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  1. I need atleast 5 players "comitted" to testing I'm testing a competitive map in 1 hour, before that i'll be finishing it's gametypes and spawning, i'd rather test it with tu gametypes i only have tu slayer but if you can bring (tu 1 flag) and (tu 3 plot) or suggest others that'd be great. username: mechaniki11a (meck-an-ick-ill-ah) I will not be able to reply through the forums but mesage my gamertag for the invite. TY
  2. The happy Popularity Halo 4 brings is already incredible, but yet fantastic at the same time. As many say the word, "unbelievable", Halo 4 this year will change the concepts of making new game modes, and amazing maps. I am glad to be a part of the 343 industries forum to discuss yet another very important topic that later in the future will make the "average gamer", and the "Ordinary Halo Player" laugh and enjoy their time playing Halo 4, and this is called Halo 4 Forge. Thanks for checking this thread out, and with all respect, feel free to express your own personal opinions of the all new Halo 4 Forge. 1) Creating simple but yet strong and effective maps throughout the "halo community". With Halo 4 coming out in literally less than a day, we all need to be prepared of how strong Halo's new forge system will work. With all new techniques and strategical planning this year's forge will create thousands of new popular game modes and maps without a doubt. As the "Ordinary Halo Player" may not be the "best" at creating custom maps, Halo 4 and behalf of 343 industries, will be able to change the whole concept so the "Ordinary Halo Player" will be able to partake and become what the "best" halo players experience throughout forge mode. I personally am excited and am excited to have such a great company (343 industries) take charge in the all new Halo series. For more information about the all new forge system, please take a look at the link below. (right click and select "open link in new tab") for better use. Thank you, LTD Velocity
  3. I'm pretty sure that despite the game not being out quite yet, there's still many who're wishing for different kinds of forge maps, or have since the dawn of forge dreamed of a pretty rad and awesome one. So, lets hear it. What's your fantasy forge map?
  4. http://standstrongmybrothers.weebly.com/index.html Hey Im a founder of the Seven Sins Were a brand new Halo 4 only clan (at the moment) We are a militaristic clan that focuses on training and leadership, don't get us wrong we have a fair share of forge, custome games, and parties to go around we aren't just Mr.Evil. Now saying this we have a clan ranking structure which must be followed and disrespect must be the last thing on your mind. Gen Major Kpt1 Kpt2 Kpt3 Kpt4 Lt1 Lt2 Lt3 Lt4 MSgt SSgt Sgt Cpl Pvt/ The rookie Yes its large but its there for stability and if anyone needs help there should always be a person on to help. Now each one of those ranking system fits onto 1 platoon, which we have 5 of there names are as follows- Alpha Beta Theta Rho Omega We do have a clan emblem, and uniform that must be worn during clan gaming/lobby's but is allowed to be changed when on your own time. If your still reading I hope you join if so ill see you on the battle field, Have fun and keep gaming RL BloodHound http://standstrongmybrothers.weebly.com/index.html
  5. I was wondering about the new palettes for the new forge environments. First off, I thought that there was going to be four forge environments, not three. This displeases me slightly however. In that space envionment (I forgot the name of it), there was some tunnel pieces, which inspires me to make a basic racing map. I also like the oceanic palette, it reminds me of the forge world's lagoon and shorelines. Anyhoo, I was wondering what you thought about the palettes, because I was excited about th enew forge vidocs. BTW, if you want to know why the text is so big, it is because I am no longer going here on computer, I am on the XBOX's Internet Explorer, and it is hard to read from four to five feet from the screen, so yeah.
  6. I read the newest bulletin board and in the Forge section I saw the list of vehicles included in Forge. Mongoose Warthog, Default Warthog, Gauss Warthog, Rocket Scorpion Mantis Ghost Wraith Banshee Shade Turret It came to my attention that there is not a single UNSC airborne vehicle on that list. Does this mean that there won't be any in the game? Not even the Hornet? I'm not very updated on this, please tell me if I'm wrong or if there's going to be any UNSC airborne vehicles in War Games but not in Forge. Thanks.
  7. Hello! I was sitting around and thinking about forge. What if 343 enabled a forgeable Pelican for one big map? A BTB map? I think that it would be great for a number of reasons. A: Dropping team members into the battlefield. B: Machinimas. C: Fun custom games. I have played Halo since Combat Evolved. I always wanted to fly a pelican so I went ahead and got Halo: Custom Edition to fly one. If Pelicans were enabled for a map they should be weakened so it could be taken down easier. Say...4 rockets to take it out? Who knows. Comment what you think and let's see if we can get this idea forwarded. Thanks.
