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  1. Hey everybody, I'm Vz Redemption and I like to make maps. It's been a hobby of mine since Halo 3, and now I want to try submitting my Halo 4 maps to the community for feedback/inspiration. Thanks guys!
  2. I am trying to create a train using gravity volumes similar to the ones shown on CertainAffinity and THFE's videos on YouTube. I tried following the steps, yet my train won't work. It would help if someone posts advice. The trains are supposed to run parallel in opposite directions on my Erosion-based map. Once the train works I will rename the map and post it in my fileshare. People who love large, creative maps should enjoy this.
  3. Triggered Mechanics Motorized Properties Articghost49 The ability to give certain objects motorized properties- Imagine how creative forgers could be, making a piece rotate like Ascension's antenna, or maybe a conveyor belt. If you were really smart about it, you could build a pelican, spawn points and weapons inside, and have it travel around a set path in the air. Or build an out of control train like terminal. Less Restrictions on Objects Sweaty Bagels What I mean by this is that I always found it to be quite annoying how you could only use a certain number of double walls for no good reason. Why not simply have a very large budget and allow the forger to to make a map out of 600 double walls if they want. This would require a slight tweak to the budgeting system but it would, in my opinion, be a massive improvement on the system they have implemented in previous Halo games. Floors: The Ninja i get really sick of using 5x5 blocks to make floors, it takes to long, especially for big long maps, and its an absolute pain in the arse to make them incline on a slight angle to get them over a natural obstacle on the map like grass or a rock. they're not big enough and i usually choose to use wall collisiums and make them flat. this takes longer but its easier as they're alot bigger.there should be a floor and bridge section, where there's different types of grounds, floors, and bridges. with grounds, have different textrues, have a quick option for an even incline no matter what angle its on. and if anyone has ever played far cry 2, they would know that there are bridge sections, and that you can make end pieces, and middle pieces, i thought the idea of this in halo would be very cool. Different Texture Settings Articghost49 -Different texture settings for wall/floor/surface objects so our maps don't look so identical. An Undo Button Many Joining Objects Together (The Ninja) This is a very good idea. Imagine the simplicity of being able to assign objects to a group the same way you do with channels for teleporters. Then you could edit an entire sniper tower up a few feet instead of having to mess up and replace every single item a few feet higher than the original. This could be used to save valuable time in forging. Mirror Option A Great Elite replicate either a single object, a group of objects or half a map. We also NEED precision editing back. (DoctorB77) The ability to mass copy and paste items would be delightful.(DoctorB77) So if the grouping tool that ninja came up with was used then you could copy the whole sniper tower and paste it if the block restriction was not broken. Ability to Lock Vehicles/Weapons (The Ninja) The ability to lock vehicles and weapons to a certain team. This would make it so that forgers could create a larger and more exciting variety of maps and game-types. Maybe this could be handled via a checklist in the object properties panel. I will add the best ideas onto this list.
  4. Alright, so I have some great ideas for Halo 5, here ya go ------[ Forge ]------ [] Customizable land and sky color -Now I thought this would be cool, so lets say your on a grassy map. You can go into "Customize" in the menu and choose land color, vegetation color, sky color, and water color. [] Wield tool -This is probably the best, you can wield objects to vehicles and save that vehicle. [] Vehicle settings -In vehicle settings you can change the color, speed, and weight. [] Security cameras -And can link with monitors. You can make it so players have to manually sync it on the map or it is automatically. [] World Size -You have a HUGE map to build on, but by entering each one you have so select and arena to load. -By clicking "World size" in a menu, it shows a top down view of the map with a square over the area you can build in and you can drag that square any where you want, and it will load that section. [] Trees and plants! -I've always wanted to place vegetation in my maps [] Particle effects -You can place fog, smoke, fire, and blood. -But you have a limited amount [] Openable doors Last but not least... ---[ ADVENTURE ]--- In Halo 5, there should be a new game type called "Adventure" were you set the goal of the map so it could be like "Cross the finnish line" or "Escape from building" or kill all the covenant. In adventure you can place NPC's like grunts, elites, jackals, BRUTES, Hunters, and skirmishers. Also you can place objectives and missions by talking with marines around the map. **You can also make cut scenes with theater mode, and place in a timeline of events! Hope you liked my ideas, hope you consider them.
  5. I have an idea for a real type of escape map, u and others start at one point and race every thing u have to get to the end, with every passing second the map becomes unstable and inevitably kills every one, all u have to do to win is get the Oddball. just looking for feed back on this idea.... who might be interested?
