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  1. ive recently been playing the anniversary map pack for reach. ive experienced each map. some of them were, of course, better than others. the new anniversary slayer brings back bleedthrough, the CE pistol as well as other modifiers. i rate the map pack at 8/10. although most of the maps are great fun to play, a few of them dont really work with reach. below, im going to list my favourite maps in order from least favourite to most favourite breakneck hang em high solitary timberland battle canyon penance breakneck is too big a map for my liking and the vehicles make it a bit one sided(if one team gets the gauss hog, theyve pretty much won). hang em high is too open, if you respawn in the middle area, your pretty much dead. people just cross map. solitary is ok, but it feels too much like sword base. the multiple levels make it slightly confusing timberland is quite big, however, since there are numerous vehicles and outposts, there is plenty to do on this map. battle canyon is a bit too small, especially with a sniper rifle on the map. however, it is still great fun due to the enclosed spaces as well as the wide open spaces. the teleporters offer strategic routes if your playing capture the flag. penance is medium sized, with lots of enclosed spaces as well as wide open spaces. the weapons and their placements are perfect for the size of the map. the layout offers strategic options for objective games, due to its multiple levels. and, whilst there are closed in paces, nobody really camps on this map. below, im including a link to my first ever game on penance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbndHtK_DoU
  2. When I was Deleting My Halo Reach Maps For More Memory, I didn't want to go delete them one by one because i had so many so i just deleted the whole halo reach thing and i forgot about my recon helmet dlc and my legendary flaming helmet armor ability dlc for halo reach so i went in to the download history to download them back and couldn't find them, and then i went to xbox support and the said to go to 343 forums and hopefully they will send you those codes back. Can You Help Me
  3. Do you think 343 should put the Halo franchise back onto PC as well as Xbox? and if so should they allow cross platform multiplayer? I think that it should be on pc with cross platform support but pc players do not get the aim assist and there can be controller only settings for parties that force pc players to use a controller if they join the party.
  4. I would like you to reply to this, i believe that the forerunners could be human, or over evolved human species, according to the info. Example: Only human DNA can activate halo array, Forerunner technology is mainly found on or near earth. , Human kind is to selfish to of not made a genetic copy of its self. Please Respond
  5. This is just something I've been thinking about lately and it's still more of a conceptual sketch that I'm working out as I go along. Basically what I'm going for is the Halo 3 true skill system, with the addition of commendations, and horizontal rankings based on grades. So for a rough sketch it would be something like. Your rank is based on your highest skill predominantly, but you can also level up by experience and commendations. Your grade is based on your highest competence or consistency. Your highest competence is how often you perform at the base skill level or higher of your current rank. So say for every 3 games in a row played within a playlist at or above the base skill level for your rank you will earn a grade for that rank. Now leveling down in grades should be something like for every game you play below the skill level within a streak of 3 games then the amount of games you need to play at or above skill level increases by how many sub par games you played. So if you play 2 out of the 3 games below skill level then that means you you now have to play the 3rd game and 2 more games at or above skill level in order to level up 1 grade. If you play 3 games in a row below skill level then you level down by 1 grade. Your grade won't take into account the skill of who you play because your grade is your level of competence. Which means your ability to perform at your skill rank in a range of circumstances whether that mean adapting by using a machine gun turrent to level the pros or going all out with vehicles. By default the game should do its best to place you with players no more than 3 ranks apart and no more than 4 grades of difference. There are a total of 15 grades. For every time you level up in vertical rank your grade decreases by 3, but you can never get negative grades either by leveling up or playing bad games. If you're a level 10 Sergeant then you will be a level 7 warrant officer (whatever the next rank is). So grades between ranks would also relate to each other by levels of 3. Now how you rank up in your actual rank would be the same as you do in Halo 3 true skill but with a Reach twist in the experience system. I believe the trueskill system in Halo 3 was that for every game you win you gain one experience and for every game you lose you lose one? I think the ratios there were different. And there is also your sigma which is as high as possible and your actual skill level which is where you're actually being ranked at right? So your sigma is constantly decreasing by every game you play and once your rank and sigma meet this is your True Skill? Please correct me if I'm wrong. So what I'm thinking is that we keep the win lose experience, but now add in commendations in this way. These commendations would track experience, skill progression, and which rank you stood out most at. Skill / experience commendations work like the commendation counters in Halo Reach. They count how many kills of certain types, and feats you pull off in matchmaking, but with a new addition. The ratings they show: onyx, gold, silver, and