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  1. Halo 4 forge option I think you should be able to change the weather of your map that you make in forge. For an example, if your making an infection map you can change it to a thunder storm or you could use the idea for machinimas.
  2. Check out my first halo reach forge map ctf fast 16 player map on forge world just search Truslick87 on file share and download ctf riser choose ctf on game type. Please fill free to give Your thoughts! I've only tried with the 2 controllers that I have so let me know of any problems, thank you.
  3. For forge world I always thought that after a while the monochrome buildings and repetetive terrain theme got boring, even with FX globes. I have found that the grey metalic colour scheme makes it hard to make themed buildings. I think that what they really need to do is to put in a changable theme if they have a forgeworld like map. I always got bored with the basic grey buildings, white cliffs, blue ocean and green grassland. I spent months designing 6 alternitive themes where the structure of blocks and terrain stays the same but ambience such as light, time of day, weather and background noises and the colour/patterns of items, terrain, ocean, sky and background change. There should be three possible variations for each block that you can switch between using the block settings menu. The first variation is the default block but edited slightly to reflect the theme and the second and third variations have the exact same shape and dimensions as the default block but has a theme dependent material and colour as well as unique effects such as cracking, staining and plant growth. This was designed for halo reach but could easily be re-purposed for halo 4 if it has a forge world-esque forge map (I personaly think there will judging on forge worlds popularity but I may be wrong) The 6 themes I worked on are: Desert Arctic Forest Cavern Volcanic Haunted More details on each theme- Desert: Blocks: pretty much the same theme as sandbox, Egyption style carved stone with engravings and sandy/dusty default Terrain: desert-ish coloured sandstone (if that makes any sense) and sand instead of grass. Ocean: either a deep blue oasis or quicksand (clear water in the lagoon) Weather: dusty orange sky with the occasional small sandstorm Ambience: faint scurryingfrom small creatures and distant vulture/buzzard calls Hemmorhage water cave: a small underground spring The colleseum: A chamber similar to the crypt from sandbox Background: Barren desert mountains Trees: Palm trees Arctic: Blocks: ice walls, alaskan/log cabin and snowy/ice encrusted default Terrain: blueish grey stone with snow instead of grass and ice patches over the small streams and pools of water Ocean: Light blue with ice over shallow areas and small non-solid chunks of ice floating around Weather: Bright white sky with light snowfall Ambience: Bright white light with the occasional faint wind Hemmorhage water cave: Frozen over The colleseum: Large Ice cave Background: Snowy mountains Trees: Snow covered pine trees Forest: Blocks: Wooden plank walls/treehouse, Aztec ruins and overgrown/mossy default Terrain:Mossy stone with undergrowth and long grass instead of normal grassland, Alaska and montana are one large fallen tree cracked in half with the roots at alaska and top at montana. pinnacle is one huge dead tree trunk, same with the rock above the hemmorhage water cave and the area below the quarry Ocean: Deep swamp with branches and dead trees sticking up out of (clearer water in lagoon) Weather: Foliage covering the sky and light leaf fall Ambience: Green gloom with shafts of light shining through holes in the canopy and loud bird calls Hemmorhage water cave: hollow tree stump with water dripping through The colleseum: An aztec chamber filled with carvings Background: Massive trees with canopies spreading overhead to block the sky from view Trees: None Cavern: Blocks: Subterrainian ruins, old mineshaft/wooden supports and moss covered default Terrain: A giant underground cavern where the cliffs spread up to the height limit to form a ceiling that extends into the distance as far as you can see. The island is a large shattered column with a large spike hanging from the ceiling where it used to meet and the pinnicle is a massive flat topped stalagmite. Bare dark grey stone with a few mushrooms in the cracks in rocks Ocean: Shallow water is replaced with crumbling ledges and the ocean is replaced by endless drop into darkness. the waterfall drops into the