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  1. I need a clan. im experienced in halo and at the time of this post im a colonel grade 2. my K/D is positive. My best game is SWAT. i can put the team on my back if necesary but i can be a team player. im acive on halo also. Just message me on my gamertag BreakingNoodles
  2. I know that we're all well aware of the INCREDIBLY EPIC lines in all of the Halo games. Other games don't even compare to Chief's powerful one-liners or Johnson's sarcastic comments about the Covenant. Which is why I want to know YOUR favorite quotes from any of the Halo games. It can be a sample from a sentence, or the entire sentence itself. Anything you guys thought was pretty epic, don't forget to mention who said it and/or which game in the franchise it was from. I'll start: "Was I wrong....?"-Cortana, Halo 3
  3. I'm making a thread open for discussion about the looks of Halo 4. I make this mostly because I am really worried about the looks of the Halo 4 sniper rifle. The art-style of the new UNSC sniper rifle looks horrible. It has a lot of things that don't make any sense and some things that are just in the way and distracts. For example, The scope looks like a radio from the 1960:s. It has an analog sight (or whatever it's called) that can't even be used, and it doesn't need to be there just because of that. Besides, the full-screen digital sight looked a lot cooler in Halo: Reach, and it had an effect, check it out if you don't know what I mean. And Halo 4 doesn't have that. Also on the sight, it needs a cable to be powered? What? did UNSC downgrade the sniper to so that it needs a showing, cheap looking cable to power that small screen? Which by the way, is a lot smaller then the previous versions. It also has a handlebar? Why? Like, did the army get greedy and say it wasn't comfortable enough to carry? Or maybe they want to use the sniper as a mini-gun? It looks like it's supposed to be like that. Also, why have they removed that magnificent, so much more enjoyable sound when you shoot with it? Now, honestly, it sounds like it's driven with gas and old rusty springs that are about to break. Seriously. I don't get it why you have to change this kind of stuff? Do you explain it somehow why the UNSC decided to downgrade it. Or just simply, why did 343 decide to make it look like it was homemade if there was some kind of an apocalypse and someone took the old lawnmower motor and combined it with their kids trampoline springs and made it shoot something. Also, I nearly forgot, The two curved things on the HUD sight when you zoom in, what is the purpose of those? They don't change when you move the sight or shoot or anything so they're just there to distract. Maybe I'm over-exaggerating on this one specifically, but they kind of create an illusion of a circle they make by themselves that distracts a whole lot, at least so it seems. Is that just me or...? For the record, I am not complaining about Halo 4, Only about the sniper rifle. Which all of my friends, that by the way, like me, have played Halo ever since Halo Combat Evolved came out on Xbox.
  4. Ok, so maybe one song wasn't enough. Why not a trailer? (BTW, for copyright reasons, I DO NOT OWN THE SONGS OR THE TRAILER) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fX63z4acmUo
  5. Ah, Halo 3. A game that will remain deep in our hearts forever. And what's better than finishing what we started. Hmmm, what is better.... I KNOW! Running around as a 7-foot tall super soldier killing aliens and making the most badass quotes in the history of gaming. You want to know something else that's better? Being able to do it again. Thanks to 343 industries, Halo 4 is on it way. But, what about the game that left us hungry for more? The game where we kicked butt alongside an 8-foot tall alien and stopped the firing of the halos. The game where we FINALLY KILLED TRUTH. The game where we finished the fight. I just want to thank everyone who played Halo 3 and gave 343 the opportunity to make yet another epic game. I want to thank everyone for finishing the fight. Together. Wow. This sounds incredibly cheesy. So everyone, tell me about your favorite moments in Halo 3. Whether it was an awesome cutscene, an epic Master Chief line, or you just screwing around in campaign or matchmaking and threw a grenade that sent someone flying. ALSO, something special for all of you. Enjoy!
  6. Hey guys I'm getting a roxio capture card soon and was wondering what machinimas i could do. Im not 100% good video editor but I can do some things. I dont know how to add effects like following a person with a real image of a pizza box in his hands but I never really looked that up. Anyways what are your ideas for a machinima. I would love to hear what you guys would like to do. Let's keep this Halo related. I dont want to do some montages or pro snipes or whatever the hell Call of Duty has. I want Halo machinimas. Strictly Halo. I have to make it do-able too. That means I don't want un-realistic stuff as far as map editing or viewpoints. I would love to see some plot twists though. Anyways post your ideas below and be sure to check out my minecraft server below in my signature!
  7. DanteXO1


    From the album: Some Halo pics

  8. DanteXO1

    Flaming Spartan

    From the album: Some Halo pics

    I found this on google this looks like a banner verison of this

    © Bungie

  9. DanteXO1

    Make It,Worth It

    From the album: Some Halo pics

    I was bored so I went to try out the weapon down code on campagin and went on New Alexdria,It looks kinda cool I guess. This was first time using this.

