reach's 4 credits for a kill, 6 for an assist, and take away 4 for dying; it is directly took out of kd plus other points thrown in for other feats.
  13. I have CEA but not reach. is it possible if i downloaded the DLC from reach, (the noble map pack, preferably) to access it from the CEA multiplayer menu?
  14. hey i was wondering if anyone wanted to go and get all of the acheivements in CE Anniversary with me, im free on fridays for a few hours. (school during week, work during weekend) Just looking for some one wanting to have fun. nothing to hardcore. My GT is "yah bono here"
  15. This is extremely had poll to make, but this is how to read it; The favorite campain shows which campaigns are your favorite; the ones with the highest are obviously the most popular, although this is multiple choice so make sure to check out the number of votes for each possible answer. The favorite part of matchmaking/customs works the same way as above The favorite part of Halo shows you the most absolute favorite among the communtity. You are only allowed one vote, so just because only a few things are voted for doesn't mean that people don't like RvB. OK. Let the voting commence!
  16. *crying* its... so... beautiful...
  17. no, doesnt happen to me, although it sounds like there might be an issue with the disc itself. check for a chip on the inside ring of the disc. I had the same issue with reach, becuase the little plastic peice that holds the disc was really rigid. my reach is now broken becuase of it, but before i had similar issues.
  18. armour lock has its pros and cons, (saying this as to not set the community into a huge fight) but i think the general concensoius is that armor abilities have ruined reach, and that they are not going to be implemented in halo 4. Good idea, though.
  19. nice to know ill make another poll about it later
  20. what is your favorite part of halo?
  21. YES. that was the best weapon ever. first thing on a construct map, i would go grab that and head up the purp. lift. it was able to take out the ******* camping with the sword easily, and was funnier than hell to use.
  22. hey everybody. lets see what you guys (and gals) think. i put this poll here to see how halo 4 should come out most like; i understand that we wouldnt want another copy of halo 2, because things need to be new and different, but a model would be nice.
  23. yell at a fangirl because that would be more satisfying than make up sex WYR play halo 2 online or halo reach online. assuming halo 2 is still online
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