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  1. Ok i guys so if we all read the back of our Halo 4 cases it says in Bold! Reclaimer saga so stop complaining about What Halo 4 lacks and what Halo 5 : reclaimer saga needs they havnt made it yet ; they cant remake halo 4 with the stuff you want but they are making halo 5
  2. The new forge maps are not smooth online. The maps are to large and become choppy. Shutout (Lockout) is one of the best maps in halo history and I would love to play it everyday online, all game types. But the maps ever need to be made permanently and not on a large canvas.
  3. I created this post with hopes that 343i will see it and consider these ideas and others from other forgers posted on these sites. We can all put our heads together and think of ways to truly tap the creative potential of the Halo fanbase. So far, here are my ideas: -Truly "Normal" Physics- When I was forging, I attempted to create a trap on my erosion map that would allow rocks to cave into the base underneath. As you all would predict, it would fail. The rocks remained stationary. Perhaps there should be a fourth physics setting: "Natural" or "Newton" physics, that when enabled for an editor's desired structural object, will allow that object to react to certain forces during both editing and gameplay, similar to scenery objects. I think this opens the door for more creative multiplayer creations that could tie into my other ideas below. Example: With this feature, domino effects can be set up. -"Adhesive" Tool- When toggled on a certain object or objects, it allows them to "stick" together, making it easier to move entire clusters or groups of placed items. With "Natural" Physics, objects will react together. Example: With enough force, such as from a high-speed collision or explosives, an entire building can be collapsed. Other ideas and new items will be added to this request list over time. Please share thoughts, ideas, and discuss.
  4. I have been getting a lot of questions on how I get my maps really smooth without magnets and here is the answer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npTwV9SfQko
  5. CGN is a thread and movement dedicated towards bringing the community together through custom games. Many times players want to play a few customs, but without the hassle of setting up an event and such. This thread is to be used as a one stop solution to on the fly matchmaking. We will also feature main events in which you can PM me to add. Next main event: Saturday February 1st, 2013 9:30 EST Gamertag: YamaMX Event: Throwback Night | Various forms of gameplay on classic maps! Customs can be found through two different methods: Using this thread to matchmake for on the fly customs Scheduled events / game nights When attempting to matchmake, please post in the following manner: Gamertag: Your Gamertag Time: Now, 5:00pm EST, etc. Preference: Anything, 1v1, 2v2, FFA, CTF, etc. In an attempt to keep this thread both active and current, please do no post days in advance. Only events should be planned ahead of time, other forms of matchmaking should be the day of. Other uses of this thread can consist of summarizing your experiences. Please do share stories, player feedback, videos and anything else!
  6. Hi guys, i want to start this topic first by saying that i do not consider myself a pro forger. And that these ideas are by no means set in stone. But i do firmly believe that these are good things to keep in mind when designing a serious competitive multiplayer map. I find that following this mental checklist really helps when coming up with good designs. 1) Start with a good idea, but dont be afraid to deviate in a different direction mid way through. Often times you will have a rough idea in your head, maybe even a a bit of fiction behind it. Abandoned Warhouse, Forerunner Base etc. But when you start building it, it may turn into something else. This is okay, structures will often change in reality depending on where you build them. So that wherehouse that you wanted might be to big to fit in the cave you chose to build in. But you already spent hours laying down a foundation? Don't worry, just adapt and go with the flow. I know it sounds weird, but let the map build itself later in development, the hardest part of building a map, is starting it. 2) Create an interesting flow and unique sight lines. This is what really helps to establish your map more than anything. Make the map have interesting geometry that encourages players to explore. Don't just make a hallway, add some inclines, maybe a few open windows then give it some color. But be sure to keep it simple and still easy to navigate. It makes a difference as to wether or not that hall will be a safe flanking route, or a grenade pit of death. Also create interesting lines of sight, never make a spot on the map that can see the entire rest of the map. This just results to everyone flocking to that one area thus creating a repetetive and usually boring scenario. Make it so different locations offer different choke points and vantage spots. It helps to divide your map up into sections, and focus how combat will play out on that specific section. 3) Make navigation easy with little learning curve. When your in a live fire excercise, you don't want half the battle to be figuring out where you are or where you are going. If your doing an enclosed map, use lights and color to help indicate location and direction. Make rooms look different from each other using interesting geometry. No two rooms should ever look exactly the same. And make floors and inclines smooth with no bumps or hiccups. Players should know where they are at all times. 