    © L DanteXO1 L

  10. DanteXO1

    Flaming Spartan

    From the album: Some Halo pics

    I found this on google and it looks cool so I shared it lol. I think this was on Bungie.net

    © Bungie

  11. I certainly hope im not the only one who didnt like ODST, because truthfully it wasnt that fun The campaign kinda sucked and there wasnt much to do after it. So am i alone or not?
  12. Halo 4 forge option I think you should be able to change the weather of your map that you make in forge. For an example, if your making an infection map you can change it to a thunder storm or you could use the idea for machinimas.
  13. Pick one of each Class. Example, I like both UNSC and Covenant therefore I'll answer both UNSC and Covenant, so I'll pick my favorite leaders. Captain Cutter and The Arbiter. For my favorite UNSC units I'll put 3 answers. 1 for infantry, 1 for vehicles, and 1 for aircraft. Favorite infantry is spartan of course. Favorite vehicle is elephant. And favorite aircraft is vulture. For covenant same thing. One for each class. Favorite infantry is elite honor guard. Favorite vehicle is locust. Favorite aircraft is vampire.
  14. syre13


    From the album: ELITES

  15. Hey guys! I'm the new guy here! Well, not new. I've played Halo since it came out for the First Gen X-Box. I have been a fan of Bungie since I was about 4 and could pick up a controller! I just recently finished the Halo CE Anniversary. Thank you 343 for no ruining the game with super high-end graphics. Actually, it made the story a little more tantalizing. I had such weird instances of Deja-Vu when playing the game. I went back into my little 4 year old self. I shouted at the grunts, ran away from the zealots, and kicked some serious covenant ass for the second time. That was a great trip back in time for me, I just want to say thanks, and I already pre-ordered Halo 4. THANKS FOR READING GUYS!
  16. Okay i hope 343 saw my other great idea thread about the machinima hopefully i put the thread on the right topic thingy but i must say this is my number 3 idea for halo 4 if they ever make halo 4 and give it a kinect setting i was thinking about this to up the halo creativity cause i have a wild imagination so tell me if you like this idea i recall bungie showing a vid for a part where the animation copied how the human moved when he was acting as a marine getting off a pelican in halo reach with the turret so i was thinking to help the halo experience this is a little part for connect nothing to big but maybe they could design it to where when the human moves so does the spartan in real time so they can give a section where you can create your own assassinations and you can use a second friend as the dummy spartan so you can make your own cool customization of assassinations and of course it will have a time limit on how long you perform the assassination so do you guys think this is a great and fun idea for online customization? so you can freely show off an attack you created?
  17. Okay so ive got more ideas but this is my second best one ive had for years now and i want you guys to comment and tell me if you think 343 should do this? I had the idea that maybe to keep things fun and entertaining they should have a mode called Machinima mode or machinima world for halo 4 its obvious they have theater so you have the camera i think this mode should provide many things and exclusives from the other mode that they should have it to where that mode you can select things such as brutes the new enemies grunts even exclusive ships like pelican or whatever new vehicles they have that seem like you cant drive them it should also have like a point where you can control the aliens or spartans in the level even maybe marines so it helps out more for machinima fans so it adds more entertainment and excitement to movie making even for people such as rvb it should also give the movie maker a chance to make a great clip showing off halo even if your a rookie to machinima and it should at most contain old and new levels from the old halo universe so it feels like you don't have to change a plot dramatically levels such as fan favorites lockout,headlong,turf or even pit and snowbound thats one of my ideas sorry if it doesn't have enough detail but tell me if you guys like ^-^
  18. This is a request, if you would like me as your official forum musician please post and cast your petition!! Samples: http://soundcloud.com/rafafernandez/feilds-of-eternity http://www.youtube.com/user/RDragonsSlayer16 By my mighty love of Halo and the epicness of this forum I hearby and forthwith declare my hopes and promises to you. I seek to become ever more powerful and skilled in the art of music. And would take requests on game releated cover songs. Maybe even 343.org would add a music player of some sort. For now this is Dragon Slayer signing off. Cast your vote and let your voice and the sounds of music be heard!!!
  19. Like I said, we're all here because we love one thing, Halo. This new thread is a place where people can through out anything they want to say about anything Halo related. For me, the best part about Halo is the community, so I want to foster that, raise it, teach it values, watch it graduate, get a job, and become a juggernaut of online conversation. So what are you waiting for? What's your favorite thing about Halo?
  20. Hey guys my name is ksi silent wolf and im from a gaming community called KSI. We basically do matchmaking custom games and other halo based things.We are here for fun and to actuall learn life skills as weird as that sounds. BUT Each squad has more professional teams like mlg, slayer, snipers, forge, and so on. those are in place for more seriouse gamers that want to join. We are very organised as a community becouse there are so many current members.(we boast a nice large 3000 members) To join you have to be at least 13 and have a mic. other requirments are- Change armer collor to steel(black.) Add ksi (squad) division) name to your motto and changing your emblem. now i know to many people this is outragouse but in my opinion the benifits far outweigh the negatives and if your up for joining send me a voice only message to me gt. I also know many people will say bad things about ksi most likly on this thread, so i ask you to please be courtiouse to other people who might actually want to join and not be hatefull on this post. Thank you. we have a website called ksiglobal.net which should be up very soon (currently down for upgrading)6/25/12
  21. The Next 10 years of Halo GameInformer has talked with Frank O'Connor about the next decade of the Halo universe. They discuss about mapping the next ten years and how the Halo will evolve within that time. O'Connor also mentions some details discussing the next game in development, Halo 5, And how changes in hardware might affect it's direction of course. The future of Halo, 10 years - link here.
  22. ΠΘVΛ