iron would work on a different principle. They would rank themselves based on which group of ranks those feats and kills were done in with the highest percentage. Like this: Commendation: Heavy Weapons (Iron)Recruit to Sergeant:5% (Silver)Sergeant to Major:30% (Gold)Major to Colonel:40% (Onyx)Colonel to General:25% So in this case this person would have gold in Heavy Weapons. Maybe this could also demote second accounts or at least old account generals from crushing newer players because they may want to save racking up their commendations for later ranks. Commendation rating constantly changes as you level up and earn more for different ranks. Again remember this is all a rough sketch and feel free to sight any nessesary improvements, additions, and things that are best to cut out as you see nessesary. Now for the next part of how you can vertically rank up. We've talked about experience now I want to introduce skill points and "choosing when you rank up" vertically. Skill points or rating points you can also call them would be the accumulation of ratings earned in games. Each vertical rank would require a certain amount of experience (not commendations) and skill points in order to level up. The amount of experience required should be experientially and proportionately more than the amount of skill points. You will automatically level up once the amount of experience needed is aquired. However once you gain the amount of skill points needed to rank up you will be able to choose when that happens by having the option to do a challenge or vidmaster when you have enough skill points. Once completed you will rank up. Of course the chances of this really getting in word for word or at all are slim, but it's always fun to imagine right? I haven't seen anyone else post anything similar to this either and it's even more unlikely for specific ideas to get in. I'm really just trying to experiment with getting as many people from both "conservative" and "liberal" sides of Halo to maybe accept something equally. And maybe there could be something like depending a specific grade reached for a rank you can earn a specialist rank. Like if you're a grade 10 Sergeant then you would become a Petty Officer.
  6. Okay now I am not the best with seeing the whole picture nor do I have keen sense of detail. I may be a bit of a Halo radical and I see that now. I didn't hate Reach and still don't, but I don't think it was the best Halo either. I honestly believe that many of the reasons the "core fan base" say they hate Reach for are actually in hindsight only coincidental affected aspects that are made to branch off from the real issues. And I believe one of those is that Reach wasn't really part of the epic and familiar trilogy we know and love. Reach on its own honestly didn't impress me much as a story I admit. Maybe it was a little sketchy because Bungie was kind of taking a leap of faith even though I am one of the many that promoted this. I still thought Reach had a great campaign the first time I played through, but it just lacked diversity or at least a feel of different scenarios. I think the main issue is that in truth Reach is like a entirely new IP in spirit and it failed to capture us like CE. It was like trying to breed a new and nostalgic feel in a evolved body, but that role is already cemented in CE. It is a prequel and was intended to stand alone from the other games. It didn't inherent the legacy and energy from the other games naturally. It truly had to be built from the ground up in that sense and this is what we missed. Maybe it would have been 5xs more impressive if it was Halo 4 and we were still with chief. If we were going with some passed on energy from previous games, but it wasn't. It was a stand alone title and relative to the cohesive glory of the other games it just didn't match up. And it didn't grab us like CE did when it kicked off the trilogy. But now I'm not going to try to rant about campaign or even about other aspects of Halo because like I said before I am not the best with details and seeing the whole picture. I don't hate Reach so I'm not going to rant anyway. I want to say hi and I hope to post some idea and discussion threads later on and get along with this community, and just observe the creative bomb rush of activity on these forums.
  7. Hey guys, been meaning to post an introduction but am just now getting time to. Well, I guess I'll start with saying that that yes, I'm obviusly a Halo fan, but that's all I really play. ....at all XD I'm 14, turning 15 on Friday, November 25 and have been playing Halo since I was about 6 and have been stuck with it ever since. I live in Tennessee, have a huge passion for music, and love graphic design, Science, and in-depth thinking. XD (I overthink everything, and usually have too much to say about the simplest things just because I think in many different perspectives) The musical instruments I can play are Trumpet, (main) Guitar, Piano. I also know how to play many other Brassinstruments, and can also play some on the dums, but those instruments are the ones that I know most fluently. I was thinking about making a Photoshoo/graphic design thread, but didn't know how many people ever... designed.. XD I was thinking that people coud post images that they had designed or digitally painted, annd maybe even give each other ideas on what to make, or maybe even have a different thread every week on a common subject to create images. Well, I'm glad to be aprt of this community and hope to make a lot of friends with you all. Thanks for reading, RANMAN
  8. I don't know about you guys, but Halo 3 Forge mode was just so much fun it really brought replay value to a whole new scale, especially when they released DLC for it, i'm hoping 343i will bring Forge mode over to Halo 4, however it hasn't been confirmed yet whether they will include it in Halo 4 or not, what do u guys think, should Forge be in Halo 4?