void as well. Weather: a couple of small stones and dust every now and then Ambience: Mist rising from the bottomless hole and fog in the distance to prevent you from seeing too far. Slight rumbling occasionaly and VERY faint wispers/growling coming from the bottomless hole (dont ask, it felt appropriate) Hemmorhage water cave: An underground spring The colleseum: Abandoned mine with supports around the edges Background: Continuous misty cavern on the ocean side of the island and cliff leading up to the ceiling on the lagoon side of the island Trees: Stalagmites Volcanic: Blocks: Dark granite like stone, A pale coloured ruins (stands out and fits the theme well for some reason) and Scorched/charred default Terrain: Blackened stone with lots of small cracks in the stone. No vegetation to speak of but small steam vents scattered around Ocean: Shallow water is now heated cracked stone with tiny lava veins in the cracks and the ocean is now lava, yep a sea of lava, I had to fit an old gaming cliche in here somewhere. the waterfall is now made of lava as well. Weather: The sky is a constant red but is usualy obscured by dark swirling clouds of smoke and ash with small fireballs raining down every now and then Ambience: Frequent rumbling with the occasional distant explosion of an eruption Hemmorhage water cave: A large steam vent The colleseum: A large are of ruins with odd symbols around the walls Background: Distant volcanoes and rivers of lava Trees: Steam vent Haunted: Blocks: Gothic mausoleum/crypt style ruins, abandoned/haunted mansion and neglected/overgrown default Terrain: Grey dull stone with dark/dead grass with bones scatered around (rarely) and perhaps the odd gravestone here and there Ocean: Shallow water is murky marsh with long marsh grass and the ocean is now grey and stormy Weather: Always misty with thick fog at about waist height and a constant thunderstorm with short periods of rain every 10-20 minutes. Dark shifting clouds and the occasional lightning bolt with a sharp loud crack of thunder that briefly illuminates the area Ambience: It is always night with a huge full moon and a grey ambient light, frequent howling wind and rare distant screams and howls. very rarely a shape will rise out of the water in random locations briefly before disappearing with a splash Hemmorhage water cave: A small patch of slowly bubbling marsh The colleseum: An ossuary lined with crypt doors some of which are damaged or cracked but not enought to fit even a monitor through Background: Dark mountains with swirling clouds and covered with dead trees and broken pillars/ruins Trees: Twisted and dead
  4. I think that a really cool thing for 343 to do would be to make a World Editor. Not just normal forge, where you can spawn and place items, effects, etc., but make completely new environments, related or unrelated to Halo lore. Instead of being just a game component, it could be a completely separate disc, allowing for more, better features, such as elevation tools, terrain painting, mountain creators, water spawning, and all of the old stuff like vehicle and weapon placement. Also, there could be body/gore placers to give infection maps a creepier feel to it, and also for Machinimas. AI placers, for custom games and for fun, could also be implemented, so when you are playing alone, you aren't really playing alone. Placing larger vehicles such as the Elephant, Pelican, Phantom, and that new, big thing seen in the E3 demo, would be awesome. They don't necessarily need to be usable, they just need to sit there and look cool, but having those as drivable vehicles would be spectacular. And possibly even attach smaller vehicles to the bottom, like a warthog to the bottom of a pelican or two ghosts to the bottom of a phantom/spirit. Anyways, tell me what you guys think! ^__^
  5. Would it be cool if halo 4 forge had AI capability EG: U can place them and tell them what to do such as defend/ attack Choose difficulty make them drive stuff but on the main point just to kill them and use them as support in Custom Games
