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  1. I don't know about you guys, and I know this is going to sound really knit-picky, but I really dislike the halo 4 announcer's voice. Yes it does sound a little like the previous games, but I feel it's too energetic ("OooverkiLL?" that's what it sounds like when I hear it). It doesn't sound like the master chief anymore (and I know it's not him in the other games reading what's going on, but to me it does sound a bit similar). I think my favorites for the voice was halo 3 and reach. I just hope they change it a little or I get used to the new voice! What do you think about this?
  2. 343i can you please bring back squad dlc, it was my favorite gametype because all the maps were beautiful and unique. With this update I am afraid that I will never play those maps again because only a fraction of people have the dlc. I know you probably wont care but many people on the cat forums are sad, and angry. Such as I am at the moment. Please consider unretiring it. As they were some of the best maps reach has to offer, thank you if you read this. -alex smith
  3. I am a pretty skilled Halo player, I have experience in gamebattles doubles and teams of four. I feel like I want to be part of a Halo clan that has a good ranking structure where it's not super easy to get to the highest rank, but not where it would be impossible either. If you want more info from me or want me to tryout for your clan, message me on xbox, my gamertag is stuntedJet. Thanks for looking at my post, -StuntedJet
  4. Hey, We're making a machinima series and while we have a lot of ideas about the direction of the season (and beyond), we at Superior Masters Productions were wondering if anyone had suggestions for what they'd like to see in a machinima. Our series is called Chimera Team Alpha and is a comedy adventure series following the post-war exploits of a Spartan-Elite team, usually exploring the mysterious Forge World. Our most recent episode (Episode 2: Point of View) can be found on our channel here: Our first episode (Episode 1: A Hard Place) can be found on the 343icommunity channel here: (Admittedly, Episode 2 is better and probably is the best one to see first.) Thanks, x Master Rob x
  5. Last week, I let a friend of mine play on Reach as my guest. He did terrible. Reach's poor AFK detection thought I was cheating and banned me from earning credits. XBox Live support was completely helpless on this issue. Is there anything that can be done to get unbanned? It should be obvious from any of the save films that my guest was indeed trying. Are they resolving this issue in Halo 4? If not, I would either have to be a jerk and tell my friends who suck at reach that they can't play, or I may just avoid the title entirely. Why not just drop AFK players from the game instead of having a ban based only on score? The current system was poorly thought out. Some people just can't get a kill when they first start playing.
  6. Hi guys it's CAMS24 I have a new annoying question for you. I'm asking this question to every person who played and/or play Halo 3 ODST and Halo Reach. The question is: ''Which Firefight mode do you prefer'' ? Do you prefer the old/original mode of Halo ODST ? Or do you prefer to be free to change the settings and modify everything, in the Halo Reach/New mode? Personally, my favorite mode is the Old one. I could not explain it. I just think it was better, the feeling of making a firefight, survive... Then what's about you, everyone ?
  7. This nifty little thread is intended to help keep you from bans in Halo: Reach. I can only list a few things that will get you banned. If you know of more, post them and I will update the list. I intend to have a full list here on hand to help others avoid bans. AND to keep the would be boosters away from boosting. So far, what is known that can get you any type of ban is: -Being AFK for too long. Usually they will return you to the lobby, but sometimes this results in a Credit Ban. -Spawn Killing another AFK team or spawn trapping, etc. This is serious, the Banhammer can detect spawn killing on AFK players, but forcing others to be spawn killed in CTF, etc sometimes can not. 343 will eventually catch up and will consider it a serious offense when they do. Even a first offense can result in a bad Credit Ban or even worse, such as your account being banned from XboxLive. -Using aimbots and other external utilities to amplify your game is very serious. Even if stealth-patched, they can still Credit-Ban or Matchmaking Ban the account if it is obvious within a theater video that one is being used. Contact would have to be established first to report it, which is unlikely. If not stealth-patched you may get a banned XBOX. -Unplugging your ethernet cord as you earn a challenge to repeatedly earn it will also result in either a Credit Ban, or a Credit Reset. 343 will catch you. -Manipulating the network or lag-switching can be caught as well, unless you have illegally stealth-patched your XBOX. This can result in punishments such as a fine or a full-out XBOX ban. Meaning your XBOX is banned. -Quitting or betraying too much can get you a temporary Matchmaking Ban. So far, that is all I can remember right now. I'm sure there are more that I forgot or haven't learned of yet. That is the purpose of this thread. Post any more that you know of and I will update the list. And you will get a free like. Contributions so far by: Mr. Payne Victory Element The Director
  8. Hi there, I'm SabotDagger117. I'm looking for people who would be intrested in being ina Halo Reach machinima.
  9. Pheonix Soldiers Hey people, So waddup people? My friends and I have recently created a clan , and want people to sign up. We aren't performance addicts or anything, but a couple good players never does any harm We mostly play for fun and time-pass, but also do a lot of serious stuff. Like tea-bagging, d*** sucking, spawn killing, and corpse dancing. (For those of you who don't know what :left: meant, you'll learn when you join us.) But when we do play seriously, we prefer using strategies. Well, after all, whats the use of a clan if your a lone wolf? WE DON'T BELIEVE IN LEADERS. Our Emblem- http://www.bungie.ne...&bi=38&fl=1&m=3(Mombasa, shield bg) (credits to robby 118's halo reach emblem generator) Armour - Maroon Primary color, and that's 'bout it. Service Tag - PX# (where # is your number, example - PX1, PX2, PX3) For those of you interested, send one or more of us friend requests on XBox Live - VVShashank, ThinkableManx75, Nickname67. (Without commas or fullstops, duh)
  10. So I took a few months off from reach. Now I'm playing again and I'm wondering how the new arena works. I've heard that win/loss ratio is as important as rating. Any tips on getting a good arena ranking?
  11. Hey guys I'm getting a roxio capture card soon and was wondering what machinimas i could do. Im not 100% good video editor but I can do some things. I dont know how to add effects like following a person with a real image of a pizza box in his hands but I never really looked that up. Anyways what are your ideas for a machinima. I would love to hear what you guys would like to do. Let's keep this Halo related. I dont want to do some montages or pro snipes or whatever the hell Call of Duty has. I want Halo machinimas. Strictly Halo. I have to make it do-able too. That means I don't want un-realistic stuff as far as map editing or viewpoints. I would love to see some plot twists though. Anyways post your ideas below and be sure to check out my minecraft server below in my signature!
  12. DanteXO1


