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  1. Hey everybody LEGEND here, what do you think Halo 4 will be World signed or region locked? I'm curious to know what everyone has to say. I have heard many different rumors such as Xbox exclusive games are never region locked to only bungie made halo world signed. Let me know what you think
  2. Hey everyone, this is my first topic/thread on the forum, and I'm happy to be here ^^ (Making my intro thread later, it's 4 AM and I'm just chock-full of energy! *sarcasm*) So very basically put how I understood it is that you get XP for doing things like killing opponents, headshots, capturing flags, destroying vehicles, etc. It's unknown to me or I believe most people whether you'll lose them after losing a match or not, but it can be inferred that you'll lose them if you quit a match. Spartan Points, (just a placeholder name for now) are either gained how Credits are in Reach, or after every time you rank up. If they're gained how Credits were, then it's possible that gaining SP is an optional way to rank up. I believe that it may or may not be optional to rank up by getting enough, but I don't think it'll be like that. Even if it were, I'm sure most of the Halo veterans would choose to rank up with XP, including myself. That's all for now, I hope that this little bit of a post helped some of you that were confused. Also, if you have anything to add, please do so. One more thing, I would like to refrain from flaming or bashing of any sort on this thread if possible. I do not intend to advocate that kind of behavior, and this thread is solely meant for discussion and helpful purposes. Thanks for reading ^^
  3. Halo 4 definitely needs a ranking system that's based on skill rather than experience like reach. Reach was a joke to just about everyone, and this is one of the MAIN reasons why (of course unbalanced AAs, etc.). My point is, unlike reach, H4 or subsequent games need a ranking system that people care about. You can argue, "it's just a number" but then why would so many people care about it? I mean ultimately, you can always say, "it's just a game" or "it's just entertainment." Just like most forms of entertainment, the purpose of it is to be ENTERTAINING, not practical. Now that that moot point (or at least what should be one) is out of the way, the ranking system with a number there is important to indicate your skill level and match you up with others of that skill level - the number allowing you to see each person's rank without necessarily having to go through each of their KDRs. Frank O'Connor states that this can increase boosting. Personally, I never had a MAJOR problem with people boosting in H2, and very little in H3. Granted, I never exceeeded level 40 because my Internet connection was so bad (but I did have a 40!). Regardless, the ranking system gave something for players to PLAY FOR! ...To reach the highest rank and say, "hey look, I did very well at something I enjoy a heckuva lot!" (but not so much in those words, more like "F*** YEAH!"). Anyway, my point is, Reach didn't give the incentive, because experience does not equal skill, and people want to be rewarded for their skill. Reach rewarded players for boosting more so IMO because you could just put the controller down and come back a little later, and hey look! YOU'VE GOT CREDITS! That burst my bubble more than anything else. And what did Bungie do as one of their last acts - HEY! Let's ban/reset those who are doing it in FIREFIGHT! A playlst that doesn't ACTUALLY effect anyone else as far as PVP matchmaking goes.... And TO THIS DAY I still play with people who do it on my team in PVP matchmaking, or constantly betray, or constantly suicide, or just leave the game. So if I'm not with a full team, I am having a poor experience. And let's face it, if 343i cared about this at all, you wouldn't see it nearly as much (which is almost EVERY game for me - no exaggeration). People don't care and can clearly get away with doing this. So Frank O'Connor, I'm respectfully calling you out for flipping your lid on a ranking system and boosting, because if this (Reach) isn't a form of boosting then I don't know what is... unlesss... Unless that is that you actually recognize that Reach doesn't involve ranking players by skill at all, let alone matching them up! Then my friend, then it would not be boosting but rather taking advantage of the system for credits that ultimately represent nothing! I would really love to hear how Reach has any competitive aspect and how it promotes this competition. That is where Reach's philosophy on matchmaking falls drastically short - that credits to buy stupid stuff matters to competitive PVP Halo players. We want a ranking system back - one that keeps track of your skills and not one that rewards you for simply playing the game. Nowhere is it blatantly stated thus far for Halo 4 that the ranked system will be based on player skill whatsoever. Frank O'Connor pitched around the question by stating that players wlll be able to track their own skill and will be matched up according to their individual skill - claims also made for Reach before its release. So I want to hear it from the mouth of Frankie O'Connor himself, as blatantly as possible, stating what the actual