  9. I'm wondering if anyone has found any clues to what's going to happen in Halo 4. 343 did say that there would be secrets revealed about halo 4 in anniversary and if you found any share them here. OP please refer to my post in your thread, all others please no more responses. OP please respond when you read my response so I can close this thread. Absolute Dog
  10. Hello everyone I will be hosting a 16 player match of alpha zombies. Winner gets a 25 doller best buy card to use online. if you would like your card in person i can walk you through the process. Gamer Tag:AchangeofFate. Disclaimer:I take all responsibility of this contest.343 industries has no part in this contest.Its just for fun.
  11. I think 343 did a wonderful job with the remake of the Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary campaign! I'm not as impressed with the multiplayer. I understand that Hemmorrhage is already included in Halo: Reach but frankly I feel that map is a disgrace to the original, I would like a 1:1 replica of the original blood gulch, updated of course and possibly the every other map from the original Halo, the remake as I see it is a tribute to the original, so why only include 6 maps, not to mention several are Halo 2 maps. I spent 40 dollars for the disc, I don't want to switch to Halo: Reach every time I want to play Blood Gulch, given that then why not just play all the maps on Halo: Reach? well why did I spend 40 dollars for a disc, the selling point of the Halo franchise is the multiplayer why not give a little more effort in bringing back all the maps. So I say give us a DLC Give us Blood Gulch, not Hemmorhage Give me Rat Race, Sidewinder, and Longest I just want a complete Remastered Halo: CE
  12. Here's how it works: 1. Find where the Spartan/Elite is in the picture above your post 2. Post a copy with the Spartan/Elite circled 3. Post another picture WITH THE DIFFICULTY *Try to keep the spartan/player well hidden, but NOT impossible to find*
  13. The title says it all. But I'll say it again. What's your all time favourite Halo CE quote? I'll start off with a few: I woulda been your daddy, but a dog beat me over the fence! Wort wort wort! (It's funny to me) The Corp issued me a rifle, not wings! Halo. It's finished. No, I think we're just getting started.
  14. HLG (Hidden League Gaming) is not dead in fact every day we hide. You may be thinking that we are lame because we don't fight, but we fight as well. It depends what mood we're in. Sometimes the normal game might get boring, but not for us. We have a blast every day and there are so many of us. There are so many spots you wouldn't have thought of even existed. We have so much fun and it's hilarious when we hide on certain people. So come give us a chance and look at some of our videos. You will learn so many new hiding spots and glitches, and hey maybe if you're any good you could join us. We're kind of full and like the team we have right now, but you could impress us. Our team is called HLG (Hidden League Gaming) PRO (******** Randoms Off). If you want to laugh, learn some glitches, and learn some hiding spots then go to this link now: http://youtube.com/hlgprofessional
  15. if you have an exotic idea for halo 4 reather forge, MM, firefight, campaign or even theater, post it here. so heres mine. idea for halo 4 a weapon trading system where if you have a (lets say a sniper) but you dont want to snipe any more your buddy says "hey can i have it" you say sure and you both press and hold X when close to each other and you trade your current weapons with each other. this idea could be used like this in matchmaking, or in a custom game where there is a setting to enable the weapon trading, same thing in forge, and firefight. tell me what you like or dont like about it P.s. i know there was allready a halo for wishlist thread but that had to many posts to read through them all
  16. I just wish I wish that somebody reads this first. then understands my point. What i want for halo 4 is to the player being able to use a diversity of ships foreroner, Covenant, UNSC make new vehicles im kinda tired of the warthog being the **** on halo make more innovations idk... also like...let us drive pelicans, phantoms on campaign & Multiplayer let us have a MAPS that we can use the Pelicans and phantoms at-least just two for each team make it like essential to use tactics with them to win a battle, but don't make it a game type -.- not like invasion on reach. like make it usable for Custom slayer, bomb, CTF and FORGE!!!!! etc and we transport our team mates in them throughout the battle field of course don't make them weak like a banshee or as a Halo 3 wraith also don't make the Spartans and elites the only playable characters if the covenant is in halo 4 let us be jackals, hunter, or grunts i've played ALL the halo games i bought them the day all of them came out i am a hardcore gamer but i want change in Halo 4 but don't make change so much people don't know it's halo... go back to the routes that made the halo franchise the best in the market take as the example of the US economy our leaders have changed to "progress" so dramatically they forgot to keep the things that made us great. Make alot of changes 343 but don't look at reach for innovation, look at halo 3 and stay more like halo 3 and make changes in the ways wished in the begging one more thing if you make us us these vehicles
  17. As with the Reach forum, this is the official Technical Help thread for all things regarding the CEA edition of Halo as well as the original Combat Evolved. Same rules apply as the Reach forum one. Ask your tech questions, and myself or others will do our best to answer them. Ready set go!!!!!