    From the album: Some Halo pics

    Another try at the weapon down code. Also this picture is abit dark but I think it's a nice effect I guess.
  13. DanteXO1

    Flaming Spartan

    From the album: Some Halo pics

    I found this on google this looks like a banner verison of this

    © Bungie

  14. DanteXO1

    Red Spartan (REACH)

    From the album: Some Halo pics

    One of the Bungie.net profile icons. I like this icon. Because it's Red and a Spartan.....
  15. DanteXO1

    REACH Cover

    From the album: Some Halo pics

    Found on google.

    © Bungie

  16. DanteXO1

    Make It,Worth It

    From the album: Some Halo pics

    I was bored so I went to try out the weapon down code on campagin and went on New Alexdria,It looks kinda cool I guess. This was first time using this.

    © L DanteXO1 L

  17. DanteXO1

    Flaming Spartan

    From the album: Some Halo pics

    I found this on google and it looks cool so I shared it lol. I think this was on Bungie.net

    © Bungie

  18. I didn't like Reach. The campaign, the characters, the multiplayer, nothing. Armor Lock is overpowered, jet pack lasts too long and goes too high, Hologram just sucks, and the campaign is hard to connect to just like the characters. Opinions?
  19. Hello everyone and welcome! I am currently the representitive for the clan Honor Bound Alliance, or HBA, for short. We are a dedicated clan that is in for fun and for competition. We have clan training sessions so that you can rank up quickly and if you mess up, we will tell you what you did wrong and how to improve to get better not only in the clan, but at gaming in general. We are a fairly new clan with almost 50 members to date and still counting everyday! We also have clan battles. But onlywithin our clan currently to judge how well our members are in general. If you are good, you can expect to rank up quickly. Here are some tips on ranking up in the clan. 1. Be active. Don't join just to be apart of something. 2. Be loyal. Don't join and then leave to go to another clan and then leave that one saying you want to join back. You will have one chance to join back after the first time you leave. After that, you will be permanantly banned from the clan. 3. Go to clan training sessions. These are more importamt than you think. 4. Go to clan battles. These also are important, and they are very fun! 5. Go to clan meetings. These are highly important. 6. Recruit more members. The more you recruit, the higher your rank is! That's pretty much it. So don't be shy or afraid that you are too bad at gaming to be apart of HBA. Becuase you're not. We can help. And we don't care about your rank or your age. Just don't get on our nerves if you have a squeeky voice (no offense). So if you want to join, post below, send me a message on Xbox LIVE, and send me a friend request. And don't forget that now until June 30 is an automatic rank up to Corporal! This saves you two training sessions!
  20. Halo: Reach does not exist, the game plot is completely wrong, and none of it ever happened. I am here to prove once and for all that the plot of Halo: Reach is not canon, it is a rewrite, and is not real Halo, not only as a cry for justice that we have been betrayed by the people we trusted to deliver the battle of reach, "From the beginning, you know the end." as the official slogan of the game goes. But to shoot down any bastardization of future plot destruction by way of material from Halo: Reach being used in the future. I will start with the most plain flaws of the plot, number one on my list is the Pillar of Autumn. The Pillar of Autumn as seen in Halo: Reach was grounded and preparing to launch, this is not true, I reference the book 'the fall of reach'(which came out before halo2) as my evidence. QUOTE FROM "the fall of reach" CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE 0400 Hours, August 30, 2552 (Military Calendar) / UNSC Pillar of Autumn, in orbit around Epsilon Eridani System, Reach Military Complex Captain Keyes tapped the thrusters of the shuttle pod Coda. The tiny craft rolled and the Pillar of Autumn cam into view. Normally, Captains did not ferry themselves around the space docks of Reach, but Keyes had insisted. All unauthorized personnel were restricted to a narrow flight path around the Pillar of Autumn, and he wanted to take a careful look around the outside of this ship before he took command. END