4) Carefully consider weapon placement, dont put power weapons in the area that they would be most usefull. Make players work to get their weapons in an advantageous position. Put the Rockets in an open chamber instead of the enclosed corrider. Place the Sniper on the ground instead of the sniping tower. This will encourage power weapon usage in other areas of the map thus resulting in a more interesting and dynamic experience. Balance is key. 5) Make the map look nice. I know this one sounds weird and unimportant, but it's true. I find that players will want to explore a map more if it looks visually appealing. And encouraging exploration will result in the player learning the map more intricatly and getting better at playing on it. To help do this you can add some ascetics and by smooting out the rough edges. Add some key structures and landmarks to explore. 6) Balance, balance, balance. I can't say it enough, it's what will literally either make or break your map. There's not a lot of tips i can give for this one aside from telling you to use your best judgment, and common sense. Know the strengths and weaknesses of the weapons and vehicles. Don't give one team a Gauss hog and the other team a Banshee and expect a fair fight every time. Be sure to create plenty of flanking routes, and make sure every area has at least two ways in and out. Don't give high ground spots too much cover, and if there is a power weapon in the center of the map, make sure each team starts within equal running distance. You can make an asymetrical map and make it well balanced. Just make sure each team has an equal amount of advantages and disadvantages. It will make the map experience much more fun in the end. 7) Don't get too repetetive with the design. If your putting down the same block for the 20th time in a row, STOP! You don't want to build the same thing over and over. Keep the design fresh but still consistant. Mix it up, if you keep doing the same thing over and over it's going to make the map boring and feel uninspired. Experiment with different blocks, change it up to make a more visually engaging project. These are just a few tips, mostly the basics. I hope this helps someone, and if anyone wants more advice please feel free to contact me (KAC 361). I will also help with any testing you may need, and try to provide you with as much constructive criticism as i can. Please feel free to add to this list if you feel thati left anything out.
  7. Hey there everyone, i wanted to start this topic so that if anyone who needed a map tested could come here and see if it works well get feedback ideas and other thoughts, i will be testing with everyone i am currently working for a bachelors for game are design so i could help alot with maps and how smooth they work. SO WHOS WANTS TO TEST SOME MAPS!??!?!?!?!?! IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO GET A MAP TESTED PLEASE PLACE YOUR GAMERTAG BELOW WITH A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE MAP THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE TESTED -gamertag: ElJefeWay Id like my map tested. Gamertag:ElJefeWay Description: a big team slayer map , no special game types just big team slayer and ffa. Its a map made in impact with atroid fields for banshee warfare, it has 3 banshees, gauss hog, ghost and mongooses. i would like to test the gameplay of it with the smoothness of the transitions between random drops and intial drops tested i will be on here all day
  8. Triggered Mechanics Motorized Properties Articghost49 The ability to give certain objects motorized properties- Imagine how creative forgers could be, making a piece rotate like Ascension's antenna, or maybe a conveyor belt. If you were really smart about it, you could build a pelican, spawn points and weapons inside, and have it travel around a set path in the air. Or build an out of control train like terminal. Less Restrictions on Objects Sweaty Bagels What I mean by this is that I always found it to be quite annoying how you could only use a certain number of double walls for no good reason. Why not simply have a very large budget and allow the forger to to make a map out of 600 double walls if they want. This would require a slight tweak to the budgeting system but it would, in my opinion, be a massive improvement on the system they have implemented in previous Halo games. Floors: The Ninja i get really sick of using 5x5 blocks to make floors, it takes to long, especially for big long maps, and its an absolute pain in the arse to make them incline on a slight angle to get them over a natural obstacle on the map like grass or a rock. they're not big enough and i usually choose to use wall collisiums and make them flat. this takes longer but its easier as they're alot bigger.there should be a floor and bridge section, where there's different types of grounds, floors, and bridges. with grounds, have different textrues, have a quick option for an even incline no matter what angle its on. and if anyone has ever played far cry 2, they would know that there are bridge sections, and that you can make end pieces, and middle pieces, i thought the idea of this in halo would be very cool. Different Texture Settings Articghost49 -Different texture settings for wall/floor/surface objects so our maps don't look so identical. An Undo Button Many Joining Objects Together (The Ninja) This is a very good idea. Imagine the simplicity of being able to assign objects to a group the same way you do with channels for teleporters. Then you could edit an entire sniper tower up a few feet instead of having to mess up and replace every single item a few feet higher than the original. This could be used to save valuable time in forging. Mirror Option A Great Elite replicate either a single object, a group of objects or half a map. We also NEED precision editing back. (DoctorB77) The ability to mass copy and paste items would be delightful.(DoctorB77) So if the grouping tool that ninja came up with was used then you could copy the whole sniper tower and paste it if the block restriction was not broken. Ability to Lock Vehicles/Weapons (The Ninja) The ability to lock vehicles and weapons to a certain team. This would make it so that forgers could create a larger and more exciting variety of maps and game-types. Maybe this could be handled via a checklist in the object properties panel. I will add the best ideas onto this list.