  8. What's up internet!? My Gamertag is [New Sockz] I'm 17 years old and I'm a skilled, competitive, and friendly gamer with a passion for all things Halo, and I've been around since 2001. Ever since I reached Inheritor in Reach, I found a lot of time to forge. Many people tell me that my maps are really good (which they are!) and that they should be more popular. Someone I know told me that my map creations are MM worthy and that I should "broadcast" them here. So here I am! I will post my best work on THFE Forums and see where it goes from there. I may forge in Halo 4, but i am still a bigger fan of the competitive scene. Peace! ~Joey (New Sockz)
  9. Okay, so i bought the halo anniversary map pack as soon as it came out and it wont let me play the map pack. I've tried redownloading it and everything i can think of and NOTHING WORKS!! I really need help because i just started playing halo reach again since halo 4 comes out soon.
  10. I think in Halo 4 there should be different forge worlds. The same one from Reach but with a couple of tweaks We could have a Winter Forge World. We could have summer, fall, or some gigantic flat world which had no death barrier walls or soft kill barriers for at least 2 miles. So that we could make big maps. And add small moutains like the size of the island from Forge world as forge objects. Or have cliffs as objects. And make it so that you have Invisiable walls, cause I'm tired of people with mods getting out of my maps on Reach with the ant-soft kill barrier mod.
  11. Was up my name is Slayer of CHAOS (gamer tag)nice to meet you all im leader of the clan c3k im a big halo fan i forge alot and play with friends on halo im a kill storm an really good at defending team mates i hope i can make some new friends here and hopefully get to play some halo on game nights with them if any one want to see what the clans all about just msg me on xbox live or email also if any one likes to forge or play some matchmakeing or custom games im allways free well on week ends i also play alot of other games online to hoope i get some repliles later
  12. So The Question Of What Will You Build First In Forge Has Been Rolling Around But Now The Question Is Where? Now that we know the locations to choose from where do you think you will forge first? I think I'm going with Impact.
  13. Halo 4's Forge Menus Get a Close Up Gamespot came out with a video showcasing Halo 4's Forge mode in use. It was in super fast motion so we could really see what he was doing, but no the less we got to see what the pieces looked like. He went very quickly through the menus and did not show us any pieces that we have not already seen. So Halo 4 Follower took that video and took so screenshots of the menu's and then zoomed in. Now we get to see what was on those menus that were basically flown by in the actual video. Here is the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HxK6JTYo1I&feature=plcp Video By Halo4Follower So what do you think about some of the options that we now have? There is a list solely dedicated to the Ravine. There is an entire list dedicated to Dominion Gametype. Let me know what all of this means to you.
  14. As the title and poll says, what do you all think of the size of the Forge maps.
  15. "Create beautiful maps almost by accident in Halo 4's overhauled Forge mode. Kynan Pearson and Lori Zawada walk us through the improvements to Forge." Source: http://www.gamespot....iveHalo4ForgeMo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOJ5lqXXtpU&list=UUbu2SsF-Or3Rsn3NxqODImw&index=1&feature=plcp A new 10+ minute long Halo 4 Forge video showcasing a new amazing Forge environment and a lot more. Check it out right now! Insane stuff! View full article
  16. "Create beautiful maps almost by accident in Halo 4's overhauled Forge mode. Kynan Pearson and Lori Zawada walk us through the improvements to Forge." Source: http://www.gamespot....iveHalo4ForgeMo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOJ5lqXXtpU&list=UUbu2SsF-Or3Rsn3NxqODImw&index=1&feature=plcp A new 10+ minute long Halo 4 Forge video showcasing a new amazing Forge environment and a lot more. Check it out right now! Insane stuff!
  17. I have noticed that there has been no sightings of: Easter Eggs(A fun addition for all halo fan alike) Glitches (HUGE part of the community) RvB References (Y U NO Add Footage?) Nostalgia (HUGE references to past games)\ ​First off, these make up an entire eighth of the Halo fans. Without all of this nostalgia, 343i Would not have the support they need. NOTE: This is subject to change. To prove how large the Glitching community is, go to http://www.cmneir.com/ . Sincerely,
  18. I am afraid I have bad news. My laptop's rental is expiring, and all of the other computers in my house are always in use. I'm afraid will not be able get on at home. But, I'm sure I'll be able get on. just only 1/4 as much. You should remember me as a friend and as a humorous person, not as a jerk, or a spammer or a perv, maybe a troll, but I will always return to this glorious place, using the computers at my school liberry ( ). So, for now, I must pay your respects for asking for your GT's, so we can still be friends...goodbye.