  6. I couldn't find any info on XBL Support o Waypoint. Forum search here turned up nothing... I'm using Halo4 on a 360 Slim. Three out of four custom/Forge games (or so) crash out to the H4 title screen when trying to load. The main loading screen flashes for a second, followed by a black screen, which is replaced by the big H4 title logo after a few seconds. Sometimes it will crash out two or three times before letting me successfully load a map. I do a lot in Forge and I play customs with friends so this has been a real headache, having to essentially leave the group each time we play customs. I've tried re-installing the disc, and I've even tried installing it on a thumb drive and running it from there. The problem persists. I can play campaign, matchmaking, and Spartan Ops just fine - it's only with Forged maps. I wasn't planning on buying a 360 hdd just for this game. Any advice on how to get the game working correctly with my existing setup? I've tried the internal 4gb flash and a formatted 32gb thumb drive... I'm starting a H4 league in a couple of weeks and I won't be able to participate if more than half my custom matches fail to load. Please help!
  7. Like in Halo: Reach, have the ability to zoom in while in the forge ball in Halo 4 forge.
  8. Fileshare Holder and Gamertag: HeroAnarchy ------------------------------------------ Homeland is a semi-tattered construct with bursted waterpipes, fallen bridges and a collapsed tunnel. The flood spawn with a choice of power-up(speed boost or overshield) in which they respawn later to keep the juice flowing and game fun. The game was orignally worked for aesthetics but I transformed it into a flood map. The flood also have a choice between three teleporters each one leading to a vital point on the map. The flood also have a miniture version of the map and marks of where each teleporter leads. The humans have shotguns and magnums and one warthog as well as places to hide. Most of the flood(gamemode) traits are default with several changes to ordnance, vehicles and flood jump height. ------------------------------------------ Map is laggy for those with bad connections (1/6 testers have reported this to me) Minimap is found in Flood spawn room as well as power-ups Most of the traits in the game are default flood traits Textures for teleporters sometimes disappear There is one warthog on the map Link to video of map below: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSUStgcGbM4&feature=youtu.be
  9. Everybody I am new to these forums, so I wanna start by asking about a Forge map I uploaded before getting an account here. I want people to see and test it. How do I get to it? How can I share it so people may see?
  10. Gamertag: Deceitful Echo Gametype Name: Alone (On my Fileshare) Map Name: In the Dark (On my Fileshare) Recommended Players: 2-8 Description: A spook old cave with a glowing rock formation in the middle. The map is extremely dark and the zombies are invisible. Humans can use Regen Fields to provide light as they desperately defend themselves.
  11. Gamertag: Deceitful Echo Map Name: Birds (On my fileshare) Gametype Name: Birds (On my fileshare) Recommended Players: 6-16 (Min 3 for map to work) Description: A map where everyone but one person spawns high up in the air by some ghosts. The people at top try to stay alive ontop of the invisible floor while the on guy who spawns at the bottom tries to shoot them down. Dying at the top will result in a respawn as a shooter.
  12. I am making a forge map that is similar to a football field, and I was wondering if there was a way to make it so that you could throw a grifball between the field goal posts and score. I know normally you have to be holding the ball to score, but I think this would be a cool feature in my map. Thanks, Blake
  13. I don't like the 3 forge maps in Halo 4 (Ravine,Impact and Erosion) they are to small and 343 have put down to much things on them. Its to little space to forge on, so i wish 343 will take back forge world or something new that is large to. with maybe a ice mountain or a volcano or something to forge on. Then in Multiplayer/Custom game. I wish they take back Invasion to Halo 5 and Elites in Custom games. A real war is Spartans Vs. Elites and I think invasion was the funniest thing in the long run to play in halo reach. And every one loves to be an Elite in custom games. Write in the comments below what you want in halo 5 Invasion
  14. Within the new Halo 5 forge (which I PRAY they include), I hope to see a redesign of the gravity lift mechanics. For too long have I sat in forge and played with the angle of the gravity lift to get it to go exactly where I want it to every time. I hope 343 acknowledges this suggestion, and I think it is a good one. So picture this, when a Gravity Lift is spawned, it has three editable points, the grav lift itself, the top of the arc, and the landing zone. The gravity lift can have traits like "Speed," and other related traits, the top of the arc can have its location edited, maybe have the option to move anything caught inside of it, and if 343 is feeling really nice, they can add the option to have two arcs (and make the top of each arc cost budget or take up an entire lift in the menu) , to make a Gravity lift that can swerve and turn like a player is caught in the wind or something. This I think would be very cool, and the very premise of this idea may spawn entire mini-games based around it, it could make maps much easier to navigate, making maps with lifts would be a breeze, and it just sounds like downright fun.
  15. I have always wanted to create fear in the survivor's mind on my infection/flood maps. I thought that having corpses on the map (its in campaign why not forge) would create more fear and maybe a feeling of danger. There could be different kinds of corpses for example a UNSC marine or an Elite or a civillian. They would also be a logical place for weapons on a flood/infection map (marine died you can get his AR) As a second idea there could be tripwires and moving pieces so you could make a trapdoor on ceiling with a corpse or two that when triggered it drops the corpses onto the player. But these are just my opinions, what do you think of my idea?