  9. When I was building on forge today, I found a glitch. When you go to set the corridinants (on some blocks) it will rotate the block 90 degrees, this is not a BIG deal, but it is annoying. Please tell me if this happens to anyone else, thanks.
  10. Hello all, im making a mall and i was wondering if you got any ideas on how to build it i have some but i need some ideas im making it on impact, but idk where to begin or so. Please help
  11. I have a map in my Fileshare, YODO, that needs testing. Plz let me know on here or on XBL what you think of it. It is up to a 4 v 4 map My XBLG: HEWASNUMB3R1 MAP: (on eroision)YODO
  12. Yo, I Have these new maps that we've been having a blast on. So it's only right to share them to y'all. below are the newest two available from myself. you wont be let down! Maps: Both are team slayer maps 2v2 up to 4v4. 1. Fusion 2. Whiptail I also have some more interesting 4v4 gametypes if interested i made a few months ago on there. there something you've probly never played so i hope you like these Maps: 1. Banshee Battle / Banshee gametype 2. Mantis Battle / Mantis battle gametype both have a gametype to go along with it. Let me know what ya think. Again we have been having a blast with these so i hope you enjoy as much as we have.
  13. I have made a map on forge. It is my first one so far, so its the only one on the list. Please leave helpful replies after you try it out. Please recommend to friends and get thier feedback. If you want you can message me in game. SludgingSnipe. All comments are welcome and appreciated. Thank You
  14. If you could create your own game type, what would it be? How would it work? What are the rules to the game? How many people do you need in order to play? So on and so forth.
  15. I hope I'm posting this in the right place but if not would someone please direct me to where I should post this. Ok So here's the thing I made a sweet map for odd ball on ravine, all of my friends thought it was sick but when we went to play it something weird would happen. Whenever I would try to load the map on ravine it would show up as this other forge map that I'm working on on impact. Also the picture for my map on ravine is the picture for Impact. Also when I play my ravine map which is really my impact map it is a different save that I've done more work on than if i just pick the actual impact map. So I'm just wondering if anybody else had a similar problem and if so how did you fix it. Any sort of help would be greatly appreciated.
  16. A gametype should be added to forge where you can make a firefight map with Phantom spawns, non-dropship enemy spawns, all of the regular forge options like human spawns, weapons and vehicles. You could then go into custom games and select the firefight game type to play locally or online with friends. This would eliminate the need for a whole lobby devoted to firefight. Players should be able to decide how many enemies spawn at a time in the properties of the enemy spawn object. I would also like to be able to choose what type of enemy spawns, be it Flood, Covenant, or Prometheans. If there is concern that players would cheat challenges or achievements, the game could just check that the map was not a default map so it wouldn't award achievements or challenges. I am positive that there are hundreds if not thousands of players in the community that think this Forgeable Firefight is a great idea. I would prefer this to Spartan Ops any day and I think that goes for most of the community as well.
  17. Alright, so I have some great ideas for Halo 5, here ya go ------[ Forge ]------ [] Customizable land and sky color -Now I thought this would be cool, so lets say your on a grassy map. You can go into "Customize" in the menu and choose land color, vegetation color, sky color, and water color. [] Wield tool -This is probably the best, you can wield objects to vehicles and save that vehicle. [] Vehicle settings -In vehicle settings you can change the color, speed, and weight. [] Security cameras -And can link with monitors. You can make it so players have to manually sync it on the map or it is automatically. [] World Size -You have a HUGE map to build on, but by entering each one you have so select and arena to load. -By clicking "World size" in a menu, it shows a top down view of the map with a square over the area you can build in and you can drag that square any where you want, and it will load that section. [] Trees and plants! -I've always wanted to place vegetation in my maps [] Particle effects -You can place fog, smoke, fire, and blood. -But you have a limited amount [] Openable doors Last but not least... ---[ ADVENTURE ]--- In Halo 5, there should be a new game type called "Adventure" were you set the goal of the map so it could be like "Cross the finnish line" or "Escape from building" or kill all the covenant. In adventure you can place NPC's like grunts, elites, jackals, BRUTES, Hunters, and skirmishers. Also you can place objectives and missions by talking with marines around the map. **You can also make cut scenes with theater mode, and place in a timeline of events! Hope you liked my ideas, hope you consider them.