  6. This is my Halo 4 Wish list. Sorry for my english, I'm french. I actually address this message to 343 industries because... Its a Wish list... XD. Don't be afraid to leave comments. Hi 343 industries, I’m a big fan of the halo franchise. I bought every halo game in the past 10 year and each time the game was getting better. There’s still a few thing that I would love to see in the next Halo 4. I was disappointed to see that those few things were not in Halo reach or Halo Anniversary and this is why I made this little wish list. I know that you are probably almost done with the game but still, this is some add up that could be great to see in the game. Even if I reference to me in this message, keep in mind that there’s a lot of people out there that think like me. Please bring the firefight back for Halo 4!!! I know you removed it but that was one of my favorite playing game types. I hope there is a way to bring it back cause, I had some add on to it that I think it would have been the next step to make it even better… The use of forge for firefight maps and a forge world type map for firefight is something missing in reach and I would love to see that in Halo 4. The use of training Spartan bots for target training and team bots plus the ability of choosing how many friendly bots or enemies bots you want in the game to play multiplayer maps or try your forge maps or even your new maps. Also, put some for firefight map like a coop Spartan bots. I always wanted to have that in a halo game (I finally had to try it on the Xbox in the Call of duty Black ops training game mode type and it was awesome). In firefight, this is one of my first big dreams to see the flood in the customization. I was really, really disappointed to find out that it was not in the Halo Anniversary. I’m a big fan of «Nazi zombie» Call of duty and I would love to see a way to do a firefight zombie game type with the flood. Even the ability to us them in the forge would be awesome. In the halo anniversary firefight, I really liked the ODST but there were to week and they died to quick. If you can bring them back in halo 4 firefight and do something about it, like drop more back after a round or make them a little bit stronger plus, the ability to remove them or add more in the customization would be awesome. The Forge in the Halo Reach had a big step with the Forge World but I think the next step should be to let the people customize and build the entire map. (Like in the Xbox Far cry customization game mode). The ability to choose the size of the map ex: small, medium, large, extra large… The variety of the sandbox background ex: Space, Earth, Halo, Forerunner, Covenants, Floods, cave or more… Plus a way to choose the season and weather like ex: Snow, rain, sunny, blizzard, cloudy, fog… The day light ex: day, night, morning, afternoon… And finally, the control of the environment with different type of ex: water, valleys, grass, rocks, trees, sand, caves, fire, dirt and bumps… Finally, a bigger variety of walls, doors, bridges customization ex. Changing the aspect or the color of the object for a covenant, Forerunner, Human or a Flood look… The possibility to add lights with different color so we can have some shadows in those fans made maps will be a big thumb up. The ability of selecting more then one object at the time will be pretty useful to... And for the pleasure of every one, the possibility of putting some enemy or friendly artificial life form in it ex: covenants, Floods, Spartans, ODSTs, marines or Forerunners. All this would give us a huge step in the forge map construction and a huge variety of fan made map with out just seeing the same boring forge world built map. I hope you will keep and upgrade the Armor customization. I really loved the Reach armory way of «buying» stuff with credits that you earn in the game and I would love to see that with even more stuff to customize and «buy». Just keep in mind that in Halo Reach they were never an update of a new stuff in the armory. If you could think about it and find a way to do that in the Halo 4 it will be a big thumb up to. The visor customization should have more color. I saw in the halo 4 trailer that they were some hexagonal pattern in the visor and if they were a way to customize that symbol pattern like change the color of it or the symbol example: triangle or circle even none… and The ability of putting carve symbol or add on bumps on the visor like the Emile helmet, it would be great to. For the rest, I’m really exiting about it. Except for the lost of the bubble shield that is not really a big lost but still I would love to see it back in multiplayer or firefight. I love the fact that you removed the Armor lock cause I hate to play with it or again it (it was killing the action). Finally, this is not so important but I have one more thing. This was just a personal wish to see back the Halo 1 map, Chill out. I was so disappointed to see that it was not coming back in the Halo Anniversary that I even did a remake in Halo Reach forge world.