multiplayer matchmaking will be like in H4 with regards to a ranking system and player skill. Because what I am looking for, and what almost all competitive Halo players are looking for, is a ranked system back again that measures your skill while allowing others to see your rank/level in order to determine who they're up against. As far as how the ranking system would work, it would be nice to incorporate teamwork and winning games into it, but I think first and foremost individual skill needs to be a major part. Because silly things can happen such as teammates leaving games, betraying... oh wait, this list is getting similar to my last one. With that rank/level number there to worry about, and seeing that people certainly cared about it in H2-3, people would not be so keen on deranking by committing those acts (acts that should have an automatic level drop IMO if you leave a game intentionally, and have a level drop after 3 intentional suicides/betrayals per game - or something to that harsh nature). And hey, if Bungie can monitor people for not playing in firefight, I don't see why things like these can't be monitored too! To me this is simple to implement as well to please both competitive players and casuals. Just have a ranked playlist and an unranked playlist that everything falls under (i.e. team slayer, team skirmish, team snipers, etc...). The ranked would have only competitive playlists and be very balanced as far as armor abilities, equipment and such (maybe none of it even), whereas the other would have everything in it (as appropriated by 343i per gametype) and could be where 343i determines what could work in competitive ranked play (sort of like testing different things out to see what's balanced enough for ranked play). Both playlists could have, for example, Team Slayer (with ranked being more balanced for competitive play), but only the unranked would have things like Action Sack. So I don't think that's too hard or too much to ask for. So lastly (and I apologize for the long post but I miss ranks too much and am very passionate with this topic and Halo), I am calling for Frank O'Connor to announce or respond to me with what things wlll be like for H4 mulitplayer matchmaking regarding ranks and their basis (skill based vs experience based) in the most blatant manner possible without spoiling everything. For exmaple, just saying how the system works would suffice - like how it determines rank and sorts out players to play with each other. I would like to hear thoughts back, especially from 343i regarding my ideas for playlists and how the ranking system should be. To me it's simple and flexible enough for 343i to do a lot with it! And Frank O'Connor, I respect you as a Halo fan and appreciate the hard work and dedication to the Halo community, I just can't agree with you on a ranking system. Please don't take this as a personal attack, because I'm sure you're a great guy and all, but I'm just very passionate about this topic. So please, I implore you to make these details known and interact with the community here that is screaming for a ranking system that reminds us of the fun we had in H2 and H3....oh and by the way, while you're at it.......... CLANS ~ Force 410
  4. A new video with some not so new content my g4's Xplay. http://www.g4tv.com/videos/60926/halo-4-gameplay-preview/#video-60887 Nothing new just some gameplay of a little bit of each map and campaign and spartan ops.
  5. Mr. DJ

    Halo 4 Console

    Here is a link to were you can buy the Halo 4 Console: http://www.microsoftstore.com/store/msstore/pd/Xbox-360-Limited-Edition-Halo-4-Console/productID.253596900 It also Comes the Unicorn Emblem. But it is $400 dollars, so, do you think it is worth buying?
  6. Hey guys I'm Going to be getting a hd pvr soon so if you want to join team ph0enix we will be doing mostly customs and some forging if your interested in joining message me on Xbox live: JA1E35 . Once I get my pvr I will start recording and posting onto YouTube! There will be some rules applied to join in: You must be over the age of 14. Swearing and insulting will not be tolerated. Always have a positive attitude! You must be online daily. If you have a hd pvr currently it would be awesome cause then we can start posting videos onto YouTube! Please reply If you have any questions.
  7. New vidnette http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNRzUwa3VQU In other new there is a new Halo 4 mulitplayer map and gamemode called Solace a Dominion. Theres also new campaign footage from Spike last night.
  8. gamer tag: JJAG3 map: asetic hawk horrnet and rihno description: 3 unsc vechiles from halo wars
  9. im looking 4 a halo wars can to join or a group to play with im very experienced (gamertag) feanboy145
  10. My fiancé signed in to his Xbox live account and ALL of MY halo reach stuff was on his account and my account completely restarted. (he received my call sign, spartan upgrades, game saves, etc) he even completed the campaign on his account (and I hadn't) and it had erased all of his campaign progress (but not achievements and it even says he has completed the game on legendary but he has none of the levels unlocked like he used to). Is there any way to fix this? Has anyone heard of anything like this? thanks!