    Hey guys, a friend of mine has started doing some Halo: Reach commentary, I thought it seemed right seeing as though we are a forum based of Halo and it's new foreseers that I post this and help him out. Like I said he is just starting out but he is being very professional in his commentary. It would be nice if you guys could also help out and Subscribe. Thanks guys, it would very appreciated and nice to have him doing something he really loves and get his name a little out their. -Nova. Here is a link to his channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/facetiousmuffinman and I would recommend watching his 4th video, I was really surprised.
  23. Defence: STRIKE 2.0 _____________________________________________ Defence: Strike is a Vehical chaotic map. It consists of two teams, Red or Blue. Players consist of 2 - 16. Or by yourself, but that's no fun, right? What is it? This is your base, I know, not much for a base, but it gets the job done. This is the Red's teams base. Red team as well as any other team, contains the following. A banshee on each base's peak. 2 Shade turrets on the upper deck of your base. 2 Mongooses on each side of the base. A warith on each side of the base. A sniper nest on each side of the base. Two fusion coil launchers (Made by a gravity lift and a canon(details in picture below) 2 Falcons 3 Warthogs(each different) 2 Revenants 4 ghosts And one Scorpion. The only true difference is the weapons for each base! ____ What is a fusion coil launcher? Glad you asked, A fusion coil launcher is a fusion coil being forced out of a window to explode in a designated area. There are 2 of these at each base. This was designed orgininaly for exloploding vechicles, but it now used to defend you base. __ Any hidden weapons? Armor abilites? Actually, yes. There are some hidden weapons you can find lying around the map. As for armor abilites, those are. Blue base: Armor lock, Jetpack, Active Camo Red base: Sprint, Active camo, Evade(or Active camo) The reason they are different so that the opposing team won't see what's coming for them. More excitement = more fun! __ Any specific gametypes? Loadouts? This map can only be played with the gametypes: DEFENCE UNLIMITED: Most entertaining. DEFENCE: Most reconmemded. BTB BTB Heavies Slayer: Least reconmended. DEFENCE: This gametype is basically BTB Heavies with a twist, you only get about 10 spare lives and if your team loses, they conquer the base. 10 points for a kill score to win = 500. DEFENCE UNLIMITED: The same as DEFENCE except unlimted lives and ulimited ammo(bottomless clip). But the score to win is 1000. 10 points for a kill. The loadouts are deafults for the most part, except DEFENCE. DEFENCE's Loadouts are extremely destructable. ____ Download links are at the file browser!! Gamertag: Mellcor. Have fun!
  24. To whom it may concern, Well this a start of Some of my post I'm going to be doing various things So let me know if you need any help with anything. Give me some opinions or links and pics to edit for you. Give me ideas and new reels to bring to you guys. Let me know and hope ya'll like some of my screenies Sincerely CollinRay, Don't forget to like!!! Thank-you!
  25. Salutations, I will be brief in my introduction as I'm sure you have many duties to attend to. A new age is upon us, AN AGE OF EXPLORATION, new worlds, new friends, and new foes. Are now a reality, with you my comrades, both old and new, I venture forth with into the great unknown. Speak with me, and let us converse, I'm an open book and would enjoy the conversation. Without further adu, I introduce myself The Dragon Slayer - Leader of "FAIRY TALE" A fighter and a lover. I arrive to the battlefield to offer nobility and chaos. Laughter and hard core determination. I will lead you into battle, where we will emerge baptized in the blood of our foe, with fire in our hearts. I will follow you into war, never forsaking you my brother. I will post upon this forum as if I write a love letter. You have devotion and attention, 343.org That's my introduction my friends. ~Talk to you in the forums and see you on the battlefield.
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