  18. Who says in honor of the anouncement of Halo 4 continueing the story of Master Cheif and his allys that before Halo 4 is released 343 holds one last event in Halo 3 prepareing our selfs for what is to come!!
  19. i found this awesome halo music video on youtube and thought i should share it with my fellow halo fans . the song is "knights of cydonia" by muse http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anh5yskH7jk
  20. Here is a look at Hang em high which will be known as High Noon.
  21. Here is a picture of my latest Halo Tattoo. The first one was the legendary symbol on my shoulder. This one has taken a lot longer to get done than I thought. Andi from Red Octopus Tattoos in Prince Frederick, Md does great work. Probably need about 1 or 2 more hours to finish up the shading. What do you think?
  22. Hey Everyone, and Welcome to 'The Official Halo 4 Armor Thread'! This forum talks everything related to armor speculation and ideas for Halo 4. This includes the any Leaked Images, and Ideas for the Unlocking System, Spartan Armor, Elite Armor, ect. Leaked Pictures: *None Yet* Unlocking System: Guys I think that Armor should be in unlockable through the style of Halo 3. There were so many different ways to unlock some. Whether it was ranking up, skulls, or achievements.. You could still unlock some armor. Unlike Reach, where you are actually forced to play till you rank up, then earn enough credits till you can by a certain armor piece. Spartan Armor: For types of Armor, I say mix old and new together so Everyone's Happy. For instance, for Halo 4 they need to bring back some armor from Halo CEA, Halo 3 and Reach. In other words, they must bring back the "Fan-Favorites". One's like Mark V, Mark VI, Recon, Hayabusa, and Commando must make a return. Simply because, they are probably the 5 Most Favorite armor's of all the Halo Titles. And well, they just looked Flat-out Awesome! Elite Armor: For Elites, I prefer Halo 3 because you have a much better choice of Customization. As compared to Reach, where you are limited to pre-set types of armor. For looks, I think they need to make the Elites look like Halo 3. Why? Well because they actually look "Mean". In Reach they just look a little Bobble-Headed and Cartoonish to me. Excellent Ideas: As for my Personal Favorites, I would like to see these Helmets make a Return: Halo 3 - Recon Hayabusa Mark V (From Halo: CEA) Mark VI Sequrity CQB Halo: Reach - Commando ODST I put ALOT of work into this thread, so please feel free to comment with your Opinions and Ideas. And don't forget to Vote! Thanks for Reading!
  23. A lot of pooples don't seem to know what a Forerunner is or what their role was in the Halo Universe so help me explain. What I know I learned from reading, watching Origins I and II, and talking to Halo Fans. The Forerunners were(or possibly are) a very advanced civilization. The most advanced civilization that humans have ever thought of. They created the Halo Rings to stop The Flood from controlling all sentient life in the Galaxy, at the cost of all life in the Galaxy, including their own. but they prepared for this mass slaughter and re-populated the planets with the same species that originally inhabited them, save their own species. The chief blew up one of the Halo Rings(Alpha Halo) but it turned out there was a replacement. The Forerunners are awesome like that.
  24. Hey yall. Was browsing halo stuff on Google when i can upon this site. Contained the sheet music and i believe mp3 to the majority of halo music. being a high school musician myself i went crazy over this site. If you are a musician who loves halo or just love the music in general this site is for you. just sign up and BOOM tons of music at your disposal. Relating to poll, please feel free to discuss and post anything relating to halo and music of halo.
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