  19. Gamertag: Choot at OGGC Name of Map: QUARRIED!! Gametype: Slayer (all) Description: QUARRIED! is a semi-symmetrical, two-level map with an additional floating bunker above the center of the center enclosed base area. It's primary focus is on Close Quarters Combat but does have exceptional sight lines for Sniper and DMR use. Fast-paced 4 v 4 team slayer!! UNSC weapons include: Assault Rifle Magnum DMR Frag Grenades Shotgun x2 Sniper x2 Rockets x1 (neutral) Turret x2 Covenant weapons include: Needler Plasma Grenades Energy Sword x1 (neutral) Power-ups include: Invisibility x2 Overshield x1 (neutral) *Power weapon access notes <<<Reward comes with Risk >>> Sniper - beware explosives (no camping) Rockets - beware explosives (no camping) Energy Sword / Overshield - beware timed grab and incoming projectiles Shotgun - beware opposing Invisibility *Also note* - This is a "safe-zone" map. Attempting to access areas outside of the action by use of AA's WILL result in death!! :crazy: Initial loadout screen Blue base Red base Overhead view Sword / Overshield Shotgun Sniper Rockets Link to fileshare - http://halo.xbox.com...etails=30216048 Enjoy!!!
  20. Hello everyone, I'm an avid forger who likes to see my maps come to life, my suggestion here is to be able to forge AI (ex: Brutes, Elites, Grunts) spawn points so when people play your map, they will have the option of working together or having an all out war with a total of 4 sides (covenent, 2 teams and flood/prometheans or whatever) I understand this cant just be "added in" but it's definitely something I'd like 343 industries to keep in mind for the next halo, especially since it was originally a halo fanbase. Admins please atleast tell me what you think and I don't mind not getting credit so long as it actually appears in a game, and for all you who agree with me please spread this post and maybe a leader of 343 industries will see it and listen to the fans! ~arandomguy94
  21. Hey guys. I need some help making an BTB city map. Anyone interested?
  22. Just an idea for 343i and anyone who enjoys the idea of space warfare in Halo. I know many have discussed the topic, but here's my two cents on a possibility. Later down the road, let's say the developers come out with a massive sandbox map like Forge World, but is a pocket of space orbiting a planet, and may or may not contain a UNSC Frigate and/or Covenant ship of similar size. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Google In Amber Clad's ship size. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These ships, along with appropriate hangar bays, control rooms, etc. can be customized and saved in Forge, with collected vehicles and supplies spawning in their own locations desired by the player. The ships are of relative size and may even have a few weapons of their own to combat incoming dropships like Pelicans and (space equipped) Falcons of the sort. The open space gives way to a breed of aerial combat, where as the inside of the ship adds to CQB and Objective based games, each a different playstyle. Whether 2 ships or 1, the map itself gives great ideas for all types of players and plenty of potential to the Halo multiplayer experience. Ground vehicles like Warthogs and Ghosts could be on a small moon just a short distance from the spaceships, or the map could be completely tailored to have 8+ Banshees and other flying vehicles specifically for boarding parties, dogfights, and CTF games. Either way, the large portion of the new map would revolve around the idea of space. Clans could customize pieces of the ship's hull and interior, bringing clan battles and machinima to new places. computer terminals, ODST drop-pods, and maneuverable turrets controlled from inside the ship would add to the feel of it, and others could design decals for ship exterior emblems, as well as ship names. Ships could also be placed around like regular Forge pieces, so broadside-to-broadside fighting could occur. Many things could be put into the map, like asteroids and floating debris to make the sense of battle more realistic, as well as the usual pieces of Forge. Gravity would be valid only inside the ship, unless specifically turned off and on elsewhere. Due to the size of such a map, certain areas of detail and bandwidth strengths would have to be tried and tested, and possibly sacrificed, so a large open area such as this might not have the pretty flora and excellent lighting of other maps, but it could still be achieved with appropriate tweaking. I'm sure such a map would be possible, just think of the Reach Mission: Long Night of Solace, but without anything in the playable "bubble". If anyone has ideas, comments,or criticism, please comment and tell me what you think. Again, I know this topic has arisen many times among many forums, but I wanted to try and get a more firm idea of the scenario and let it seem just a little more possible. Thanks.