  7. Im looking for forge partners in Halo Reach, no kids under 13. My gamertag is rollingthunderb msg me if you would like to join. THIS IS A FUN THING TO DO NOT VERY SERIOUS
  8. Hello everyone. As an avid forger since forge was introduced, I would like to see a lot of interesting changes to the forge system. Here are some of my block ideas: -Round blocks -Small Blocks -Extremely Small Blocks -Pole-Type Blocks -Designable Blocks -This is a far fetched, but it would be interesting to see a kind of block that can be altered like the radius of a hill marker or a respawn zone -More Interesting Rocks -More... Appealing Rocks -Pre-Destroyed Vehicles -More Windows -More Gigantic Blocks -Variety of different shaped blocks -Bring weapon holders back! -Bring Containers (Foundry) back! -Civilian vehicles should be allowed to be placed and driven, such as a truck or forklift -More miscellaneous items -Openable crates -Drop pods -Buttons -Tunnel items, such as the tunnels from Sandbox in Halo 3 -Dead bodies -Dead Covenant -Blood splatters -Cracked/broken items -Breakable items (Pallets!) -Wooden Items -Weapon mounts -Weapon lockers (This was an idea used by many on Foundry in Halo 3) -More options to decorate Here are some of my forge system improvement ideas: -My main offender is the forge glitches involving not having host in a forge game, and entering "Edit Coordinates" and having the block reset. -If you have never forged with another person before, having or not having the host connection can make a big difference. If you have the host connection, everything will look normal. If you don't have the host connection, the blocks will look out of place and whenever you grab a block, it will move. -Another "glitch" (at least I hope it's a glitch) is that after angling a block and entering the "Edit Coordinate" mode, it will angle the block to a different angle. For example, if your rotation snap is on 90 degrees and you angle it to 180 degrees horizontal, Edit Coordinates will reset the block to 90 degrees, and each time you try to rotate the block back to 180 degrees, it will skip that angle. In simpler terms, when rotating the block, to will go from 90 to 270 degrees. The only known way to fix this is to either switch your rotation snap for a moment or delete the block. This can be frustrating when placing a block for a long time to get it precise. -Getting back to actual ideas, I've always enjoyed the idea of changing the terrain or weather. Making one area have snow on the ground, but the other side of the cave be bright an sunny. -Multiple built in maps with forge features -(I am just using these blocks as examples) The number of 1x1 blocks will not effect the number of 2x2 blocks. I understand the currency issue, but the number of each block shouldn't be equal to each other block. -Adjustable landscape -Adjustable grav-lift height/distance -Change the color of warthogs -Change the amount of daylight (ie- make it nighttime) -Everything should be able to be set to "Fixed" -Adjust the amount of bullets in the clip in a weapon on the ground. (This could be especially handy when making infection maps. You could create an overrun area with a BR on the ground with 2 bursts left) -Objects can have the option to have shadows -Preview mode for initial spawn cameras -Movable water (ie- place a lake anywhere) -When changing the color of a block, the basic color should change, instead of nearly unnoticable details -When there is no respawn points on the map and the forger dies, he should respawn at the built in respawn point CLOSEST to the largest forged structure. On forge world, it was the biggest annoyance to die and respawn at blood gulch when forging in the hangar. -Decorative items don't cost as much (wtf) -Change killball barriers. If you haven't noticed, you can walk through the edge of the killball, and the only lethal area is basically the center -Edit player options (speed/gravity) while in game. This idea can be great to test infection maps. Can the survivors make this jump that is intended for infected only? Can the infected even make this jump? -Weapons set to fixed should not float after the player using the weapon is killed. -Forge firefight maps! Here are a few changes I suggest for Custom Games: -In infection, a zombie that picks up a custom powerup that is suppose to give a shield SHOULD give you a full shield. Currently, it will give you an empty shield. -Race and rally should work on the same map. -Bring the "Instant Kill" option back to the "Player Damage" area of "Base Player Traits" -Initial armor abilities can be set to random. This could make games of Fiesta/Grab Bag very intense -Bring back VIP! That game mode was really interesting, and could have inspired a lot of incredible maps and gametypes. -Adjust the damage done by vehicles, and also adjust the vehicles integrity -Add a funny "Golf Club" type weapon to fill the place of the Energy Sword. A baseball bat would be interesting to see. -Please please PLEASE make it so ONLY the party leader can delay the countdown to start the game. -This made me angry a few times. Sometimes, your map that you spent two weeks perfecting will randomly vanish. The name will still be listed in your map list, but when selected, it will bring you to a different map. PLEASE work hard to fix this problem. I hope some of these ideas interested a few people. I know some of these ideas are far fetched, but they could improve forge. I dunno, what does the community think? -