QUOTE/// This is about half of the first page of chapter twenty nine of 'the fall of reach' page 271 by my book. As we see here clearly the Pillar of Autumn was not on the ground when the battle started, and ive even heard that the Pillar of Autumn was built in space and cannot land, but I dont have a source for that so its not valid in this argument. QUOTE FROM 'the fall of reach' (last paragraph of chapter twenty nine) "Approaching Reach system's edge," Ensign Lovell reported. "Ready to generate a slipstream--" "Captain!" Lieutenant Dominique cried. "incoming Alpha priority transmission from FLEETCOME HQ at Reach... sir, they'er under Covenant attack!" END QUOTE/// Page 278 by my book. With both of these quotations in mind, the plot of Halo: Reach, is utterly wrecked in totality... The basis of the end plot was that Cortana, or a portion of her as has been suggested to me, could not possibly be delivered to the Pillar of Autumn, because it was, as seen in chapters 33-37 in space throughout the entire battle. Even the battle itself in Halo: Reach is completely wrong, I will not quote anymore in the interest of saving space in this post, but the final chapters 33-37 are available to be read by anyone who is willing to take the time to read them. In summery, the Pillar of Autumn was surprise attacked by a Covenant Carrier and narrowly destroyed it because of Cortanas skill and capability taking control of the ship. They then turned around and make full thrust to return to Reach in an attempt to join the fleet in orbit, which they were unable to do. They then witnessed the battle for reach from a large distance and on approach, there were approximately one hundred fifty UNSC ships in orbit, with approximately three hundred Covenant ships preparing to attack from afar. By the time the Pillar of Autumn came into range of the battle in was nearly to late. John(master chief)Linda, and James, were dispatched to secure navigation data from a space dock to keep it out of Covenant hands, while the rest of the Spartan-IIs were sent to the surface of Reach to defend key instillations that powered the SUPER-MAC orbital platforms that defended the planet, similar to the Cairo Station as seen in Halo2. James was died, Linda was mortally wounded, John as well as SGT Johnson and a few marines who were on the station escaped back to the Pillar of Autumn, and they jumped to slipstream-space to Halo shortly after. There, it is done... lol Again, anyone can read the last few chapters of 'the fall of reach' and verify this summary. With all that said, does this sound like the plot of Halo: Reach? Even a little? Of course not, because Halo: Reach is a rewrite and bastardization of a perfect plot that would have been one hell of a game all on its own... Leaving all of that aside, we have the Spartan-IIIs According to the book 'ghosts of onyx' the III program started in the year 2531, with candidates of ages six, doing the math, the oldest possible IIIs in existence would at oldest be twenty seven years old. When looking at Carters profile on Halopedia, we see that he is in fact thirty two years of age, this is impossible, not to mention that the first two batches of IIIs had all died off. Kat-B320 22 years old Emile-A239 29 years old Jun-A266 28 years old Impossible, all impossible, Kat is the only one old enough to even exist, and that in of itself is in question. I could drag on and on pointing out every single flaw in the very substance of Halo: Reach, but this alone is enough in any court of law for to exact a ruling. I would like to last mention that the armor they use is not even armor rated for IIIs the armor they use is refered to 'ghosts of onyx' but as I said im done at this point. With the conclusion of just what we see above, not even the fullest documentation of lies and insults to the fans, the destruction of integrate and well as the truest nature of the halo universe in the minds of countless fans around the world. I here by demand an official apology from those responsible, I want a public statement that the game Halo: Reach is not cannon, and is in fact a rewrite "fan-fiction" game, and has not sway or control over any plot material past present and future. Any questions or concerns with the evidence above I will be happy to explain and assist in any way I can, I want to make this fact as clear and understood for everyone as much as possible. Thank you.
  21. VJR117

