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  1. hello, i would just like to know the puplics opinion on this, should the game come to pc? yes?, no?, why and why not? personaly i would like to see it come to the pc, but i dont think microsoft will choose to do so, as they belive it wont make them much money like halo 2. ( please not that halo 2 was released for VISTA, do you see what the problem was now?) so what do you guya think?
  2. Before I begin i would like you to know I am not trolling anyone and I am expressing my opinion on a matter I consider very serious. I know many of you will flame me and disregard me, but I need to get my feelings out to the community. I need you to know what I believe. I know for a fact Halo 4 is going to be a great game. But it is not what Halo is, it is not Halo. I grew up with Halo and my Xbox. Halo was a very important part of my childhood. I remember coming home everyday from school and starting up Halo Combat Evolved and Halo 2 with the same euphoric look on my face. There was nothing that compared to popping skulls with the pistol, or headshotting grunts and elites alike with the BR. When time came, I saved all the money I could for an Xbox 360, because I knew Halo 3 was on its arrival. I was so eager to play it, so hyped up by everyone around me. To this day, I believe it to be the most hyped up video game ever. Some say that throne belongs to Modern Warfare 3, but I disregard them. G4 did not do a 24 hour countdown to MW3, and if they did. It was not worth it. The hype that led up to Halo 3 was completely worth it. That game was the reason I got Xbox Live. And that game was to this day, the best experience I have ever had in a multiplayer game. A few years ago, Halo: Reach, Bungie's farewell had released. For months prior, I would spend hours on the forums. And I had spoiled the campaign for myself prerelease. But I cared not, while we enjoyed Reach for weeks, we crashed and came to loathe it. But I recently returned to it, to give it another shot. And what I discovered is how much i had loved it. It was a bitter-sweet finale. Halo was done. Until they announced Halo 4. From the get-go, I had shaky feelings about Halo 4. Previous to the release of the ViDoc, I felt like the entire new trilogy was just milking the series. The original Halo had to die, its rezurection was blasphemous to the original trilogy. The thing I was so hung up on was the fact that they had already defeated the covenant. Starting a new trilogy with all new enemies would undermine the entire struggle, the entirety of Halo: CE, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo: ODST, Halo:Reach, and even Halo Wars. The one thing I would not stand for is the replacement of the Covenant as the new enemies. There is way too much of a nostalgia factor to replace grunts, elites, jackals, hunters, and even brutes, prophets, and drones. The sheer gameplay that was created by the variations in the enemies you fought was what made Halo Halo. How do they plan on replacing the Covenant with "Forerunners", as speculated and completely change the gameplay of the it all. My biggest gripe is that there is too much change for this to be a canonical continuation. Sure, I know the game must change from game to game. But the game no longer resembles what you and I grew up playing and loving. There is too big of a jump. The thread was sewn so tight, the only thing we had left to wonder was where Master Chief would end up. Johnson and Miranda are dead. The Arbiter and the elites have gone home. Who is there to fight? The ViDoc had gave me mixed feelings. On one hand I was estatic to play this game as it looked good and fun. The multiplayer instantly gave me visions of Halo 3 on Narrows, although I am not a big fan of the new Spartan IVs(they look like they are wearing the Nanosuit from Crysis) But on the other hand, I felt violated, and I have never, ever felt this way about a video game before. Why does Chief have new armor? How does chief have new armor? Why does the BR look so different? Why does the Warthog look so different? Who is the Chief going to fight now? These things,The BR(atleast a semi-shot, skill required weapon), the Warthog, The Covenant are all staples of the Halo Franchise. If you remove them or heavily alter them, these staples are going to fall apart, and the paper they bind together will promptly follow. There is so much change with little canonical explanation. My hope is this will all be explained in the beginning of the game, and that the covenant will return as the main enemy, but the Forerunners will replace the flood as the emerging enemy. Although I know for sure that is not going to happen. 343 is going to take Halo 4 in the direction they deem fit, and I do have respect for them. They are the ones making the game and it is their right to alter it. But I know, deep down that the new trilogy will end up being like the second Star Wars Trilogy. I don't want Halo to be like this. Halo has changed too much, it is no longer Halo. It is no longer the game I grew up with. I will by the game, there is no doubt about that, but I don't think I will enjoy it. I'm not mad, I'm scared, scared of what Halo is going to become. I hope, I really, really hope that I am dead wrong. But that is not what I think, that is not what I know will happen. I'm scared for Halo 4, and you should be too.