  16. I was thinking about many things that I would like in Halo 5. Some include different Forge genres like UNSC pieces, Covenant pieces, and Forerunner pieces. I had an idea for the campaign as well. Technically, the Flood was wiped out on the Installations Humans visited, so maybe they stumble across more Flood on an Installation they haven't been to yet. For multiplayer, we should have multiple species to play as. For example, there could be a game mode of ODST's versus Brutes, or Spartans versus Promethean Knights. Finally, there should be AIs we can fight against in Custom Games to mix things up a little and boost the awesome Halo experience to the next level. If anyone from 343i reads this, please take these ideas into consideration. They have a high chance of not making it into the final copy of Halo 5, but at least I would know that workers at 343i took time out of their day to read this. Good luck on the production of Halo 5! -xXFor3runn3rXx1
  17. i'm starting of by saying everything think it needs, you guys add to the list. WHAT IT NEEDS: - fine editing in forge. - normal, non-curvy-edged blocks in forge. - scoping in as an oracle in forge. - UNSC Flying vehicles. WHAT WE WANT: - spartan customisation: - size. - gun holster customisation. - attachable aesthetics like: camouflage nets and torches. - armour effects. - armour effects that change some traits depending on current ability fitted during gameplay. - forerunner vehicles. - weapons belonging to previous humans (different designs, also adding a new faction to halo).
  18. hey i need a good Forger for my clan who can build amazing things like Infinity Slayer,Flood and others...But if u are very good at forge my GT is K0RND0G WARR10R any 1 who can build at least 2 maps for me i will give u a website 2 get MS points
  19. Hey Guys Its A New Member Here! "im looking for player for my awesome base build were doing were a build of bases on forge then on forge we will have a fight with the bases bring as many people as you can anything things allowed *even vehicles* rules: No Hack Each Base Has To Have A Armory Don't RageQuit Because You Died Have Fun! ​*MY GAMER TAG IS: Beastorc3*
  20. I recently got into making new forge and custom games maps in Halo 4 like I did in Reach and 3. I was saddened to realize Custom Games is missing huge amounts of game settings. I was hoping that after reading this, that someone in 343 could add those game settings that Reach had, and Halo 4 doesn't into the next title update. One big setting improvement would be the setting "Weapons on Map" from Halo 3 and Reach that allows not only ordnance, but also placed weapons to appear on the map. I found that this setting is limiting my progress a lot in the Flood (Infection) game type, because none of the weapons I placed on the map are there when in a custom game. Thanks for your Consideration, Nihenbin ​I just found out this is the wrong place to post this and cant figure out how to delete it. Sorry for the bother.
  21. I am working on a Forge map, I'm at the stage that requires other players to help test it out as some things can't be tested Solo. Just find me on XBL if you would like to help, my map is NOT on my fileshare until I'm sure it is stable enough to be played.
  22. Hello, I've made a very extensive sharship map where the defending team defends it and the assault team flies to it and tries to capture the hangar, bridge, and communications area and kill all survivors to win. I've tested it quite a bit but never on a large scale and would like to try to get an 8 v 8. I am also very fond of custom games and if anyone would like to add me i'll start hosting custom games regularly. My gamer tag is: Dirty Ravers Thanks for your time and id appreciate any help starting these games/ suggestions or comments.
  23. To put it simply, im looking for people who play custom games in h4, preferably flood. If you still play please please send me a message/friend request. My gamertag is Thirteen Sloths, il probably be changing it to something less *** soon but when I do il just post it. Also feel free to leave your gamertag if you do play.
  24. I have a idea of creating a forge team where people share ideas and make maps together. If you are interested in joining, reply something (ideas?) and add me as friend gamertag: Magnus and Luci
  25. Hey there everyone, i wanted to start this topic so that if anyone who needed a map tested could come here and see if it works well get feedback ideas and other thoughts, i will be testing with everyone i am currently working for a bachelors for game are design so i could help alot with maps and how smooth they work. SO WHOS WANTS TO TEST SOME MAPS!??!?!?!?!?! IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO GET A MAP TESTED PLEASE PLACE YOUR GAMERTAG BELOW WITH A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE MAP THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE TESTED -gamertag: ElJefeWay Id like my map tested. Gamertag:ElJefeWay Description: a big team slayer map , no special game types just big team slayer and ffa. Its a map made in impact with atroid fields for banshee warfare, it has 3 banshees, gauss hog, ghost and mongooses. i would like to test the gameplay of it with the smoothness of the transitions between random drops and intial drops tested i will be on here all day
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