  9. Interested in joining a clan? Bored of playing by yourself? If not then find something to do. But if so then I have got a clan that is available for you to join. : DJ clan : Dear Players The DJ clan is a simple clan and requires your gamer tag to be changed to DJ Example ?? and two numbers replacing the question marks. A bit about the clan is that it requires NO age limit. Of course if your like 5 or younger then no, but we at least need a mature player who understands the concepts of life. -__- . Anyways, the clan is fun to be in because we can go from playing matchmaking together, mostly infection, to show the clan's teamwork in surviving 3 waves of zombie hordes. Another thing we do is play on Custom Games (what is Fun without that?) . On Custom Games, we pretty much play what ever the people agree on playing. Their are about 15 people in the clan, and yes it is a little because little means more order to keep the clan together and to contact each other easily. If you're interested in joining please contact me at my gamer tag (DJ MiKE 16) and I will introduce you to the clan. Send me a message, or add me, or something please. Well there you have it, the DJ clan, if you don't like it then move on and stop wasting your time. By the way, I am the only one in the clan who is doing anything for the clan, so help would be great. <THANK YOU> ^DJ MiKE 16^ And Don't Forget About MC...sorry if the PIC. didn't show
  10. Ok, to start off, the only reason I'm making this is to see what you guys think. I know that most likely this WONT happen. All I want is for your opinions... Ok, so my idea is specifically for those really nice modellers out there. Ok, so my idea is that, for forge mode, it has a smart function that allows for semi-importing models for maps. This is how it would work. You go onto 3DS Max or Google Sketch-Up or whatever you use for 3D modelling and you make a map in that program. You download two FREE things from 343 Industries. The first thing is a script file that places a map of whichever you want your creation on so you can select where, on the map, to place it. Second, you download a program and it converts the model into a "semi-import"-able model. BUT, you are not actually importing the model into the game. The converting program converts the model into specified data that the "smart function" in forge reads. After you transfer the file over to your Xbox, via flash Drive, this smart function, in forge, then reads the data of the file and "auto" builds the structure, using the forge pieces, in the most suitable way possible, to make it look as close as possible to the model. It places it in the exact place you had it in the modelling program. I don't know how useful it would be because you can build it in-game, but some people are better at creating things in modelling programs... Just opinions guys! I don't want trolls coming and saying "Oh this is so NOT gonna happen!" I KNOW IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN!!! lol Tell me what ya think!!!
  11. How do I make my forged map playable with crazy king? I tried using "objectives","hill marker" and placing them throughout my map, but, when i try it in a custom game it isn't playable. Can you help please kwah!
  12. What it is: Basically, it is the same glitch from Halo 3 where you would have a over-shield or invisibility in your inventory, except now it is shown on the outside and can be done with custom power-ups. How to do it: 1) You cannot be connection host 2) Pick up an armor ability (such as Jet-Pack) 3) Crouch and walk up to the desired power-up and hold your weapon pickup button (RB for Recon) 4) It should drop your armor ability on the ground and the bottom of your screen should look like it is on fire when you look down. (picture below) Some other things: - If you do the armor lock glitch then do this glitch with camo, from some angles your torso will be invisible - When people shoot your power-up while wearing it, it hurts you and can kill you - When you get on a mongoose, the power-up moves to your head, so it looks like you have an afro - Sometimes it will be around your feet instead - If you do the armor lock glitch, then this glitch, then run over an active camo, you'll be invisible except your feet and head. If you crouch, you're completely invisible. - Apparently, it has a large failure rate and takes many tries in some cases... Heres a pic of the three colors (with armor lock glitch on):
  13. So I was thinking what if in halo 4 if there is forge world if they had more then one so post ideas and oppinions here.