  18. I have always wanted to create fear in the survivor's mind on my infection/flood maps. I thought that having corpses on the map (its in campaign why not forge) would create more fear and maybe a feeling of danger. There could be different kinds of corpses for example a UNSC marine or an Elite or a civillian. They would also be a logical place for weapons on a flood/infection map (marine died you can get his AR) As a second idea there could be tripwires and moving pieces so you could make a trapdoor on ceiling with a corpse or two that when triggered it drops the corpses onto the player. But these are just my opinions, what do you think of my idea?
  19. Alright guys I got 5 ideas I would really love to see in Halo 4 custom games/ forge but i'm not sure if they're any good. Let me know what you think. In the custom gametype settings, I would like to see a "no ammo" trait 343 Industries should release a sandbox like map (possibly as free dlc?) Able to change the weather on a map in forge mode. Under the oddball settings make it a possibility that players have to take the oddball to a certain destination to score points (almost like a free-for-all ctf or bomb gametype) Last but not least I would like to see a little bit more in the forge pallette for maps that don't have structure. Now I realize some of the issues with these ideas, but I would just like to see what you guys think about it first. Which ideas would you guys like to see come true? Which ideas do you think are just terrible? Please let me know and thank you to everyone who took the time to read this.
  20. I always loved custom games and forges in Halo 3/Reach. But in Halo 4, there isn't as much opportunity. The file share isn't great yet, and most of my friends don't have halo 4. I know there are some great custom games and forges out there, but you have to search by someone's gamertag. Then when I find one, I have no one to play with. I was wondering if anyone was interested in getting a group/clan/community together for forging, custom games, and Halo 4 in general so everybody has more people to play with. Please add me and reply if interested. Gamertag: rooshter77
  21. I don't know about you guys, but Halo 3 Forge mode was just so much fun it really brought replay value to a whole new scale, especially when they released DLC for it, i'm hoping 343i will bring Forge mode over to Halo 4, however it hasn't been confirmed yet whether they will include it in Halo 4 or not, what do u guys think, should Forge be in Halo 4?
  22. Ok, to start off, the only reason I'm making this is to see what you guys think. I know that most likely this WONT happen. All I want is for your opinions... Ok, so my idea is specifically for those really nice modellers out there. Ok, so my idea is that, for forge mode, it has a smart function that allows for semi-importing models for maps. This is how it would work. You go onto 3DS Max or Google Sketch-Up or whatever you use for 3D modelling and you make a map in that program. You download two FREE things from 343 Industries. The first thing is a script file that places a map of whichever you want your creation on so you can select where, on the map, to place it. Second, you download a program and it converts the model into a "semi-import"-able model. BUT, you are not actually importing the model into the game. The converting program converts the model into specified data that the "smart function" in forge reads. After you transfer the file over to your Xbox, via flash Drive, this smart function, in forge, then reads the data of the file and "auto" builds the structure, using the forge pieces, in the most suitable way possible, to make it look as close as possible to the model. It places it in the exact place you had it in the modelling program. I don't know how useful it would be because you can build it in-game, but some people are better at creating things in modelling programs... Just opinions guys! I don't want trolls coming and saying "Oh this is so NOT gonna happen!" I KNOW IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN!!! lol Tell me what ya think!!!
  23. I am making a forge map that is similar to a football field, and I was wondering if there was a way to make it so that you could throw a grifball between the field goal posts and score. I know normally you have to be holding the ball to score, but I think this would be a cool feature in my map. Thanks, Blake
  24. I have an idea for a real type of escape map, u and others start at one point and race every thing u have to get to the end, with every passing second the map becomes unstable and inevitably kills every one, all u have to do to win is get the Oddball. just looking for feed back on this idea.... who might be interested?
  25. Like in Halo: Reach, have the ability to zoom in while in the forge ball in Halo 4 forge.
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