    HALO VJR117

    From the album: VJR117

    The best album there is
  22. I am really hoping that people are willing to come and play a few custom games with me. If you are interest post a message. If you have a mic please state in post.
  23. It's come to my attention that there are a couple of playlists that used to have far more players than they do now. Those playlists are Team Swat and Team Snipers. The main reason for this is because playing on the same maps over and over again gets old pretty quickly. The lack of maps in both playlists is annoying to say the least. Another reason is that the credit jackpots and challenges are geared toward the larger playlists (which is pretty ironic given that Swat is a pretty large playlist). The following is all in my own opinion. Updates that should happen for Swat: 1. New maps. There are quite a few maps in Team Slayer and BTB (ikr) that would be great for Swat. While adding new maps to Swat, it should be remembered that in Swat symmetry is a good thing. You can learn a lot from maps that players have forged as to what would be good in Swat and what wouldn't be (most maps designed with Swat in mind are perfectly symmetrical). It wouldn't even be hard to add Team Slayer or BTB maps to Swat. There is no need to edit them because if Slayer works, then so does Swat. Adding maps is the critical update that is needed. 2. A possible ZB option. Most Swat veterans are of the opinion that Swat would be even more amazing with Zero Bloom. It shouldn't be permanently switched to ZB, mind you, but the option to play Swat on ZB should be there. It would make Swat a little more difficult, but Swat isn't exactly considered an "easy" playlist like Slayer, BTB, or Objective. Another argument that supports this is that Swat is supposed to be based off of a players aim rather than how fast they can spam a trigger. 3. A Super Jackpot. As far as I know, Swat has never had a Super Jackpot before. Which seems rather unfair considering that nearly every other playlist has. Even Infection. A SJ would bring more players into the playlist, which would give veteran players new people to play with. It will also encourage other players to at least try it out a bit to see if they like it. Updates that should happen for Snipers: 1. New maps. DEFINITELY new maps. There are nearly a dozen maps that should be in Snipers that aren't due to either oversight or laziness. ALL BTB maps work with Team Snipers, ALL slayer maps work with Snipers, and all MLG maps work with Snipers. The only excuse for the lack of maps in Snipers is "We haven't gotten around to it yet." If more maps came into Snipers, the size of the playlist would probably double by the end of the week. 2. More Daily and Weekly Challenges. There are no daily or weekly challenges that I know of that are especially attuned to Snipers. There are some for Swat (magnum kills can happen in other playlists of course, but it's obvious that Swat Magnums is the quickest way to get the challenge) so why not for Snipers? 3. Raised Game Time. There are a lot of Snipers games that aren't completed due to lack of time in game, especially on larger maps like Hemorrhage. Another couple of minutes should see these games through to completion. 4. Super Jackpot. It will do the same thing for Swat as it will for Snipers. More people playing = more fun. 5. Either update or remove Hemorrhage. The spawns are Red heavy (means it gives red a little advantage over blue. Yeah, you know it does don't lie.) Spawns at half-map or in the bases (rather than around the base in plain view) will go a long way in making it more entertaining to play on Hemorrhage. That's all I can think of for now. If you have any more, feel free to post them.
  24. Dear 343industries, in case you were planning to port Halo Reach to PC, let me give you advice to make it better. In my opinion, Halo Reach pc should: -include all DLCs and multiplayer maps -be graphically improved (HD textures, Antialiasing,...) -include online and LAN co-op
  25. Hola, My name is Cynicz00. Well, at least it is to the Internet. I'm 16, a sophomore in high school, and f*cking sick of the stereotype my age group has become, and so I came to the Internet and gaming. Here, I've been able to converse with people that don't have the combined IQ of soap. As you can see, I lead an exciting life. To preserve my grades, I only play Halo: Reach competitively during the weekends, but I'll be on multiple hours every day in about a week when finals are over. Things that might interest me in you, or you in me: - I'm just started playing Halo: Reach again after a break, so I'd like a "clan" or just some cool peeps to play with online. My new "friends list" is empty. - My K/D is positive 4/5 times (I'm basing that off purely vague memory). - People that kill teammates for "power-weapons" should die in a fire. Underwater. In a volcano. - Dat Halo 4. - Interested in career in game model design. Not necessarily Halo, but obviously that'd be cool. If you know how one would get started with the basics of that aspect of game design, drop me a message. That about wraps it up. I look forward to doing "whatever people do here" with you guys. Dearest Regards, - Cynicz00
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