  14. So here's the problem, I'm making a level on Forge mode, then I save and leave, I come back later to do some more forging and when I load up the level, It looks like it did the first time I saved. I figured maybe the save just didn't complete, but then I leave to do my second level, and I find out that my first level override the second, fortunately I just had to delete it then go to playing history and find it again. But today, I was making a level and the same thing happened again, so here's my questions for you: Why does it glitch out like that? how can I prevent it? and when will whoever fixes stuff fix it? and do you actually understand what the problem I'm having is? Here's it simply, when I save it overrides another level.
  15. Arterial Skyway by Bifftech (me) Link to fileshare: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=24521098&player=BiffTech A medium sized map that's ideal for Slayer (team/ffa), all modes of CTF, Assault, HeadHunter, KotH, Juggernaut, but not Infection... there would be too much falling off of the map for that I think! lol Power weapons & AA's are loaded throughout the map, as are nades... to try & ensure that no one team has an advantage over their opposition.
  16. What is your Favorite thing about Halo? Mine is Campaign because I just keep wanting to know what happens next.
  17. My friend and I are looking for a clan to join. We are looking for a clan with<50 members that isn't revolved around skill. If you need to be good to get anywhere in the clan or you need to tryout to join it's too competitive. I'm also a Forger. Message me on Xbox if you fill out the requirements. My gamertag is Phoenix Medic.
  18. I'm a ODST clan leader and I say that something that they should have new in the game of forge/custom game is rideable droppods and pelicans or a falcon where all the seats are ACESSABLE for more fun games and more kills of NOOBS that dont know how to fly . but no more jokes we been asking for stuff like this through all the halo games but no and 343 is halo fans so they should put these things in the game . and you know what will be cool also if they let you upload music from your 360 to the forge game to have epic custom game music and if its lame music they should be able to mute the song not the game sounds. There should be buttons for doors or traps or stuff so we dont waste our money and space in forge making contraptions [also a waste of rescources]. this is General wardog brave of the 75th ODST troopers speaking your minds
  19. ADD: 1. The Minor Armor customization (preferably more than what Reach had) and armor color: Primary, Secondary AND armor detail Bright, Very visual lighting like in Halo 3 Equipment, they were much more balanced than armor abilities Halo 3 grenades, the ones in Reach were way too powerful New vehicles, a flyable Pelican or other new vehicles would be cool Some of the old Halo 3 Maps like Guardian, The Pitt, and Valhalla 2. The Major More customs games like in Halo 3, customs were what kept Halo 3 great for such a long time Forge, bring back the forge heavens that were Foundry and Sandbox, and I would like to see decorative objects like in H3 and not just structural Firefight, gameplay and maps like in ODST, custom options like in Reach IMPORTANT: The music chanting in Halo 2, H2 music captivating and perfectly conveyed the epic struggle over Halo. I remember the first Halo I ever played (Halo 2) At the main menu listening this track play () I didn't even need to play, I knew this was going to be something great Multiplayer just like Halo 3, not the randomness of Reach DON'T ADD: Any armor abilities EXCEPT sprint Reticle bloom The DMR (the new BR is all we need) Health
  20. Halo 4 WRAPAROUND in Halo Reach! (DOWNLOAD LINK) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUj9O5Hrruc Map Link Gametype Link
  21. post what vehicles you want to see in forge, and mabe some variations. i want to see the albatross from the halo 3 maps (sandtrap) and halo wars. have variations like, troop transport/vehicle transport/ gunship. also the valture, the vampire and the sparrowhawk.