  23. I am attempting to build a BTB Urban Warfare map. So I need forgers who are good at making urban areas in forge world, along with people who are good at balanced vehicle/weapon placement. This map will be for BTB (16 players). It is a small part of a city, with enterable buildings and vehicles. There will be both vertical and horizontal movement throughout the city, making it favorable for both ground guys and jet-packers. There will be Sniper posts and Falcon pads either at each base or at the tops of buildings. The map will be asymmetrical, so everything is balanced and there's no cross mapping (from the ground). Enterable buildings' doors will be highlighted blue (some buildings you can't actually go inside, it's just a teleporter from top to bottom. There will be a few docks, so you can see that water and jump in as well. I'm thinking about adding cranes, and maybe even a building under construction (all accessible). If you are interested in helping, message my Xbox LIVE account or leave a comment below.
  24. Ever since Halo: Reach, players had always dreamed of remaking the warthog run on "The Maw" for an infection gametype. Some had dreamed, others tried, but no-one could succeed due to insufficient pieces or budget. But now, in Halo 4, with the budget multiplying by one thousand, and multiple map zones, with unlimited piece intake (insure if stated), It must be possible...Could it be? Finally? The funnest infection gametype ever, since Cops and Robbers? YES!
  25. Gamertag: Choot at OGGC Map: [PB]_Snakehead_Castle Gametype: [PB]_Purple_Bunker_DV_(Destructible_Vehicles_Enabled) I would like to start off by saying this is my very first invasion gametype map I've created and only my fourth completed map. It is also the first map I created that used the entire budget in Forge. It was originally meant to be submitted in the THFE Forge Contest but because of my schedule and other time constraints, I didn't get it completed in time. I actually learned alot about the Invasion gametype while creating Snakehead Castle and want to personally thank THFE for initially offering the contest to 343iCF's community. Complete overview of map from start to finish. Elites begin attack from right side of map. Map located on "The Island" area of Forge World. Description: This map is meant to be played with a custom variant of the Purple Bunker gametype >>> [PB]_Purple_Bunker_DV with 8 - 16 players in mind. I really wanted to use the vehicle explosive effect in Phase 3 so I enabled "destructable vehicles". Will probably play well with less than 8 players, but haven't fully tested with low player count. Attacking team consists of Elite's with Energy Sword, invulnerability, and reduced movement speed. The defending team consists of Spartans with Concussion Rifles and Needlers only, invulnerability, and reduced movement speed. Three respawn zones are selectable at each phase. All labels and spawns are working correctly. Phase 1: Charge the Towers Time to complete: 2:00 minutes Zone capture time: 5 seconds Elites begin at their campground and attempt to capture the zone between the initial Guard Towers being protected by the Spartans from above to progress to the next phase. Charging area has scattered cover with explosive plasma batteries that attempt to slow your progression. Capturing the zone initiates the first teleporter near the rear of the capture zone. Spartans attempt to alleviate any threats from atop the Guard Towers. **Warning** - To show my love of teabaggers, I am offering a free dose of "CDS"! (crouching death syndrome) Also, any attempt to wander off of the platforms will result in DEATH!! Tested extensively! :crazy: Phase 2: Breech the Passageway Time to complete: 2:00 minutes Zone capture time: 5 seconds In the second phase, the Elites attempt to capture the zone located just below the second defense platform to unlock the door that leads to Snakehead Castle. Like in phase one, the path to the capture zone has scattered cover with explosive plasma batteries that attempt to slow your progression. The passageway is blocked by a locked door. Capturing the zone unlocks the door leading to the final phase. The second teleporter leading to phase three can be found beyond the doorway entry. Defending Spartans are now located atop the second defense platform above the capture zone. **Warning** Any attempt by the Spartans to wander from the platform will result in death, as well as any attempt by the Elites to climb the rock surface to reach the platform. Spartans should not pass RED COLORED posts. Phase 3: Seize Snakehead Castle Time to complete: 2:00 minutes Zone capture time: 5 seconds The third phase is the one I had the most fun creating and the main reason I decided to enable destructible vehicles in the [PB] Purple Bunker gametype. Once entering phase three, Elites attempt to seize the castle with the added difficulty of avoiding random exploding vehicles. Final objective lies at the base of Snakehead Castle. Spartans now attempt to defend from inside the castle walls on the second level of Snakehead Castle. **Warning** Attempting to drop down from defense postition will result in death. The path leading to the final objective has more explosives for the Elites to contend with. Snakehead Castle. I hope you enjoy playing the map as much as I enjoyed creating it. Any feedback and constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated! I would also like to thank Absolute Dog for the patience and time it took to get me involved in Forge World. - Choot
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