  11. Creator-ShadowFalcon777 Map-Reactor Game types-Team slayer, FFA, Multiteam, CTF, Assault, Stockpile, Oddball, Territories, KOTH, Headhunter. Recommendations- 8-10 players for -FFA,Team Slayer, CTF, Assault, Territories, Stockpile Discription- This is a Slayer+Objective map made in the Quarry area of Forge World. The aesthetical feel to the map makes you feel like your at a forerunner power plant of any kind, hence the name "Reactor". 4v4 or 5v5 is best played on this map for the CQC and long range combat on the map. As far as objectives, CTF and Assault are best played on this map, again with 4v4 or 5v5. Weapon placement is quite balance and very good. no team is over powered at all unless they are lucky to obtain all power weapons. The map is ofcourse completely symmetrical, other than the occasional terrain. I hope you all enjoy this map and have blast....... literally. Download link- http://halo.xbox.com...etails=30730948 Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wTi8Cvm8JI&feature=youtu.be Screenshot
  12. GT-ShadowFalcon777 Map-Generator Creator-ShadowFalcon777 Gametype-Race Recommended players- 1-8 (however it is compatible with 16) Gameplay- Use mongooses and nothing else otherwise the 720 wont work. This a rollercoaster styled map in the pardisal area. Starting gates a little funky, but its has a 90.0% consistant 720 and a pipeline area thats a favorite to all. In my opinion has great asthetics and is really smooth. hope you guys like the map and check it out. Download link- http://halo.xbox.com...etails=29830224 BTW in the video, The map placed 3rd so you may want to skip to there.
  13. From here until Halo 4 comes out I am going to complete the entire Halo series on co-op! Starting with Halo CEA, You must have a microphone and be at least 14. This is gonna go on Youtube so don't act stupid, Act Funny! To enter you must: Be 13 or older Have a microphone Be willing to be on Youtube Agree to Microsofts Content Usage Rules Have Halo CEA and/or Halo 3 To enter Send me a message on Xbox Live GT: A 4Runner Tank Recording starts every other day at 6pm up until Halo 4 releases on November 6
  14. gamer tag: JJAG3 maps: factory game types: slayer,territories,king of the hill,assualt,neutural bomb assualt,and one bomb assualt discription: this map is for 5v5, and placed in a abandon UNSC factory,key points are on top of cranes and on the conveaor belt doors http://halo.xbox.com...etails=28912609
  15. gamer tag: JJAG3 map: New Mombasa game type: toxin description: This is for 16 players. the spartans from halo 3 ODST dropped a toxic gas and all the dead elites and humans became zombies and the forces must team up to survive http://halo.xbox.com...etails=29589392 http://halo.xbox.com...etails=29589391
  16. As you all know, the only vehicles worth using in Halo Wars was the Vultures, a pelican with roofed heat seeking missile ports, Machine guns and missile barrages, and the Locusts, mini scarabs that shot focus beams. Since Halo 4 is right around the corner, we need to act DOUBLE FAST! so let's be general, casual forum readers and let's tell them what we think about this! First off, I would only recommend that a vulture is a neutral vehicle placed in the middle of the area, rather than every team is flying with millions of missiles at hand. And limit Locusts like wraiths, but keep them handy. Also, Locusts need to have a secondary firing option and overheating that opens the upper canopy and makes the driver vulnerable from behind. A must feature for the vulture is that when a player ejects from it, the vulture must auto-pilot back to the landing zone. Otherwise players will be able to use the vultures large mass as an obstruction or a bridge or whatever. Also, the vulture is a one man vehicle. Even if these aren't forgeable, they will still be fascinating to the 1st person view. In conclusion, this would be worth the game delay. But I'm making this thread for you guys, so what do you guys feel about adding more vehicles into Halo 4?