  22. I have gone through these ideas with my friends over Xbox live they agree that these would be awesome in halo 4 forge. 1.) remove the budget idea and replace it with memory for exampled it would say how many MB aloud to be used on that map and it would count down to 0 when it reaches 0 you cannot place anything on that map. 2.) to have the ability to change the texture of a map so instead of having just a snow world you could change it to sand grass snow ect. or just put them all in 1 map. 3.) to be able to forge bigger vehicles like the scarab. 4.) like in halo reach you can change part of an objects colour but in halo 4 you should be able to change the material an object is made out of. 5.) change of weather on a map or/and day and night cycle. 6.) the ability to create the size of a block. 7.) like in halo 3 you can make it so only the leader can forge well i think in halo 4 you should be able to pick who is aloud to forge in your game. 8.) the ability to change the game type in forge like in halo 3. 9.)more options before you start up forge. 10.)space forge e.g. were you can build stuff in space. I hope my ideas help you with some part of halo forge after all forge is what makes halo fun for years.
  23. Dome is a map I made that is both an Aesthetic and Fun Map to play on. It is Fairly Large, yet very easy to navigate through. It greatly support's Big Team Battle, and if not enough, then Team Slayer is playable too. Send back your feedback, and in time, this Greatly Crafted map might be in Matchmaking one day! Link for Download: http://www.bungie.ne...B%20L337Destryr Weapon List: 2 Snipers (One on each side, Blue base's is near gravity lift. Red base's is on the Sniper Tower) 1 Sword(In middle, to give a chance for both teams) 1 shotgun (Red team side in purple tunnel) 2 needlers (Blue side, middle of 3 story building. Red side, in Red base smaller house) 1 spiker (Red side, bottom of 3 story building) 1 Grenade launcher (Red side, Top of 3 story building) 3 Health Stations (Located evenly across the map. On Bridge behind teleporter, and on both base's towers) 1 Plasma launcher (Blue side, Top of 3 story building) 1 Plasma Rifle (Located on Bridge, behind Teleporter) 2 Needle Rifle ( Located near teleporter, and small Blue base house) Magnums and DMRs (located all over the map) This map is amazing for Big Team Battle. But is good enough for Team Slayer if needed. Jet Packs are recommended, but they are not needed. Hope you guys enjoy, Tell me your Feedback! Sincerely, TheL337destroyer
  24. I personally wouldn't mind some armor abilities, but armor lock needs to be kept out of the game. It would be great to see some fresh new ones like barrel rolling off of the side of a platform to shake your pursuer. That's just my one idea, put yours down below.
  25. The following post was something I posted about an upgrade to Halo: Reach forge, but since I'm 100% positive that it won't happen, I've decided to make this about Halo 4. I've also made some edits. Please comment and give your opinion Among the items I would like featured in Halo 4 are-trees/shrubbery, skins for vehicles( like desert camo for a vehicle on a desert map, or winterized camo for a vehicle on a snow map.) forklifts/trucks(which were featured in the campaign of Reach),pelicans/phantoms,the ability to forge firefight maps and to forge on the existing ones, additional special fx, maybe optional precipitation, the use of music forge bubbles(which have the same characteristics of a special fx bubble, but will allow you to play music from any Halo OST), more money, more of each object,more kill boundaries, a mirror option to get the same exact object but reversed so you can make better symmetrical maps, and finally- an undo feature that you can use that reverts any mistakes to their previous state(this helps on those painstaking accidental deletions.) I posted this on Bungie.net back in June, so I thought that I might as well bring it here. I understand that the possibility of 343i putting any of these things in Halo 4 is slim, but I still respect the fact that they've listened to the people who play Halo: Reach and fixed some of the things that have been annoying everyone. P.S. I swear to Buddha I better be in the right forum this time.
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