  3. Hello reader. I am glad to be in this magnificent forum connected with people that share same love for game and knowledge. I also hope we will chat together in good manners(but i see bad manners wont happen). Thank you for reading this little introduction of me. I have nothing to say anymore.
  4. If you could know anything on Halo 4 what would it be and why?
  5. i don't really have any ideas, but i'm intrested to see what you guys think.
  6. Whai is YOUR favorit weapon of all time from any Halo game?
  7. Hi everyone! Here is our new funtage, "A French Wheelmen Way", "French Wheelmen" is a French community based on fun with Halo vehicles, enjoy it ! Give your feedback ! Thanks
  8. hi, my name is S a B x ODST and i am second in command of the skullz and bones clan. now before you bag on me for my K/D we are a pretty good clan and our clan record is 6/0 if you want to join then message me or S a B x Lord also you can message us with questions thanks and please dont troll this post.
  9. my idea is that they make a map (or maps) thats kind of like one that i have made (except mine is amateur). its a map with 2 bases, everyone gets one life, and there are 10 rounds, there is one sniper per base, with only 4 bullets, out of the 5 loadouts a few of them have a rocket launcher in them (the game type is called the battle of reach part 2 if your intrested in seeing for yourself), there are no scorpians or gauss warthogs. there is one rocket warthog and one regular warthog per base, one wraith, as many ghosts as u want, 2 revenants, as many mongooses as u want, one banshee, and 2 falcons. no spartan lasers, and 2 big bases. i fell like im missing something but you wont be able to see the map since there lot of versions, plus im editing it in case i have to show it to 343. but, in my opinion, this is the perfect map and gametype to be able to force the teams to use every single aspect ofthe game to win. this shud be a no parties allowed game type of course. comment under here
  10. i personally think that they shud make a couple more sky vehicles, besides just banshees and falcons. Also, i think they shud make a spartan vehicle that is more like a ghost, and u can fire from the driver seat and move really fast I also think that (even tho it sounds rediculous) they shud make not only air and ground vehicles, but water vehicles, like a speed boat or something, or just like a warthog that can drive on land and water. Another good idea is that they make more types of warthogs and falcons, like the ones in the campaign of reach. My last idea is to just have more vehicles in general. I heard somewhere that they are planningon putting pelicans and phantoms If you have a comment on any of these ideas, or your own idea, then plz post it.
  11. halo 3 is slowly declining in its online players. THAT MUST NOT HAPPEN!!! Halo 3 was one of the best halo games ever made, as was its multiplayer! Respond to this topic only if you support me and believe we need to keep halo 3 alive!
  12. Why i ask is by the looks of it MLG it will slowly be pushed aside and looked at a main stream within the US and not Europe going forward! Here in the Uk & Europe there are many competitive leagues making it big within time that H4 comes out and i was wondering what they plan on doing. One of them being Multiplay which is a HUGE game festival here in the Uk and the other one being EGL ( European Gaming League ) which they due to have a few events this year. Thought Instead of having a MLG playlist they could look at bringing a competitive playlist out run similar to the way they run MLG if not better..... not saying i dont want MLG there at all but seeing there's more competitive sites nowadays and the community speaks out to them if they want changes anyway, which of course is reviewed them implemented if agreed but just thinking of other ways 343 and H4 could do to make it fair on others.... again just an opinion thats all so what do you think? and why....
  13. I have found that playing on the Anniversary playlists is so much more fun than the normal playlists. It feels more like Halo 3 and it made Reach feel like I whole new game. Also, the magnum is just amazing. I've been having a lot of fun, and was wondering if anybody else agrees that the game feels better with the tweaked speed and no armor abilities. I now have complete confidence in 343 Industries.
  14. I'm a bit confused on what ONI actually is and I was wondering if someone who really knows a lot about Halo could explain it to me. I understand some things about ONI, but I don't comprehend what ONI's actual purpose is. Thanks in advance for you guys' help.