  17. Attention All forgers. This is a call for those who enjoy the thrill of making maps and games on Halo Reach. This Clan is based around the Halo Reach forge, but we venture into other game editing systems like Far Cry 2 and Minecraft. All we do all day is Forge Awesome new maps, Test them with each other, and just chill on X-box. We only have around 50 members of all forging levels and skill. Forgers that make Slayer, Infection, Invasion, CTF, HeadHunter, Mini-Games, Mini-Aesthetic... etc. Our main goal is to bring all forgers of every calibur into one community so we can share our knowledge, maps and ideas. We accept all who wish to forge with us, and if you wish to test out your maps please send one of our members a message over X-box live. We hope you all can keep forging until Halo 4 gets here with it's updated and completely awesome forging plate. If you wish to join the clan or just want to test your crazy new map. Send one of our high ranking members a message, so we can get together a custom game. If you want to see our first annual Top Ten maps, watch the video below: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jK35WBUYpJc&feature=plcp Keep Forging. Contact: Leader: Mankill258 -LiEeXx666 -CANADIAN ECHO
  18. Attention All forgers. This is a call for those who enjoy the thrill of making maps and games on Halo Reach. This Clan is based around the Halo Reach forge, but we venture into other game editing systems like Far Cry 2 and Minecraft. All we do all day is Forge Awesome new maps, Test them with each other, and just chill on X-box. We only have around 50 members of all forging levels and skill. Forgers that make Slayer, Infection, Invasion, CTF, HeadHunter, Mini-Games, Mini-Aesthetic... etc. Our main goal is to bring all forgers of every calibur into one community so we can share our knowledge, maps and ideas. We accept all who wish to forge with us, and if you wish to test out your maps please send one of our members a message over X-box live. We hope you all can keep forging until Halo 4 gets here with it's updated and completly awesome forging plate. If you wish to join the clan or just want to test your crazy new map. send one of our high ranking members a message, so we can get together a custom game. Keep Forging. Members: Leader: Mankill258 -LiEeXx666 -CANADIAN ECHO (ME) -Death by Dogs
  19. I want to collect all the Halo 4 pre-order and limited edition armor. If anybody is generous (which you probably aren't) enough could you possible pm me a code when the game is released. If possible I might offer you a trade. Currently I am pre-ordering from Gamestop and want to get the Limited Edition Fotus armor as well. Thank you!
  20. Map: Dead Swamp Players: (recomended) 8-12 Description: This is Dead Swamp, a free roam infection map made by CANADIAN ECHO. This us a medium sized map which includes many hut-like structures to use as shelter. -I heard the sound again... They have returned... They lurk in the deep... HELP US!?! Map Varient: https://halo.xbox.co...etails=30058285 Gametype: https://halo.xbox.co...attachment=1071 :Dead Swamp 2.jpg]
  21. You are a soldier. You can fight with strength and skill, but as an army, you obliviate fortresses and capture strategic locations. Lucky for you, there's a new army branch out there, waiting for your signal. It's called Kilo Team, a battalion destined for valor, unchallenged for honor. When you first join, you will be challenged with a test known as the Promotion. If you pass, you will become an Attendant, one of the finest initiates in the corps, destined to battle on foot. Your discipline and strength will be tested. When the time is right, you will be challenged with another test, known as the Decision. Here, you must make a choice between leading the other attendants into battle or to fight along side and assist those in danger. After you have made your choice, you will spar against your comrades, and you will become either an Accountant, or an Assistant. Once you have proven that you can guide others, you will face the final challenge; a test known as the Ascension. You will then dogfight an Ascendant, mono de mono. If you survive, you will become an Ascendant yourself. The Ascendant is an honor like no other, that no other clan's highest rank would dominate in the Ascendant's presence. There are many like ourselves out there, gathering members and ruling an single leader division. But we are surely to dominate their presence. As we rage the meadows, guns blazing, if there is one thing you should remember, it's that glory and honor will guide our ascension.
  22. For me I'd name mine UNSC: Malice Of Forethought. Covenant: Blade Of Retribution. Go head and post up what you feel would make a good name.
  23. If you are looking for a clan to join hit me up! My clan name is Unnatural Cause and we are looking for new members. I will try you out to see how you play. This is a competitive clan so I am looking for good players always wanting to win. We will also be doing Gamebattles, but is not required. Send me a friend request if your interested. Gamertag: iRush God (Leader) or Gamertag: Budweiser X 702 (Co-Leader)
  24. When you think about why you disliked forge world, you'll never be able to summarize the conclusion up into one sentence, which is why I'm going to tell all of your guys Ideas along with mine to 343i. so if I may, 343i, Please: Fix the coordination ( if you don't know what I'm talking about, refer to my post about the EC tool) Make more flat areas Proximity the boundaries with walls, not "Return to Battlefield" ! Add effects for weather and music Add physics traits to vehicles (so I can make a vehicle phased or fixed.) :pistol:GUNS!GUNS!GUNS! In conclusion 343i, if this offends you, .
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