  15. Halo 2 was the bullet point that changed Halo competitions forever as well as the Community. If anyone remembers truly playing the game, you remember playing FFA for hours, up to 900 and you remember spending hours figuring out the super jumps and how to BXR from a fan playing perspective - it was the most interesting game - it had the best maps - it had THE BEST COMMUNITY from an MLG perspective - best playist - best maps - best button combos - true talent stood out - and much more The Halo 2 community from clans like eXiT WoundZ to KSI we all had a thriving time playing this game, why not make it online again? I guarantee that if 343i really put some time into putting Halo 2 back up and updating the dash for it, people would not only play it again, but people would bring it back to Major League Gaming. BRING BACK Halo 2!! Sign the Petition: Sheldor
  16. this is a tournement for anyone who is not a pro. i dont care if ur in a clan, either way, just enter, u need exactly 8 people i will except the first 8 teams. round one is 4 games. game 1, btb on hemmorhage game 2, 5 best members on your team do a slayer on the cage, pinnacle, or asylum game 3, submit your best 4 players into a 4v4v4v4. game 4, btb on map of better teams choice, not-custom best 4 advance. round 1 is 8v8 and 8v8. team that loses by the most is eliminated final 3 do 5v5v5 final 2 do 8v8 on the cage to 200 kills thats it GT: A hil13
  17. I have been playing the Halo series since the original one for the X-Box, and have also played countless shooters. From the Game-cube to the PS3, I've seen them all. Age-wise, I'm approaching the end to my video game career- college is all too realistically close, and money is starting to become thin for frivolous purchases. Halo 4 is going to be one of my last purchases, and I would love to see near every idea proposed on these forums to go into this game- An epic forge, bots, countless vehicles: Halo 4 should be "ballz to the wallz" crazy. What does the rest of the fanbase think? I understand some few are conservatives, wanting to see Halo 4 restricted and unrefined, but I honestly think that would be an enormous waste.
  18. Hey this is A hil13 (GAMERTAG), and i am looking for a small, new, big team battle clan to have a clan war with on custom made maps. If u wish to do this with us please reply, friend me on xbox, and message me on xbox Also, if we can get enough clans, id like to have a small tournement. For any info on what to do for the maps, what kinds of things can be on them, and what to do for the game type, reply to this thread.
  19. Maximum of 16 clan members enter for each clan. Each clan gets to pick one map they will play their games on if they are the "Home Team". This map must follow these guidelines; takes up much of forge world is a custom made btb map, (or u can choose an already existant map) no spartan lasers(in a class or map) no scorpians no classes with snipers one sniper on the ground for each team with only 4 bullets in it no gauss wart hogs one or no warthogs for each team one life 5 different classes to choose from 10 rounds triple elimination, lose 3 games and your out *FREE TO ENTER, just for FUN no cheating, cheating results in automatic elimination once we get down to the final 4 teams we will seed it based on how well they did in the triple elimination round. the final round will best 2 out of 3 clan battles, 10 rounds each, single elimination. winner ges a congradulatory post on this website, and fame in the halo world. any clan may enter but fist u must meet with me (gamertag: A hil13) to make sure u understand all rules above. i may post new info about this on this page, about any new rules or how many spots are left. this will take place over the courseof the next few months. see u soon!
  20. Decided to see who else feels they should follow the same footsteps as those being released nowadays. I think it will be better for a huge title like ''Halo'' and from my experience playing GOW3 on their dedicated servers sure helps out. No longer do i get all the bs games lagging everywhere. If you don't agree that’s cool but take note if you've had lag issues on a game like GOW3 in the past its either down to you having a ****y connection or you playing on their hosted servers which if you go and purchase the new maps you'll find it's better and that they stick you on the dedicated servers which helps a hell of a lot from what we all use to. So what do you think? and if no then please explain why...
  21. This is quite possibly the most amazing WTF moment in halo I've ever seen! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgLNgwZJJtY&feature=channel_video_title
  22. this new clan for halo reach, TNX is having a small tryout for the clan feb 11 at 5 oclock pm, eastern standard time. you dont have to be good though. my gamertag is A hil13 and my partner is jared starkille. we have mostly members from 14-15 years old. our website is http://tnxhaloclan.webs.com/ make an account on there and send me a message and/or frend request or jared starkille. read the main parts of the website and on saturday is when the first tryouts will begin. there will be more but im not guarentteeing there will be more. so join fast!
  23. I wish there was a playlist in firefight where you could fight both covanent and flood. A three-way battle between us, the covanent, and the flood would be epic. Having some of the covanent get turned into flood while fighting. Who here agrees with me? What are your opinions on what I think?
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